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World Languages Standards Maps Instructions

Instructions for completing the California Standards Maps for the 2021 World Languages Instructional Materials Adoption, Kindergarten Through Grade Eight. Approved by the State Board of Education May 8, 2020.

Publishers must complete standards maps to demonstrate the alignment of their materials to the World Languages Content Standards for Public Schools. To be adopted, materials must support instruction designed to ensure that students master all the world languages content standards in the three domains (communication, cultures, and connections) for the applicable proficiency level(s). The standards are divided into four proficiency levels: novice, intermediate, advanced, and superior. If a single program is designed to meet the standards for more than one proficiency level, the publishers must complete the standards maps for all relevant proficiency levels.

Publishers must submit the completed standards maps both in digital and hard copy format to the California Department of Education (CDE), the Learning Resources Display Centers, and to the reviewers specified by the CDE. The standards maps must accompany the samples of instructional materials submitted for review. The CDE will also provide publishers with the mailing addresses of members of the Instructional Quality Commission and State Board of Education who wish to receive materials samples and standards maps. The CDE will include complete instructions for submission in the Publishers Invitation to Submit document and on the CDE web page for the 2021 World Languages Adoption. The deadline for receipt of program samples and standards maps is May 14, 2021.

Please follow the directions below carefully in order to ensure a complete and accurate review of submitted instructional materials. Please be very thorough and careful in completing the standards maps. The mapping of the standards requires comprehensive knowledge and accurate notations of the standards as they are presented in each publisher’s instructional program.

If you have any questions related to the standards maps, please contact the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at (916) 319-0881, or by email at

  1. Fill in the header for each grade-level map with the publisher's name, the program title, and list of program components. The components list should include abbreviations used in the map, such as “SE” for student edition.

  2. The first two columns respectively include the standard number and the full text of the world languages content standard for the indicated proficiency level.

  3. The third column, “Publisher Citations,” is reserved for publishers to cite where that standard is covered in their program. In this space, please provide program locations to help reviewers determine the extent to which each of the standards is covered in the program.

    Citations may be in the form of page references, digital links that connect directly to content, or other location identifiers. Please consider your citations to be exemplars rather than an exhaustive list, but provide sufficient evidence to clearly demonstrate full coverage of all parts of the standard.

    All standards for each proficiency level must be addressed.

  4. Leave the final columns blank as they are for reviewer notes. Publishers should not enter any information in these columns.

  5. Publishers may include a brief “appendix” section at the end of each grade-level standards map to provide additional explanation of their citations or comments regarding specific entries, if necessary.

  6. The CDE will cover all of this information again at the Publishers Invitation to Submit meeting in January 2021.
Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 8, 2023
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