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SACS2014ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2014ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2014ALL Software User Guide.

What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2014–15 budget and interim, and the 2013–14 unaudited actual, components of the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes [e.g., changes due to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), GASB Statement63 (GASB63), and GASBStatement 65 (GASB65)] and on modifying the SACS2014ALL Software to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of the user guide.

System Changes
  • Windows 7 Compatibility
    • The SACS2014ALL software has been modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7. Although a number of incompatibilities remain, Windows 7 users are no longer required to first install the “WindowsXP Mode” and “Windows Virtual PC,” or to access the SACS2014ALL software within the “WindowsXP with Virtual PC” window.
    • ODBC Database Connection string is no longer modifiable.
Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the TRC, the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen.)


Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7 users, the California Department of Education's (CDE’s) workaround is to print first to Microsoft XPS Document Writer or Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer.

Possible Fix

After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using specific print drivers and by changing a particular printer setting. For details on the print drivers and printer settings, see the “Problems Printing Forms/Reports” section of the user guide.

Validation Tables

The SACS2014ALL software contains the most current validation tables, dated June30, 2014, which include the June 30, 2013 end dates for codes and combinations that are no longer applicable due to LCFF.

Global Changes
  • Replaced "Revenue Limit" descriptions with “LCFF/Revenue Limit” where appropriate.
  • Replaced “Countywide Other Purpose ADA” and “Other Purpose ADA” with “County Operations Grant ADA.” Applies to COEs only.
Deleted Fund Form
  • Form 09—Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund (modified accrual basis of accounting)
    • Discontinued Form 09 for separately reporting charter schools. Effective 2012–13, a separately reporting charter school should report a general fund and not a special revenue fund. This change does not apply to COEs or districts that use Fund 09 to report their charter schools within their own financial statements. Applies to Budget and Unaudited Actual periods; was already applied to Interim periods in SACS2013ALL software.
Revised Fund Forms
  • All Fund Forms—Fund Reconciliation Section
    • Added new Deferred Outflows of Resources Section. Within the new section, added line for new Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, effective 2013–14, due to GASB63.
    • Added new Deferred Inflows of Resources Section. Within the new section, added line for new Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources, effective 2013–14, due to GASB63.
    • Liabilities section: Modified description of Object 9650 from “Deferred Revenue” to “Unearned Revenue,” effective 2013–14, due to GASB65.
  • Form 01/01I—Revenue Limit Sources section
    • Removed the following detail lines for Object 8091, Revenue Limit Transfers – Current Year, and moved the resources into the “All Other” Object 8091 line, effective 2013–14:
    • Resource 2200, Continuation Education ADA Transfer. Resource is obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Resources 2400-2420, Juvenile Court/County Community Schools Transfer. Resources are obsolete due to LCFF. Applies to COEs.
    • Resource 2430, Community Day Schools Transfer. Resource is obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Resource 6500, Special Education ADA Transfer, due to LCFF. This will now be a Contribution (Object 8980) instead of an LCFF Transfer (Object 8091).
    • Removed line for Object 8092, PERS Reduction Transfer, effective
      2013–­14. Object is obsolete due to LCF.
  • Form 01/01I—Other State Revenue section
    • Removed the following detail lines for Object 8311, Other State Apportionments – Current Year, and moved the resources into the “All Other” Object 8311 line, effective 2013–14:
    • Resource 2430, Community Day School Additional Funding – Current Year. Resource is obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Resources 7090-7091, Economic Impact Aid. Resources are obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Removed detail line for Resource 2430, Community Day School Additional Funding – Current Year / Object 8319, Other State Apportionments – Prior Years, and moved Resource 2430 into the “All Other” Object 8319 line, effective 2013–14. Resource is obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Added detail line for reinstated Resource 7210, American Indian Early Childhood Education / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and removed Resource 7210 from the “All Other” Object 8590 line, effective 2013–14. (Reinstated; formerly included in the flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 [Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009], as amended by SB 70 [Chapter 7, Statutes of 2011], but not made part of LCFF).
  • Form 01/01I—Other Local Revenue section
