Core Component 9: Parent & Family Involvement
The selected web resources provide parents and other community members with information that can be used for advocacy and collaboration when planning, implementing and developing multi-tiered systems of support.The following web sites provide information for parents and other community members in a variety of media, including research studies, flyers, case studies, newsletter articles, Webinars, and guides.
- What is This Thing Called Response to Intervention?
Definitions, examples, and additional information about Response to Intervention (RTI) from the American Federation of Teachers
- Engaging Families in Response to Intervention (RTl)
(Video; 5:46)
2008 Video from RTI Action Network. Alerts educators to key concerns from parents’ perspectives.
- A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement
Includes studies that show a convincing link between student achievement and various approaches to parent and community involvement. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory 2002, funded by U.S. Office of Education. - A Parent's Guide to Response-to-Intervention
Includes real-world examples, a glossary of important terms, concise explanations of interventions at three tiers, sample intervention plans, sample checklists and worksheets, and other documents to help guide parents. The Advocacy Institute. - A Parent Leader's Perspective on Response to Intervention
Provides parent perspectives of RTI, for example, author Debra Jennings' surprise that providing individual interventions to struggling students has a name and is considered something special. Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc. - Schools, Families, and Response to Intervention
Provides ideas for families and educators to work together at each of the RtI levels. RTI Action Network.
- Using Technology to Enhance RTI Implementation
Provides information on technology-enhanced assessment tools that can generate reports with graphs and other figures to make data easier for parents to understand. RTI Action Network.
Professional Learning Innovations Office | 916-323-6269
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
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