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Curriculum Frameworks Adoption Process - CalEdFacts

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Curriculum Frameworks Adoption Process

The California State Board of Education (SBE) adopts curriculum frameworks for kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) in accordance with California Education Code (EC) Section 51002, which calls for the development of “broad minimum standards and guidelines for educational programs.” Curriculum frameworks in the core curriculum areas of English language arts/English language development, mathematics, history–social science, and science are aligned to the SBE-adopted academic content standards. In addition, the SBE has adopted content standards and frameworks in visual and performing arts, physical education, health education, and world languages. The SBE adopts curriculum frameworks on an eight-year cycle. The SBE approved the current physical education framework in 2008; the mathematics framework in 2023; English language arts/English language development framework in 2014, the history–social science and science frameworks in 2016, the health education framework in 2019, and the world languages and arts frameworks in 2020.

The entire curriculum frameworks adoption process was significantly affected by the passage of the education trailer bill Senate Bill 4 of the 2009-10 Third Extraordinary Session (SBX3 4) (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009) and Assembly Bill 2 of the 2009-10 Fourth Extraordinary Session (ABX 4 2). These bills suspended the SBE’s responsibility to develop curriculum frameworks or adopt instructional materials until the 2013-14 school year. That suspension was subsequently extended by Senate Bill 70 (Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011) until the 2015-16 school year.

The Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) develops the curriculum frameworks under the authority of EC Section 33538 which gives the IQC the authority to provide instructional guidelines: “The commission shall study problems of courses of study in the schools of the state and shall, upon request of the State Board of Education, recommend to the State Board of Education the adoption of minimum standards for courses of study in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools.”

The process begins with the CDE conducting four focus groups of educators to get input on improvements to an existing framework. The IQC recruits members for the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC). The CFCC is composed of a minimum of nine to a maximum of 20 members, at least half of whom are classroom teachers. The IQC makes recommendations to the SBE about the development of a curriculum framework and appointments to the CFCC.

Curriculum frameworks are developed in a public manner; all IQC and CFCC meetings are open to the public and include the opportunity to comment. The CFCC develops a draft document, and the IQC prepares the draft framework for field review and holds public meetings on the document. The IQC is responsible for the draft framework that is recommended to the SBE. After a 60-day public comment period, the SBE also holds a public hearing prior to considering the framework for adoption. After adoption, the frameworks are available for purchase through the CDE and may be viewed on the CDE All Curriculum Frameworks Web page.

Curriculum frameworks have drawn state and national recognition for focusing directly on the curriculum and for contributing substantively to the improvement of teaching and learning. The content standards describe what educators and professionals in the field expect K–12 students to know. Based on current research in education and the specific content area, the frameworks provide a firm foundation for curriculum and instruction by describing the scope and sequence of knowledge and the skills that all students are expected to master. The frameworks’ overarching dedication is to the balance of factual knowledge, fundamental skills, and the application of knowledge and skills.

In addition, the frameworks establish criteria to evaluate instructional materials. These criteria are used to select, through the state adoption process mandated in EC sections 60200–60206, instructional materials for kindergarten through grade eight. Frameworks also guide district selection of instructional resources for grades nine through twelve. Although curriculum frameworks cover the K–12 educational program, their effect can be seen in preschool programs, child-care centers, adult education programs, higher education instruction, and university entrance requirements.

For more information regarding the curriculum frameworks adoption process, contact the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at 916-319-0881. Additional information is available on the CDE Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Materials Web page.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, December 02, 2024