    • Unshaded Unrestricted columns for Budget / Unaudited Actuals reporting periods, and unshaded Unrestricted worksheet for Interims: Object 8675, Transportation Fees From Individuals line, effective 2013–14, due to LCFF.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I and 62/62I—Revenue Limit Sources section
    • Removed line for Object 8015, Charter School General Purpose Entitlement – State Aid, effective 2013–14. Object is obsolete due to LCFF.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I and 62/62I—Other State Revenue section
    • Removed the following detail lines for Object 8311, Other State Apportionments – Current Year, and moved the resources into the “All Other” Object 8311 line, effective 2013–14:
    • Removed line for Object 8425, Year Round Incentive, effective 2013–14. Object is obsolete due to LCFF.
    • Shaded 2014-15 columns for Budget / Unaudited Actuals reporting periods, and deleted from Interims: Object 8434, Class Size Reduction, K‑3, line. Although object is obsolete due to LCFF, leaving open for
      2013–14 actuals to accommodate the final deferred payment.
    • Removed the following detail lines for Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and moved the resources into the “All Other” Object 8590 line, effective 2013–14:
      • Resource 6200, Class Size Reduction Facilities
      • Resources 6660, 6670, Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Funds, for COEs
      • Resources 6660, 6670, 6680, Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Funds, for districts
  • Forms 01, 09, and 62
    • Added detail line for reinstated Resource 7370, Supplementary Programs: Specialized Secondary / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and removed Resource 7370 from the “All Other” Object 8590 line, effective 2013–14. (Reinstated; formerly included in the flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 [Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009], as amended by SB 70 [Chapter 7, Statutes of 2011], but not made part of LCFF.)
    • Added detail line for Resource 7405, Common Core State Standards Implementation / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and removed Resource 7405 from the “All Other” Object 8590 line, effective 2013–14.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 62/62I—Other Local Revenue section
    • Removed the detail lines for Resources 7230 and 7240, Transportation Services, from Object 8677, Interagency Services, and moved the resources into the “All Other” Object 8677 line, effective 2013–14, due to LCFF.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 40/40I, and 62/62I—Other State Revenue section
    • Added detail line for Resource 6230, California Clean Energy Job Act / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and removed Resource 6230 from the “All Other” Object8590 line, effective 2013–14.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 12/12I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I,18/18I ,19/19I, 21/21I, 25/25I, 30/30I, 35/35I, 40/40I, 49/49I, 57/57I, 61/61I, 62/62I, 63/63I, 66/66I, 67/67I, and 73/73I—Employee Benefits section
    • Removed line for objects 3801-3802, PERS Reduction, effective 2013–14. Objects are obsolete due to LCFF.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I, 61/61I, and 62/62I—Contributions section
    • Removed line for Object 8997, Transfers of Restricted Balances, effective 2013–14.
  • Forms 01/01I, 17/17I, 20/20I, 21/21I, 40/40I, and 49/49I—Interfund Transfers Out section
    • Removed line for Object 7615, To: Deferred Maintenance Fund, effective 2013–14. The Deferred Maintenance state match requirement is no longer applicable.
  • Forms 09 and 62—LCFF Sources section
    • Added line for Object 8011, State Aid – Current Year, effective 2013–14. Due to LCFF.
  • Forms 11 and 14
    • Added new LCFF Sources section. Within the new section, added the following lines, effective 2013–14. Due to LCFF.
    • Object 8091, LCFF Transfers – Current Year
    • Object 8099 LCFF/Revenue Limit Transfers – Prior Year
  • Form 12/12I—Other State Revenue section
    • State Preschool (Resources 6055, 6056, 6105, Object 8590) detail line, effective 2013–14:
  • Form 12—Removed obsolete resources 6055 and 6056, and added them to the All Other State Revenue line, Object 8590, for COEs and districts.
  • Form 12/12I—Removed the State Preschool (Resources 6055, 6056, 6105, Object 8590) detail line, and added resources 6055, 6056, and 6105 to the All Other State Revenue line, Object 8590, for JPAs.
  • Forms 13/13I and 61/61I—Revenue Limit Sources section
    • Removed the following lines, effective 2013–14, because the Meals for Needy Pupils Add-on is not included in LCFF. (Removed the entire Revenue Limit Sources Section, because these were the only objects it contained.)
    • Object 8091, All Other RL Transfers – Current Year
    • Object 8099, Revenue Limit Transfers – Prior Year
  • Form 14/14I—Interfund Transfers In section
    • Removed line for Object 8915, From: General, Special Reserve, & Building Funds, effective 2013–14. The Deferred Maintenance state match requirement is no longer applicable.
  • Form 52/52I—Uses section
    • Added line for Object 7699, All Other Financing Uses, effective 2013–14.
Deleted Supplemental Forms
  • Form ACC/AICC—Average Daily Attendance – County Charter
  • Form ADC/AIDC— Average Daily Attendance – District Charter
    • For charter schools only:
      • Discontinued forms ACC and ADC, and replaced with Form A (Budget and UA periods).
