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IQC Meeting Minutes September 24-25 2012

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: September 24–25, 2012

(Approved on December 10, 2012)

Report of Actions

Monday, September 24, 2012

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:

Louis “Bill” Honig, Chair
Michelle Herczog, Vice Chair
Angel Barrett
Kristyn Bennett
Edward D’Souza
Jose Dorado
Angiennette “Angie” Estonina
Lori Freiermuth
Marlene Galvan
Carla Herrera
Jo Ann Isken
Nancy McTygue
Will Parish
Socorro Shiels
Julie Spykerman
Carlos Ulloa

Commissioners Absent:
Assemblymember Wilmer Carter
Senator Alan Lowenthal

Executive Director:
Thomas Adams

State Board of Education Liaisons:
Aida Molina
Patricia Rucker

  1. Full Commission
    1. Meeting called to order at 10:09 a.m. by 2012 Commission Chair Honig.
    2. Salute to the flag led by Commissioner D’Souza
    3. Overview of the Agenda

      There were no changes to the agenda. Chair Honig welcomed Carla Herrera and
      Carlos Ulloa to the Commission. In June the Senate Rules Committee appointed
      Ms. Herrera to the Commission. Ms. Herrera is a District Program Specialist for
      English Learner Programs at ABC Unified School District. In mid-September, the
      Governor appointed Carlos Ulloa to the Commission. Mr. Ulloa is a Senior
      Educational Consultant at CORE, Inc. Prior to this, he was the Director of
      Curriculum and Instruction at the San Ysidro School District.

      Chair Honig shared with the Commission a paper, Statewide Implementation
      System for Standards, Assessment, and Accountability. The paper was prepared
      by the SBE staff and presented to the SBE at its July meeting. The paper depicts
      the ongoing efforts to coordinate assessment programs, accountability systems,
      and the Common Core State Standards and highlights the role of the Instructional
      Quality Commission.

      In addition, Chair Honig reported that at the July SBE meeting, he and Tom Adams
      presented for approval two items: Draft Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria
      Committee Guidelines for the 2013 Revision of the Mathematics Framework and the
      recommended applicants to the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation
      Criteria Committee. Both of these items were approved by the SBE.

      Last, Chair Honig reported on the summer conference that was held on the
      Implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Twenty-five districts were in
      attendance and presentations from around the county were given.

    4. Report from the California Department of Education (CDE)
      1. Report from the Instruction and Learning Support Branch
        Lupita Cortez Alcala, Deputy Superintendent of the Instruction and Learning Branch
        gave a brief update on the activities of the Department. She highlighted the recently
        released report by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson’s Task
        Force on Educator Excellence, Greatness by Design.
  2. English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter

    SMC Chair Isken called the English Language Arts/English Language Development
    SMC meeting to order.

    1. Presentation on the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
      Sue Pimentel, one of the authors of the Common Core State Standards for English
      Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
      (CCSS ELA) and a co-founder of Student Achievement Partners, provided an overview
      of the standards. She provided up-to-date information and guidance on the key shifts,
      the impact of those shifts in classroom instruction, and resources to use during the
      revision of the framework and for the field.

    2. The English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California
      Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
      (ELA/ELD Framework), 2014
      1. Report on the ELA/ELD Focus Group Meetings and Public Comment Received
        Regarding the Revision of the ELA/ELD Framework (Information)
        Cynthia Gunderson, Education Programs Consultant, presented the ELA/ELD Focus
        Group Report
        and explained that the report was a compilation of oral and written
        comments received in May and June at the time of the focus group meetings. The
        focus group report also included two additional appendices, one appendix listed
        references and research noted by focus group members. A second appendix
        summarized and organized the comments in the report by topic. All input received
        served as the basis for the development of the draft guidelines for the ELA/ELD
        Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC).

      2. Draft Guidelines for the ELA/ELD Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria
        Committee (Information/Action)
         Members of the ELA/ELD SMC, other Commission members, and SBE liaisons discussed
        and recommended changes and additions to the “Draft Curriculum Framework and
        Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines for the 2014 Revision of the English Language
        Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools,
        Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
        .” The draft guidelines were developed based on the
        focus group report and additional input received during ELA/ELD SMC informational
        teleconference meetings held on August 20 and September 10, 2012. The document was
        projected for all participants and CFIRD staff highlighted changes and additions during the
        discussion in preparation for action by the full Commission.

