Charter Schools in California Counties

Santa Cruz County Charter Schools
White: Classroom based instruction (80% of annual instruction on a school site under the supervision of an employee of the school)
Light Pink: Non-Classroom based Independent Study Site (Students may be served in contiguous counties)
School NameCharter NumberSite TypeMore DetailsStatistical Info
Alianza Charter0164Site-based InstructionAlianza CharterDataQuest Reports
California Online Public Schools Monterey Bay2056Independent StudyCalifornia Online Public Schools Monterey BayDataQuest Reports
Ceiba College Preparatory Academy1004Site-based InstructionCeiba College Preparatory AcademyDataQuest Reports
Delta Charter0059Site-based InstructionDelta CharterDataQuest Reports
Diamond Technology Institute0265Site-based InstructionDiamond Technology InstituteDataQuest Reports
Linscott Charter0041Site-based InstructionLinscott CharterDataQuest Reports
Ocean Grove Charter0747Independent StudyOcean Grove CharterDataQuest Reports
Pacific Coast Charter0170Independent StudyPacific Coast CharterDataQuest Reports
Pacific Collegiate Charter0210Site-based InstructionPacific Collegiate CharterDataQuest Reports
Santa Cruz County Career Advancement Center1904Combination of Site-based and ISSanta Cruz County Career Advancement CenterDataQuest Reports
SLVUSD Charter0025Combination of Site-based and ISSLVUSD CharterDataQuest Reports
Tierra Pacifica Charter0513Site-based InstructionTierra Pacifica CharterDataQuest Reports
Watsonville Charter School of the Arts0373Site-based InstructionWatsonville Charter School of the ArtsDataQuest Reports
Watsonville Prep2032Site-based InstructionWatsonville PrepDataQuest Reports

Questions: Charter Schools Division | | 916-322-6029