      • Discontinued forms AICC and AIDC, and replaced with Form AI (Interim periods).
  • Form CORR—Adults in Correctional Facilities
    • Discontinued this form effective 2013–14. Data collected is no longer used by the CDE. Applies to Unaudited Actual periods.
  • Form JUV—Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • Discontinued this form effective 2013–14, due to LCFF. Applies to Budget and Unaudited Actual periods; form was already deleted from Interim periods in SACS2013ALL software. Applies to COEs and coe-charters.
  • Forms RL, RLCC, and RLDC—Revenue Limit Summary
    • Discontinued these forms effective 2013–14, due to LCFF. Applies to Budget and Unaudited Actual periods; forms RLI, RLICC, and RLIDC were already deleted from Interim periods in SACS2013ALL software.
  • Form TRAN—Annual Report of Pupil Transportation
    • Discontinued this form effective 2013–14, due to LCFF. Applies to Unaudited Actual periods.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form A/AI—Average Daily Attendance
    • Redesigned due to LCFF. The form now contains three separate worksheets for reporting School District ADA, County Office ADA, and Charter School ADA.
    • For charter schools only: Discontinued forms ACC and ADC, and replaced with Form A (Budget and UA periods); discontinued forms AICC and AIDC, and replaced with Form AI (Interim periods).
  • Form CASH—Cashflow Worksheet
    • Section D, Balance Sheet Items
    • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources, due to GASB65.
    • Modified description of Object 9650 from “Deferred Revenue” to “Unearned Revenue,” due to GASB65.
  • Form CAT—Schedule for Categoricals
    • Replaced “Deferred Revenue” references with “Unearned Revenue,” due to GASB65.
    • Removed Line 1b, Restricted Balance Transfers (Object 8997), and renumbered lines accordingly in the following worksheets:
      • State and Local — Categoricals Subject to Deferral of Unearned Revenues
      • State and Local — Categoricals Subject to Restricted Ending Balances
  • Form CEA/CEB—Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added to the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a: Resource 6230, California Clean Energy Jobs Act; and Resource 6381, Linked Learning Pilot Program.
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2
    • Section B, Current Year GANN ADA
      • Updated references and extractions to reflect ADA collected on the revised FormA.
  • State Aid Received section
    • Replaced “Revenue Limit” descriptions with “LCFF,” where appropriate, and deleted lines for the following programs that are now obsolete due to LCFF:
      • District: Supplemental Instruction; Community Day School Additional Funding; ROC/P Apportionment; Charter School General Purpose Entitlement; Charter School Categorical Block Grant; and Class Size Reduction, Grade 9. Also removed the now obsolete “County Office Funds Transfer” line, used to add back county office funds transferred.
      • COE: Supplemental Instruction; Community Day School Additional Funding; ROC/P Apportionment; Charter School General Purpose Entitlement; and Charter School Categorical Block Grant. Also removed the now obsolete lines used to reflect funding transferred from districts to COEs: “Transfers of Special Education Special Day Class” line and “Transfers of County Community Schools” line.
      • District only: Line C26, Class Size Reduction, Grades K-3 (Object8434)—Shaded and blocked 2014–15 Budget columns. Although object is obsolete due to LCFF, leaving open for 2013–14 actuals to accommodate the final deferred payment.
  • Form MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    • Adjusted the dollar amounts used in the Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet, Reserve Standard Percentage Level (Line F3d for COEs only) and Reserve Standard – By Amount (Line F3f for COEs and districts, and Line F7 for JPAs), based on the COLA adjustment made to the Criteria and Standards Review form.
    • Unrestricted worksheet only. Section A, Revenues and Other Financing Sources.
      • Applies to districts only.
      • Removed all the detail lines of Line A.1, LCFF/Revenue Limit Sources, and unlocked subsequent years 1 and 2 to allow key entry. Applies to Budget periods; was already applied to Interim periods in SACS2013ALL software.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet. Section E, Available Reserves.
      • Applies to COEs and districts.
      • Line E.1.d, Negative Restricted Ending Balance. Modified columns C and E to extract from Restricted worksheet Line D.3.e.2, Unassigned/Unappropriated if amount is negative. If extracted, then no longer allow key entry.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet. Section E, Available Reserves.
      • Applies to COEs and districts.
      • Line E.1.d, Negative Restricted Ending Balance. Columns B and D. Eliminated the internal form checks “Cannot be positive; revise” and “Data entry required.”
    • Restricted and Unrestricted/Restricted worksheets. Section E, Available Reserves.
      • Applies to COEs only.
    • Restricted worksheet: Removed Line E.1.d, Allowable Reserves – JUV/CCS/ROP, and shaded Line E.3, Total Available Reserves. Due to LCFF.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet: Removed Line E.1.d, Allowable Reserves – JUV/CCS/ROP, and excluded Line E.1.d from the calculation on Line E.3, Total Available Reserves – by Amount. Due to LCFF.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet. Section F, Recommended Reserves.