        ACTION:  Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend to the full Commission approval of
        the “Draft Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines for the
        2014 Revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework
        for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
        ” (with the
        recommended changes) and to forward the draft guidelines to the State Board of
        Education (SBE). Commissioner Herczog seconded the motion. Sue Kaiser, Association
        of California School Administrators (ACSA), and Martha Zaragoza Diaz, Californians
        Together, spoke in support of the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of
        the committee members present (7-0).

      3. Recommendation of Members of the ELA/ELD Curriculum Framework and Evaluation
        Criteria Committee to the State Board of Education (Information/Action)
        Jim Long, Education Programs Consultant, reviewed the application process and
        projected a summary of applicants who had been identified for possible inclusion by an
        IQC member. Members of the SMC and other Commission members and SBE liaisons
        discussed the CFCC applicants and after much consideration developed a list of 20
        applicants to recommend to the SBE.

        ACTION:  Commissioner Galvan moved to forward to the full Commission the following
        teacher applicants: 462, 463, 517, 518, 444, 453, 515, 521, 448, 482, 483, 526, and 562;
        non-teacher applicants: 502, 530, 531, 534, 543, 478, and 419 for recommendation to
        the SBE for appointment to the CFCC. Commissioner Barrett seconded the motion.
        There  was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a vote
        of 6 to 1. Commissioner Estonina voted against the motion.

    3. Update on the Development Process for the English Language Development (ELD)
      Standards (Information)
      Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, Director of the English Learner Support Division, and Robert
      Linquanti, WestEd, provided an update and overview of the ELD standards. The draft  
      ELD standards were presented to the SBE at their meeting in September, but did not
      include all the referenced appendices. The SBE postponed action on the ELD standards
      until November to ensure all sections of the standards were finalized.

      The ELA/ELD SMC adjourned for the day and will reconvene Tuesday morning.
      The Ad Hoc Committee and Mathematics SMC originally scheduled to meet on
      Monday, September 24, 2012 were moved to Tuesday, September 25, 2012.
Report of Actions

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
Louis “Bill” Honig, Chair
Michelle Herczog, Vice Chair
Angel Barrett
Kristyn Bennett
Edward D’Souza
Jose Dorado
Angienette “Angie” Estonina
Lori Freiermuth
Marlene Galvan
Carla Herrera
Jo Ann Isken
Nancy McTygue
Will Parish
Socorro Shiels
Julie Spykerman
Carlos Ulloa

Commissioners Absent:
Assemblymember Wilmer Carter
Senator Alan Lowenthal

Executive Director:
Thomas Adams

State Board of Education Liaison:
Patricia Rucker

At 8:35, Commission Chair Honig called the meeting to order. He turned the
meeting over to ELA/ELD SMC Chair Isken.

  1. English Language Art/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee

    1. Recommendation of CFCC Members to the SBE (Information/Action) — Continued
      Chair Isken read comments from Ilene Straus, SBE liaison, recommending the
      ELA/ELD SMC support the concept of co-chairs for the ELA/ELD CFCC, one with a
      strong English language development background and one with strong English
      language arts. Members supported the co-chair concept and that the co-chairs
      represent northern and southern geographic areas. Members discussed possible
      applicants and after much consideration selected co-chairs to recommend to the

      ACTION:  Commissioner Bennett moved to recommend to the SBE that applicants
      530 and 543 be appointed to serve as the co-chairs of the CFCC. There was no
      further discussion or public comment. Commissioner Barrett seconded the motion. The
      motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (7-0).

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  2. Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the California Common Core State
    Standards (CCSS)
    Committee Chair Barrett called the Ad Hoc Committee meeting to order.

    1. Update on the Implementation of the CCSS (Information)
      Due to the change in schedule, Barbara Murchison, facilitator to the California
      Department of Education’s (CDE) CCSS Integrated Action Team, was not available
      to present an update on the CCSS Systems Implementation Plan.

