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Announcements & Current Issues

Current and upcoming events, time-sensitive issues, and hot topics.

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System Special Education Data Fall Roadshows (Posted 23-Aug-2024)
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Regional trainings in Fall 2024 to inform local educational agencies (LEAs) with updates and changes to the collection of data for students with disabilities for the 2024–25 academic year for the CALPADS End-of-Year Submissions.

Desired Results Developmental Profile Administration Frequently Asked Questions
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in the administration of the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP). This collection represents commonly asked questions but is not intended to be a complete list of all possible questions or scenarios.

Local Medical Therapy Program-Education Partner Interagency Agreement Frequently Asked Questions (Posted 02-Aug-2024)
Frequently asked questions and guidance regarding the Local Medical Therapy Program-Education Partner Interagency Agreement.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Equitable Services for Students with Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools
Equitable services provisions and proportionate share calculation are required for students aged 3-21, parentally placed in private school. Local Educational Agencies have an obligation to locate and evaluate all students within their boundaries.

September 2022 Quarterly Information Sharing Webinar External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 56:06)
An overview of the state performance plan, data updates, the state budget, and current legislation related to special education.

Special Education Assessment of African American Students Memorandum (Posted 14-Sep-2022)
This memorandum is intended to provide guidance on special education assessment of African American students for identification and placement and the Larry P. court decision.

Individualized Education Program Report
Report required by the 2020 Budget Act and includes recommendations for improvements in special education and a statewide template for an individualized education program (IEP).

Pathways to a High School Diploma Report
Report required by the 2020 Budget Act and includes recommendations on the topic of special education and pathways to a high school diploma for students with disabilities.

Governance and Accountability Policy Report (Posted 02-Dec-2021)
This legislative report was required by the 2020 Budget Act and includes a study of governance and accountability policy in special education.

Senate Bill 75 Final Legislative Report (Posted 05-Nov-2021)
Report to the Legislature and Department of Finance.

Assembly Bill 130 Independent Study Frequently Asked Questions (Updated 25-Jan-2022)
Frequently Asked Questions related to Assembly Bill 130.

Guidance on Conducting Individualized Determinations of Need for Students with Disabilities (Posted 01-Sep-2021)
This guidance provides support to local educational agencies in identifying factors to consider when conducting individualized determinations of need to address impacts to learning or services related to Coronavirus (COVID–19) school disruptions, including examples of strategies to monitor pupil progress for purposes of conducting these determinations and guidance on the development of comprehensive individualized education programs that are responsive to identified student needs.

Information Related to COVID-19 and Services to Students with Disabilities (Posted 16-Mar-2020)
Official message from the State Director of Special Education addressing COVID-19 and its implications.

California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities (PDF; 3MB; Updated 23-Mar-2021)
A guide to identifying, assessing, supporting, and reclassifying English learners with disabilities as required by Assembly Bill 2785, Chapter 579, Statutes of 2016.

California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities Long Descriptions
Long descriptions for complex figures that are included in the California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities.

Surrogate Parents in California Special Education: An Overview (PDF; 3MB; Posted 02-Apr-2019)
An overview of federal and state statutes and regulations for use as a reference to assist local educational agencies in developing and implementing procedures for parental representation as required by Government Code Section 7579.5(m).

Surrogate Parents in California Special Education Training Module (PPTX; Posted 24-Jun-2019)
The training module to assist local educational agencies in developing and implementing procedures for parental representation as required by Government Code Section 7579.5(m).

Identification of and provision of Service to Eligible Students in Adult County Jails (Posted 30-Nov-2018)
Letter to Special Education Local Plan Area and Local Educational Agency Directors to provide guidance on the obligation to identify and serve adults in county jails who remain eligible for special education.

State Requirements Pertaining to the Use of Restraint and Seclusion as Behavioral Interventions
An overview of state statutes and federal policies on the use of restraint and seclusion and resources for technical assistance on the implementation of positive behavioral interventions and support.

Enrollment of Students with Disabilities in Charter Schools (Posted 02-Feb-2018)
An updated overview of legal requirements applicable to students with individualized education programs who are enrolled in charter schools. This letter replaces an earlier overview to reflect changes in law and to provide additional clarification.

Senate Bill 884 Legislative Report (Posted 12-Jan-2018)
Report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Legislative Analyst’s Office

Dyslexia Guidelines Work Group (Updated 04-Mar-2019)
Information about the Dyslexia Guidelines Work Group members, archived meetings, current law, and related documents and organizations.

Unified English Braille (UEB) Implementation Plan for California (Posted 21-Jul-2015)
The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) recently adopted Unified English Braille (UEB) as the authoritative set of rules for teaching and reading Braille, effective January 4, 2016. We encourage school Administrators, teachers and other educational staff who serve visually impaired students to become familiar with changes in Braille usage that are resulting from the transition to UEB.

California Special Education Reference (CASER) External link opens in new window or tab. (Posted 22-Jan-2015)
A word-searchable database of special education-related state and federal statutes and regulations, federal guidance documents, and editions of the Federal Register.

Behavioral Intervention Plans (Updated 08-Oct-2014)
Current law, guidance, and resources for addressing the needs of students requiring behavioral support.

Transition of Special Education and Related Services Formerly Provided by County Mental Health Agencies (Updated 08-Oct-2014)
(Assembly Bill 114, Chapter 43, Statutes of 2011)

Frequently Asked Questions About Services Previously Provided Through County Mental Health Agencies for Students with Individualized Education Programs (Updated 30-Jul-2012)

Update: LEAs’ Responsibilities for Ensuring the Continuous Delivery of Mental Health Services to Students with Disabilities (Posted 27-Dec-2010)

Employment Opportunity (Posted 12-Aug-2009)
Professional Team Opportunity: Join In

Questions:   Special Education Division | | 916-445-4613
Last Reviewed: Thursday, August 29, 2024
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  • DRDP Administration FAQs (added 29-Aug-2024)
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