      • Applies to COEs and districts.
      • Line F.1.b.2, Special education pass-through funds. Added a new warning internal form check and pop up message to flag if pass-through projections are not entered in columns C and D, and if a No response is selected in Line F.1.a, “Do you choose to exclude from the reserve calculation the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members?” As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the condition. This condition does not have to be fixed to complete an official export.
  • Form NCMOE—No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
    • Section I, Expenditures
      • Line B, Less all federal expenditures not allowed for MOE
      • Removed obsolete Resource 3355, Special Ed: IDEA LCI Growth, Part B, Sec611, from exception list.
    • Section I, Expenditures
      • Removed Line C9, PERS Reduction, due to LCFF.
    • Section II, Expenditures Per ADA
      • Modified due to LCFF:
        • Modified Line A, Average Daily Attendance, due to the redesign of Form A/AI.
        • Removed Line B, Supplemental Instructional Hours converted to ADA, and Line C, Total ADA before adjustments.
    • Section IV, Education Jobs Fund Expenditures to Meet MOE Requirement Removed entire Section IV (and renumbered remaining sections) due to expiration of the expenditure period for Education Jobs Fund carryover dollars. Funds were available for obligation through September 30, 2012.
  • Form SEA—Special Education Revenue Allocations
    • Section I, Total SELPA Revenues
      • Removed Line I.A.3, Federal IDEA, Part B, Local Assistance Grants, and renumbered lines accordingly.
      • Modified description of Line I.E, Program Specialist/Regionalized Services Apportionment, to “Program Specialist/Regionalized Services for NSS Apportionment.”
      • Modified description of Line I.F, Low Incidence Materials and Equipment Apportionment, to “Low Incidence Materials, Services, and Career Technical Education Apportionment.”
      • Modified description of Line I.H, NPS/LCI Extraordinary Cost Pool Apportionment, to “Extraordinary Cost Pool for NPS/LCI and NSS Mental Health Services Apportionment.”
      • Modified description of Line I.J, Grand Total Apportionment, Taxes, IDEA, and Excess ERAF, to “Grand Total Apportionment, Taxes, and Excess ERAF.”
      • Removed Line I.L, NSS (Necessary Small SELPA) Extraordinary Cost Pool for Mental Health Services Apportionment, and renumbered lines accordingly.
  • Form TC/TCI—Table of Contents
    • Due to the known printing issues relating to Windows 7, modified the Table of Contents Form by removing the “Print Forms Containing Data” button for all periods and all local educational agency (LEA) types.
  • Revised Criteria and Standards
    • Form 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review —Budget and Interim periods
    • Adjusted deficit spending and fund balance levels for COEs, and reserve levels for all LEAs, based on prior year's statutory COLA.
    • Deficit Spending Criterion 6/8, COE/District/JPA—Budget period only
      Section 6A/8A, Calculating the Deficit Spending Standard Percentage Levels—Modified Section 1, Available Reserve Amounts, by removing the following lines and renumbering lines accordingly:
      • Line 1a, Designated for Economic Uncertainties (Funds 01 and 17, Object9770), due to GASB54.
      • Line 1b, Undesignated Amounts (Funds 01 and 17, Object 9790), due to GASB54.
      • Line 2b, Less Special Education Pass-Through Funds (Fund01, Resources 3300-3499 and 6500-6540, Objects 7211-7213 and 7221‑7223).
    • Supplemental Information S6, Long-term Commitments—Budget and Interim periods
      • Section S6A, Identification of Long-term Commitments. Added a Total line to sum the total principal balances as of 07/01/2014.
    • Revised Form 01CS/01CSI due to LCFF, the redesign of Form A, and the November 2013 SBE approved updates to the Criteria and Standards:
      • Average Daily Attendance Criterion 1, COE/District—Budget period only.
      • For COEs only:
        • Modified due to redesign of Form A. The new ADA categories that will be measured are: County Program ADA; District Funded County Program ADA; County Operations Grant ADA; and Charter School County Program ADA.
        • Criterion 1A-1, Calculating the COE’s Operations Grant ADA Variances
          • For the First Prior year (2013–14), enter the earliest estimate of the County Operations Funded ADA in the Original Budget column. For LEAs whose adopted budget was not based on LCFF, the earliest estimate is from the first interim report.
        • Criterion 1B-1, Calculating the COE’s Historical Average Projected ADA for County Operated Programs
          Due to the new ADA categories, Second and Third Prior Year information is Not Applicable. In SACS2014ALL, the calculation for the Historical Average will only be based on the First Prior Year.
        • Replaced “Other Purpose ADA” with “County Operations Grant ADA.”
      • For districts only:
        • Modified due to redesign of Form A.
        • Section 1A-1, Calculating the District’s ADA Variances
          • For the First Prior year (2013–14), enter the earliest estimate of the District and Charter School Regular Funded ADA in the Original Budget column. For LEAs whose adopted budget was not based on LCFF, the earliest estimate is from the first interim report.
    • Enrollment Criterion 2, Districts only—Budget and Interim periods. Modified due to redesign of Form A.
