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SAP Bulletin 10: Youth Development

Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) Bulletin 10 Youth Development is designed to support school administrators and personnel, non-profit organizations, and agencies who are involved with SAPs.

Student Assistance Programs: Helping to Close the Achievement Gap


Youth development involves providing the critical support and opportunities youths need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally even when they are challenged by risk and adversity. Youth development recognizes the importance that relationships and the feeling of belonging have for adolescents. Bonding at school is the known school-related factor that consistently protects students from engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Students are more connected to school when they have teachers that are caring and believe in the students’ ability to succeed. A positive school climate is one in which adults listen to students, take student perceptions into account, and engage students in making decisions. Most importantly, adults need to communicate the expectation that all students can succeed in a standards-based approach to instruction.

How a Student Assistance Program Can Help

Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) afford struggling students the opportunity to experience positive relationships with adults. SAPs demonstrate to students that school staff members care about them by providing needed prevention, intervention, and support services. SAP assesses both risk and protective factors to focus on each student and family’s strength, resources, and priorities. This strength-based approach allows the students to feel heard, supported and not-judged. The ability of SAPs to help struggling students stay in school is critical given the effect that bonding to school has on protecting youth from unhealthy behaviors. Research shows that SAPs can boost students’ resilience by tailoring developmental support as indicated by specific individual needs, risk factors, or behavior (Flaugher et al, 1998, 1999).

Additional Information

Resilience and Youth Development External link opens in new window or tab.

Truma and Resilience: An Adolescent Provider Toolkit External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

Youth Development Strategies, Concepts, and Research External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

Questions: Hilva Chan | | 916-319-0194 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 03, 2023