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Search Type: All Districts and Schools Keywords: "alternative" Remove this criterion from the search   "schools" Remove this criterion from the search  
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Alameda Alameda County Office of Education Alternatives in Action High Schools (Public) Public Yes Active
Alameda Alameda Unified Alameda Science and Technology Institute Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Berkeley Independent Study K-8 Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Dublin Unified York Alternative Learning Center Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Fremont Unified Vista Alternative Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Livermore Valley Joint Unified Vineyard Alternative Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda New Haven Unified Alternative Learning Academy at Conley-Caraballo High Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda New Haven Unified Decoto School for Independent Study Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Newark Unified Crossroads High (Alternative) Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Gateway to College High at Laney College Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Independent Study, Sojourner Truth Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified MetWest High Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Oakland International High Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Street Academy Alternative High Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda Piedmont City Unified Millennium High Alternative Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Alameda Pleasanton Unified The Pleasanton Virtual Academy Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda San Leandro Unified San Leandro Virtual Academy Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Alameda San Lorenzo Unified East Bay Arts High Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Amador Amador County Unified North Star Academy Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Butte Chico Unified Center for Alternative Learning Opportunity Schools Public No Active
Butte Chico Unified Hooker Oak Elementary Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Butte Chico Unified Oak Bridge Academy Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Butte Chico Unified Oakdale Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Butte Chico Unified Sierra View Elementary Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Calaveras Calaveras Unified Calaveras Unified Alternative-Sierra Hills Education Center Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Showing 1 - 25 of the 680 Districts and/or Schools found (Page 1 of 28)
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