    2. Update on the 2012 Supplemental instructional Materials Review (SIMR)
      Ken McDonald, Consultant, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources
      Division, provided an update on the Department’s supplemental instructional
      materials review aligned to the Common Core State Standards that is currently

    3. Other Matters/Public Comment: Sue Kaiser, Association of California School
      Administrators (ACSA), expressed thanks for the extensive work of the CDE in
      terms of the implementation of the CCSS at the state level. Across the state, ACSA
      continues to remain very concerned with local implementation needs and resources
      lacking to implement the common core in a comprehensive manner. She shared
      practical application and assistance needed by the field as it relates to CCSS.
  3. Mathematics Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair D’Souza called the Mathematics SMC meeting to order.
    1. Update on the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten
      Through Grade Twelve
      (Mathematics Framework), 2013 Revision (Information)
      SMC Chair D’Souza reported that on September 6–7, 2012, the Mathematics
      Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (MCFCC) held its first
      meeting. After the MCFCC had an orientation and were introduced to the
      guidelines, they discussed and suggested edits and additions to several draft

      • An overview of the grade-level and course-level chapters
      • A chapter on technology in the teaching of mathematics
      • Three grade-level chapters—grades three, four, and five

      The MCFCC also reviewed an outline of model courses for higher mathematics in
      two pathways, the traditional pathway of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II and
      the integrated pathway of Integrated Mathematics I, II, and III.

      SMC Chair D’Souza along with Commission Chair Honig, and Commissioner
      Spykerman attended the meeting and reported on their observations. All reported
      that they were impressed with the high level of knowledge and experience
      represented by the members of the MCFCC.

      The Mathematics SMC reviewed the work plan for the MCFCC. Chair D’Souza
      stated that the October CFCC meeting will have an ambitious agenda. The MCFCC
      will be reviewing and editing chapters on transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and
      grades one and two; grades six, seven, and eight; and Algebra I, Geometry, and
      Algebra II. They will also continue their work on developing an outline for model
      courses in higher mathematics. Chair D’Souza noted that he felt it was important for
      every member of the Mathematics SMC to attend one meeting. The SMC reviewed
      then finalized the members sign-up list to attend the MCFCC meetings.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  1. Executive Committee
    Commission Chair Honig called the Executive Committee meeting to order.

    1. Committee Assignments (Action)
      The Executive Committee discussed Commissioner Herrera and Ulloa’s committee
      assignments. The committee assigned Commissioner Herrera to the ELA/ELD,  
      world language, education technology, and ad hoc committees and Commissioner
      Ulloa to the history–social science, visual and performing arts, and education
      technology committees.

      Commissioner Parish suggested to re-start the Ad Hoc Committee on the
      Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI). Tom Adams stated that the
      California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) is currently updating the EEI
      curriculum and suggested rather than re-start the Ad Hoc Committee, appoint a
      commissioner to be the liaison to the EEI. Commissioner Ulloa volunteered to be
      the Commission’s liaison to the EEI. The Executive Committee voted to have
      Commissioner Ulloa serve as the EEI liaison.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  2. Education Technology Committee
    Committee Chair Bennett called the Education Technology Committee meeting to order.

    1. Results from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Readiness Tool
      Jose Ortega, Administrator, Education Technology Office, gave a presentation on
      the results from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
      Technology Readiness Tool that took place in spring 2012. The Technology
      Readiness Tool (TRT) collected school-level information technology information to
      help the SBAC and member states evaluate the technology at schools as it relates
      to the Smarter Balanced online student assessment system.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  3. Science Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair Parish called the Science SMC meeting to order.

    1. Update on the Next Generation Science Standards (Information)
      Stacey Christopher, Consultant, Professional Learning Support Division, gave an
      update on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  4. Full Commission Reconvenes
    The approval of the following minutes were consolidated to one motion

    1. Approval of Minutes for the May 3–4, 2012, Commission Meeting (Action)

    2. Approval of Minutes for the July 20, 2012 and August 15, 2012, Mathematics
      Subject Matter Committee Teleconference Meeting (Action)

    3. Approval of Minutes for the July 23, 2012, August 20, 2012, and September
      10, 2012, English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter
      Committee Teleconference Meeting (Action)
    4. Approval of Minutes for the August 23 and 30, 2012, Ad Hoc Committee on the
      Common Core State Standards Teleconference Meeting (Action)