    • ADA to Enrollment Criterion 3, Districts only—Budget period only. Modified due to redesign of Form A.
    • LCFF Revenue Criterion 2/4, COE/District—Budget and Interim periods
      • Renamed criterion to “LCFF Revenue.”
      • Updated the standard and restructured the criterion.
      • For COEs only:
        • Disabled sections 2A, 2B, and 2D, during transition to full LCFF implementation. Budget period only.
        • Complete Section 2C, Calculating the COE’s Projected Change in LCFF Revenue. The percentages are used in Criterion 3, Salaries and Benefits, and Criterion 4, Other Revenues and Expenditures. Budget period only.
        • Disabled entire criterion during transition to full LCFF implementation. Interim periods only.
      • For districts only. Budget period only:
        • Select which standard applies: LCFF Revenue; Basic Aid; or Necessary Small Schools.
        • Enter projected LCFF Target amounts for the budget and two subsequent fiscal years.
        • Step 1 now measures Change in Population.
        • Step 2 now measures Change in Funding Level.
        • Response required for “Has the District reached its LCFF target funding level:” If Yes, then enter COLA percentage. COLA amount will be calculated and included in Total Line 2e. If No, then enter amount of Gap Funding. Gap Funding total will be included in Total Line 2e.
    • Salaries and Benefits Criterion 3/5, COE/District/JPA—Budget and Interim periods. Updated the standard.
    • Facilities Maintenance Criterion 5/7, COE/District/JPA—Budget and Interim periods
      • Updated the standard
      • Removed Section 5a/7a, Determining the LEA’s Compliance with the Contribution Requirement for EC Section 17584 – Deferred Maintenance.
    • Deficit Spending Criterion 6, COEs only—Budget and Interim periods. Deleted all references to “Juvenile Court/County Community Schools” and “ROC/P,” including footnotes. These programs are now unrestricted and rolled into LCFF.
    • Fund Balance Criterion 9, Districts only—Budget period only. Modified due to redesign of Form A.
    • Reserves Criterion 8, COEs only—Budget and Interim periods.
      • Deleted all references to “Juvenile Court/County Community Schools” and “ROC/P,” including footnotes. These programs are now unrestricted and rolled into LCFF.
      • Removed Section 8A, Calculating the COE’s Available Reserves from Juvenile Court/County Community Schools and Regional Occupational Centers/Programs.
      • Section 8B, Calculating the COE’s Budgeted Reserve Amount—Removed Line 8, Juvenile Court/County Community Schools Allowable Reserves, and Line 9, Regional Occupational Centers/Programs.
    • Added new Supplemental Information Items S9 and S10. For Budget periods only. Applies to COEs and districts.
      • S9, LCAP—Confirm that the LEA’s governing board has adopted an LCAP or an update to the LCAP effective for the budget year.
      • S10, LCAP Expenditures—Confirm that the budget includes the expenditures necessary to implement the LCAP or annual update to the LCAP.
Technical Review Checks—Deleted
  • Deleted the following TRCs related to Form RL/RLCC/RLDC, effective 2013–14, due to LCFF.
    • Applies to Budget and Unaudited Actual periods; they are now deleted for all periods and data types.
      • RL-CALC
      • RL-CALC-C
  • Deleted the following TRCs related to Form JUV, effective 2013–14, due to LCFF. Applies to Budget and Unaudited Actual periods; they are now deleted for all periods and data types.
    • Applies to COEs and coe-charters.
      • JUV-END-BAL
      • JUV-IMPORT
  • Deleted the following TRCs related to Form TRAN, effective 2013–14, due to LCFF.
    • Applies to Unaudited Actual periods.
  • Deleted the following TRCs related to Form CORR, effective 2013–14.
    • Applies to Unaudited Actual periods.
      • CORR-ADA
      • CORR-NO-ADA
    • Deleted warning TRC for all periods and data types, due to LCFF and the redesign of Form A. This TRC verified if Community Schools Annual ADA was reported in Form A, then general ledger data for Community Schools ADA (Resource 2430) existed.
    • Deleted warning/fatal TRC for all periods and data types. This TRC verified that Transfers of Restricted Balances (Object 8997) net to zero.
Technical Review Checks—Revised
  • A-PROVIDE – Modified due to the redesign of Form A.
  • ASSET-IMPORT – Modified the Capital Assets object range from 94XX to 9400-9489, due to GASB65.
  • BALANCE-FDxRS and CEFB=FD-EQUITY Modified BALANCE-FDxRS and CEFB=FD-EQUITY to include Deferred Outflows of Resources (objects 9490-9499) and Deferred Inflows of Resources (objects 9690-9699), due to GASB65.
  • BALANCE-FDxRS-AGENCY and CONSOLIDATED-ADMIN-BAL – Modified the Assets and Liabilities object ranges in the BALANCE-FDxRS-AGENCY and CONSOLIDATED-ADMIN-BAL checks, due to GASB65. Asset object range changed from 9100-9499 to 9100-9489. Liabilities object range changed from 9500-9699 to 9500-9689.
  • CHK-FUND09-ACTIVITY (Applies to separately reporting charter schools only) – Modified check to flag activity in Fund 09 data for all objects, for all data types, for separately reporting charter schools. Effective 2012–13, a separately reporting charter school should report a general fund and not a special revenue fund. This change does not apply to COEs or districts that use Fund09 to report their charter schools within their own financial statements.
  • NCMOE-ADA – Modified due to the redesign of Form A. Applies to Unaudited Actuals period only.
