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Core Component 9: Parent & Family Involvement

The selected web resources provide parents and other community members with information that can be used for advocacy and collaboration when planning, implementing and developing multi-tiered systems of support.

The following web sites provide information for parents and other community members in a variety of media, including research studies, flyers, case studies, newsletter articles, Webinars, and guides.

  1. What is This Thing Called Response to Intervention? External link opens in new window or tab.
    Definitions, examples, and additional information about Response to Intervention (RTI) from the American Federation of Teachers
  2. Engaging Families in Response to Intervention (RTl) External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 5:46)
    2008 Video from RTI Action Network. Alerts educators to key concerns from parents’ perspectives.
  3. A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student AchievementExternal link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
    Includes studies that show a convincing link between student achievement and various approaches to parent and community involvement. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory 2002, funded by U.S. Office of Education.
  4. A Parent's Guide to Response-to-InterventionExternal link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
    Includes real-world examples, a glossary of important terms, concise explanations of interventions at three tiers, sample intervention plans, sample checklists and worksheets, and other documents to help guide parents. The Advocacy Institute.
  5. A Parent Leader's Perspective on Response to InterventionExternal link opens in new window or tab.
    Provides parent perspectives of RTI, for example, author Debra Jennings' surprise that providing individual interventions to struggling students has a name and is considered something special. Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc.
  6. Schools, Families, and Response to InterventionExternal link opens in new window or tab.
    Provides ideas for families and educators to work together at each of the RtI levels. RTI Action Network.
  7. Using Technology to Enhance RTI ImplementationExternal link opens in new window or tab.
    Provides information on technology-enhanced assessment tools that can generate reports with graphs and other figures to make data easier for parents to understand. RTI Action Network.
Questions:   Professional Learning Innovations Office | 916-323-6269
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 6, 2024