      ACTION: Commissioner Isken moved to approve May 3–4, 2012, Commission
      meeting minutes, July 20, 2012 and August 15, 2012, Mathematics Subject Matter
      Committee teleconference meeting minutes, July 23, 2012, August 20, 2012, and
      September 10, 2012, English Language Arts/English Language Development
      Subject Matter Committee teleconference meeting minutes, and August 23 and 30,
      2012, Ad Hoc Committee on the Common Core State Standards teleconference
      meeting minutes. Commissioner D’Souza seconded the motion. There was no
      discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the
      members present (16-0).

    5. Approval of the Amended Bylaws of the Commission (Action)
      ACTION: Commissioner Friermuth moved to approve the amended Bylaws of the
      Commission and forward them to the SBE. Commissioner Barrett seconded the
      motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by
      unanimous vote of the members present (15-0). Commissioner Ulloa was not
      present for the vote.

    6. Approval of Additional 2012 Meeting Date (Action)
      ACTION: Due to the passage of Assembly Bill 1246, the Commission will need an
      additional meeting to act on proposed criteria for the upcoming mathematics
      adoption. By a consensus vote of the commissioners present, the Commission will
      hold a half day meeting on December 10, 2012.

    7. Report of the Chair
      Commission Chair Honig reported earlier.

    8. Executive Director’s Report: None

    9. Report from the State Board of Education
      On behalf of the State Board of Education (SBE), Patricia Rucker, SBE liaison,
      thanked the Commission for their work. The SBE has great confidence in the work
      the Commission is doing and admires the Commission’s commitment not only on
      the decisions and deliberations the SBE has asked the Commission to make, but
      the fact that the Commission is unafraid of the very large charge it has been given.
      She praised the Commission for the work they have taken on.

    10. Report from the California Department of Education (CDE)

      1. Instruction and Learning Support Branch
        Carrie Roberts, Administrator, Literacy, History, and Arts Leadership Office of the
        Professional Learning and Support Division provided an update on the Common
        Core State Standards Professional Learning Modules.

      2. District, School and Innovation Branch
        Patrick Traynor, Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division,
        provided an update on transitioning to new assessments.

    11. Presentation on the Career technical Education (CTE) Standards (Information)
      Patrick Ainsworth, Director, Career and College Transition Division, gave a
      presentation on the recently released for public review revised draft Career
      Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards.

    12. Reports/Actions from Subcommittees:
      All SMCs and Committees:
      English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
      ACTION: Approve Guidelines for the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation
      Criteria Committee for the 2014 Revision of the English Language
      Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools
      Commissioner Isken moved to approve the final draft, with the recommended
      changes, of the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee
      Guidelines for the 2014 Revision of the English Language Arts/English Language
      Development Framework for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade
      and forward the final draft guidelines to the SBE for adoption. Commissioner
      Galvan seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The
      motion was approved by unanimous vote of the members present (16-0).

      ACTION: Recommendation of Members of the Curriculum Framework and
      Evaluation Criteria Committee to the State Board of Education
      Commissioner Isken moved to forward the following applicants, Teacher
      Applicants: 462, 463, 517, 518, 444, 453, 515, 521, 448, 482, 483, 526, 562 and
      Non Teacher Applicants: 502, 530, 531, 534, 543, 478, 519 to the SBE for
      appointment to the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee for
      the 2014 revision of the ELA/ELD Framework. Commissioner Galvan seconded the
      motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by
      unanimous vote of the members present (16-0).

      ACTION: Recommend Co-Chairs of the CFCC
      Commissioner Isken moved the following applicants to serve as Co-Chairs of the
      CFCC: Applicants 53 and 543 and forward their names to the SBE for appointment.
      Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public
      comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the members present

    13. Individual Commissioner Reports: None

    14. Liaison Reports: None

    15. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

      Commission Chair Honig adjourned the meeting at 12:44 p.m.
Last Reviewed: Thursday, November 9, 2023
Recently Posted in Advisory Bodies, Commissions, Committees & Panels