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SY 2025–26 USDA Foods Available List and Pricing

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently published the USDA Foods Available List (FAL), the USDA Foods List of Materials report, the USDA Foods Processor Material Prices report, and the USDA Foods Database for School Year (SY) 2025–26.

USDA Foods Available List

The FAL is available on the USDA Foods Expected to be Available web page External link opens in new window or tab., and includes foods that the USDA expects to purchase for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) in SY 2025–26. A summary of changes to the most recent FAL is below.

Items Added

  • Apple, Honeycrisp, Fresh, 40-pound (lb.) case, Item Code 111895
  • Black Bean Burger, Patties, 2.0 Meat/Meat Alternative (M/MA), Cooked, Frozen, 30 lb. case, Item Code 111860
  • Chicken, Pulled, Cooked, Frozen, 6-5 lb. or 3-10 lb. bag, Item Code 111881
  • Cheese, Mozzarella, Low Moisture Part Skim, Chilled, 20 lb. block wrapped, Item Code 111791 (for processing only)

Items Removed

  • Apples, Braeburn, Fresh, 40 lb. case, Item Code 100523
  • Flour, Bakers Hard Wheat, Unbleached, 50 lb. bag, Item Code 100413

Items Changed

The following product specification has been updated to prohibit soy-containing ingredients. This product will now be soy-free.

  • Beef, Patties, Cooked, 2.0 M/MA, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 110711

The following product description has been updated to clarify that the product is cooked. The products remain the same as what was previously supplied:

  • Chicken, Boned, White Meat, Cooked, Canned, 12/50 oz can, Item Code 100877

The following two product descriptions have been updated to clarify that the products are coarse ground and cooked. The products remain the same as what was previously supplied.

  • Beef, Coarse Ground, Cooked, Canned, 24/24 oz can, Item Code 100127
  • Pork, Coarse Ground, Cooked, Canned, 24/24 oz can, Item Code 100139

The following product descriptions have been updated to clarify that the products are raw. The products remain the same as what was previously supplied.

  • Beef, Fine Ground, 100%, 85/15, Raw, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 100158
  • Beef, Fine Ground, 100%, 85/15, Lean Finely Textured Beef Optional. Raw, Frozen, Item Code 110261
  • Beef, Patties, 100%, 85/15, Raw, 2.0 M/MA, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 110349
  • Beef, Patties, 100%, 90/10, Raw, 2.0 M/MA, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 110346
  • Beef, Patties, Lean, Raw, 2.0 M/MA, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 100163
  • Beef, Patties, w/SPP, 85/15, Raw, 2.0 M/MA, Frozen, 40 lb. case, Item Code 110348
  • Pork, Leg Roast, Raw, Frozen, 36-42 lb. case, Item Code 100173
  • Chicken, Cut-up, Raw, Frozen 4/10 lb. bag, Item Code 111361
  • Turkey, Roast, Raw, Frozen, 4/8-12 lb. roasts, Item Code 100125

The material codes of the following products have been updated to reflect a change in truckload weight from 40,000 lbs. (1,000 cases) to 38,400 lbs. (960 cases). No other changes were made to the specifications.

  • Turkey, Deli Ham, Smoked, Sliced, Frozen, 8/5 lb. package, previously Item Code 110911 changed to Item Code 111893 – Turkey, Deli Ham, Smoked, Sliced, Frozen – 8/5 lb. package
  • Turkey, Deli Breast, Sliced, Frozen, 8/5 lb. package, previously Item Code 110554 changed to Item Code 111900 – Turkey, Deli Breast, Sliced, Frozen, 8/5 lb. package
  • Turkey, Deli Breast, Sliced, Frozen, 8/5 lb. package, previously Item Code 110910 changed to Item Code 111910 – Turkey, Deli Breast, Sliced, Frozen – 8/5 lb. package

Product specifications have been updated to 1) include the product-based added sugars limit for yogurt of no more than 12 grams of added sugars per 6 ounces (2 grams of added sugars per ounce) to align with the Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Final Rule and 2) to prohibit the use of artificial sweeteners as an alternative to added sugars. Yogurt products currently supplied by USDA Foods vendors already meet the added sugars requirement; because of this, products will remain the same as what was previously supplied.

  • Yogurt, High-Protein, Vanilla, Chilled (K), 6/32 oz tub, Item Code 111750
  • Yogurt, High-Protein, Blueberry, Chilled (K), 24/4 oz cup, Item Code 110400
  • Yogurt, High-Protein, Blueberry, Chilled (K), 24/4 oz cup. Item Code 110401
  • Yogurt, High-Protein, Blueberry, Chilled (K), 24/4 oz cup, Item Code 110402

USDA Foods List of Materials Report

This report helps school food authorities (SFAs) determine the types and quantities of USDA Foods to order based on pack size and pricing. It also helps SFAs find a fair market price for the food they will be receiving.

The USDA Foods List of Materials report contains the most recent USDA purchase price for all USDA Foods including acquisition price, transportation fees, and, if applicable, processing costs. This report also lists the item identification code, pack size, price per pound, and gross and net weight for all USDA foods. This information is used by the USDA to determine the appropriate contract value for each USDA Food for the upcoming SY that begins July 1. This list is available on the USDA Foods Available web page External link opens in new window or tab..

USDA Processor Material Price Report

The USDA Foods Processor Material Prices reports for SY 2025–26 are available on the USDA Food Distribution Processor Material Prices web page External link opens in new window or tab.. This information is used by SFAs, as well as national and in-state processors participating in the Food Distribution Program to estimate prices of USDA Foods for the upcoming SY.

There are two reports available:

  1. Average Material Price—this report contains the calculated annual average purchase price for USDA Foods purchased by the USDA in Federal Fiscal Year 2023–24. These prices are used on national and in-state processors’ Summary End Product Data Schedules (SEPDS) for SY 2025–26 for rebating or discounting finished end products containing USDA Foods.
  2. Average Cheese Prices Explanation—this report provides an explanation of the calculation for average cheese prices. These values are used on national and in-state processors’ SEPDS for the purpose of rebating or discounting finished end products containing USDA Foods cheeses.

USDA Foods Database

The USDA Foods Database is available for CNP-participating school districts to access up-to-date, vendor-specific nutrition, allergen, and ingredient information for direct delivered USDA Foods included on the FAL. This information can be used to make informed ordering decisions, manage menu planning, and meet USDA meal pattern requirements and nutrition standards, while providing safe meals for students with food allergies and other special dietary needs.

The USDA Foods Database is also an acceptable form of documentation for verifying how USDA Foods credit toward the meal pattern requirements during the Administrative Review.

The USDA Foods Database and instructions for its use are available on the USDA website External link opens in new window or tab.. The database is a non-editable Excel spreadsheet that allows users to search for USDA Foods by their 6-digit unique Item Code and must be downloaded and saved to be used. Because the USDA makes purchases throughout the year, the database is updated monthly to capture new vendors and product information. The USDA recommends downloading the new version each month to obtain the most current information available.

Additional Resources

Please visit California Department of Education’s USDA Foods Program Information web page, for information on the annual federal notices for the value of donated foods, USDA Foods Fact Sheets, USDA Foods Expected to be available list, and USDA Foods pricing information.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding this subject, please contact Amy Bell, Child Nutrition Consultant (CNC), by email at, or Sherry Tam, CNC, by email at

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
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