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Title I, Part D LEA Applications

Each local educational agency (LEA) desiring assistance under this subpart shall submit an application to the state educational agency annually.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1423 states that each LEA desiring assistance under this subpart shall submit an application. The following prompts below must be submitted annually to the California Department of Education via assigned folders.

In addition, LEAs must submit annual student counts from eligible residential facilities to be supported with these funds and complete the online Consolidated Application and Reporting System pages for Title I, Part D funding.

  1. a description of the program to be assisted;
  2. a description of formal agreements, regarding the program to be assisted, between—
    1. the LEA; and
    2. correctional facilities and alternative school programs serving children and youth involved with the juvenile justice system including such facilities operated by the Secretary of the Interior and Indian tribes;
  3. as appropriate, a description of how participating schools will coordinate with facilities working with delinquent children and youth to ensure that such children and youth are participating in an education program comparable to one operating in the local school such youth would attend;
  4. a description of the program operated by participating schools to facilitate the successful transition of children and youth returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, the types of services that such schools will provide such children and youth and other at-risk children and youth;
  5. a description of the characteristics (including learning difficulties, substance abuse problems, and other special needs) of the children and youth who will be returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, other at-risk children and youth expected to be served by the program, and a description of how the school will coordinate existing educational programs to meet the unique educational needs of such children and youth;
  6. as appropriate, a description of how schools will coordinate with existing social, health, and other services to meet the needs of students returning from correctional facilities, at-risk children or youth, and other participating children or youth, including prenatal health care and nutrition services related to the health of the parent and the child or youth, parenting and child development classes, child care, targeted reentry and outreach programs, referrals to community resources, and scheduling flexibility;
  7. as appropriate, a description of any partnerships with institutions of higher education or local businesses to facilitate postsecondary and workforce success for children
    and youth returning from correctional facilities, such as through participation in credit-bearing coursework while in secondary school, enrollment in postsecondary education, participation in career and technical education programming, and mentoring services for participating students;
  8. as appropriate, a description of how the program will involve parents and family members in efforts to improve the educational achievement of their children, assist in dropout prevention activities, and prevent the involvement of their children in delinquent activities;
  9. a description of how the program under this subpart will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local programs, such as programs under title I of Public Law 105-220 and career and technical education programs serving at-risk children and youth;
  10. a description of how the program will be coordinated with programs operated under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, and other comparable programs, if applicable;
  11. as appropriate, a description of how schools will work with probation officers to assist in meeting the needs of children and youth returning from correctional facilities;
  12. a description of the efforts participating schools will make to ensure correctional facilities working with children and youth are aware of a child's or youth's existing individualized education program; and
  13. as appropriate, a description of the steps participating schools will take to find alternative placements for children and youth interested in continuing their education but unable to participate in a traditional public school program.


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) External link opens in new window or tab.
The U.S. Department of Education ESSA web page.

Questions:   Sherry Davis |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
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