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SACS2005ALL Software: Known Problems/Fixes

The sacs2005allsetup.exe file will not include fixes made subsequent to the SACS2005all software release. If any problems are found, we will list them here and provide any revised files or workaround instructions.

Problem: Form NCMOE - No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort (districts and charter schools only)

In Form NCMOE, Section II, Line B, supplemental instructional hours greater than 99,999 display as #########.

Also in Section II, lines A and B, average daily attendance and supplemental instructional hours are not extracting into the form from Form ADC, Average Daily Attendance - District Charter.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised NCMOE template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2005ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing file, and then save the revised one. Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly display the data in Form NCMOE.

Problem: Report GSNA – Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets Worksheet

In Report GSNA, Reconciliation worksheet, the internal service fund amounts extracted in the "Accumulated depreciation" line are being doubled instead of being reversed out.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised GSNA template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2005ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing file, and then save the revised one. Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly display the data in Report GSNA.

Problem: Report SEMA – Special Education Maintenance of Effort, 2004–05 Actual vs. 2003–04 Actual Comparison, 2003–04 Expenditures by SELPA (SE-PY) Worksheet (only affects Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Administrative Units)

In the "Adjustments" and "Total" columns of the 2003–04 Expenditures by SELPA (SE-PY) worksheet, the calculated totals on Line B5 do not include Line B4, "Other adjustments not included in Line 1."

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised SEMA template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2005ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing file, and then save the revised one. Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly calculate the data in the SEMA report.

Problem: Report SEMB – Special Education Maintenance of Effort, 2005–06 Budget vs. 2004–05 Actual Comparison, 2005–06 Budget by LEA (LB-B) Worksheet

In the "Total" column of the Local Budget section of the 2005–06 Budget by LEA (LB-B) worksheet, the calculated amount for "Total Direct Costs" does not include the amount for Object 7130, State Special Schools.

Fix: Save (do not open) this revised SEMB template file (VTS) to your C:\SACS2005ALL\Templates directory, which will overwrite the existing template file. To save, right click on the file name, click on Save Link As (or Save Target As), select the desired directory in which to save the file, then click Save. Because of the "read only" status of this file, it may be necessary to first move, rename, or delete the existing file, and then save the revised one. Changing this file will not affect your data, other than to correctly calculate the data in the SEMB report.

Problem: Run-time Error 429

Periodically, the required Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) file is not properly installed on Windows 98 machines, causing a run-time error 429 upon opening the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software.

Fix: Be sure all other applications are closed, then download this MDAC file: mdactyp (EXE; 8MB). Once downloaded, double-click on the file to begin installation (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly). When the installation is completed, the SACS software should open properly.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 18, 2024