  • RL-TRANSFER – Renamed check to LCFF-TRANSFER.
Revised Reports
  • Report DTERM—Determination of Major Funds
    • Modified the “Assets” and “Liabilities” column extractions for purposes of calculating major funds. Due to GASB65.
      • Expanded the “Assets, objects 9100-9399” column to “Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources, objects 9100-9399 and 9490-9499.”
      • Expanded the “Liabilities, objects 9500-9650” column to “Liabilities and Deferred Inflows of Resources, objects 9500-9650 and 9690-9699.”
  • Reports CNVRT/ENTRY/GSA/GSNA—Government-Wide Reports
    • Revised as follows, due to GASB63 and GASB65:
  • Report ENTRY—Conversion Entries
    • Detail worksheet
      • Entry CE003, Debt Issuance
        • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources, to allow recognition of deferred gain or loss on refunding of debt.
        • Modified the default conversion entry to extract only prepaid insurance costs, rather than all debt issuance costs, as for conversion to prepaid expense.
        • Modified Entry description accordingly.
        • Entry CE006, Earned But Unavailable Revenues and
        • Entry CE007, Elimination of Revenues Relating to Prior Periods
        • Removed line for Object 9650, Deferred Revenue.
        • Added new line for Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources.
        • For Entry CE007 only: Modified Entry description from “To eliminate certain revenues and deferred revenues . . .” to “To eliminate certain revenues and unavailable revenues . . .”
      • Entry CE013, Amortization
        • Modified Entry description from “To recognize amortization of premiums, discounts, and deferred charges relating to long-term debt” to “To recognize amortization of debt issue premiums or discounts, deferred gain or loss on debt refunding, and prepaid debt insurance costs.”
        • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources, for amortization of deferred gain or loss on refunding of debt.
        • Modified line “Debt Service, Other Operating Expenditures”:
        • Removed extraction of Object 5800, Professional/Consulting Services and Operating Expenditures, and kept Object 5400, Insurance, and Object 5450, Other Insurance, because only the portion of issue costs for prepaid insurance costs are amortized over the life of the debt.
        • Renamed line to “Debt Service, Insurance.”
      • Entry CE014, Incorporation of Assets and Liabilities of Internal Service Funds
        • Renamed to “CE014, Incorporation of Assets, Deferred Outflows of Resources, Liabilities, and Deferred Inflows of Resources of Internal Service Funds.”
        • Modified Entry description from “To incorporate assets and liabilities of internal service funds . . .” to “To incorporate assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources of internal service funds . . .”
        • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources.
        • Summary worksheet—Modified to reflect changes made to the above detail entries.
        • Beginning Balances worksheet—Added new BB003, Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources, due to GASB 63 and 65.
  • Report CNVRT—Government-wide Conversion
    • Fund Consolidation worksheet
      • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources.
      • Expanded “Capital Assets and Long-Term Liabilities” column to include Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources.
      • Conversion worksheet
      • Added new lines for Object 9490, Deferred Outflows of Resources, and Object 9690, Deferred Inflows of Resources.
      • Renamed line Object 9650, Deferred Revenue to “Unearned Revenue.”
      • Updated the conversion entry column to reflect the changes made in Report ENTRY, Detail worksheet.
      • Expanded “Governmental Funds, Capital Assets and Long-Term Liabilities” column to include Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources.
  • Report GSA—Government-wide Statement of Activities and Reconciliation of Fund Statements
    • GSA Reconciliation worksheet
      • Modified “Debt issue costs” item to clarify that only debt issue costs for prepaid insurance are recorded as a deferred charge and amortized over the life of the debt.
      • Modified “Amortization” item to include “deferred gain or loss on debt refunding”.
  • Report GSNP—Government-wide Statement of Net Position and Reconciliation of Fund Statements
    • Statement of Net Position worksheet
      • Added Deferred Outflows of Resources beneath Capital Assets.
      • Added Deferred Inflows of Resources above Net Position.
      • Modified “Deferred Revenue” description to “Unearned Revenue.”
    • GSNP Reconciliation worksheet
      • Modified “Unamortized costs” item to clarify that only debt issue costs for prepaid debt insurance are amortized over the life of the debt.
      • Deferred recognition of earned but unavailable revenues—Modified to extract the amount reported in Object9690 in ENTRY CE006 and CE007.
      • Long-term liabilities—Added deferred gain or loss on refunding (from ENTRY CE003 and CE013).
  • Report PGM—Program By Resource Report
    • Modified description of Object 9650 from “Deferred Revenue” to “Unearned Revenue,” due to GASB65.
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI—Special Education Maintenance of Effort
    • EA MOE Calc and SELPA MOE Calc worksheets. Removed the local-only base year option in Section 3, Part B, Subpart 2.

Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause

Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.


Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.


GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause

The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.


Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Problem: Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the Technical Review Check list (TRC), the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen).


Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7 users, CDE’s workaround is to print first to Microsoft XPS Document Writer or Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer.

Possible Fix

After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using the following print drivers (which are specific to our model printers), and by changing a particular printer setting specifically for HP printers. CDE does not advocate the purchase or use of any specific printer brand or model and provides this information only as a basis for LEAs to test with different print drivers and/or settings if desired.

  • For Samsung printers: Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 PS
  • For HP printers: HP Universal Printing printer command language (PCL) 6 print driver
  • Additional printer settings required for some HP printers:
    • Notes:
      • For some users, these printer settings must be changed outside of the SACS Software (e.g., changed through the Control Panel) or else the printer settings are lost each time the SACS Software is closed.
      • Some users need to reset these printer settings each time they install the SACS software.
      • Some users need to intermittently change these printer settings within the SACS software (i.e., changed through the print prompt) as well.
    • Specific steps CDE uses for HP printer settings:
      • Open SACS software form
      • File menu, Print… option
      • Properties [button]
      • Effects [tab]
      • Click on the radial button “Print Document on:”
      • Then it should default to "Letter" right underneath it.
      • It should also add a checkmark next to "Scale to Fit"
      • Click Apply
      • Then OK to print

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
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