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March 2022 Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2022 meeting minutes for the American Indian Education Oversight Committee.

Date and Time

March 25, 2022
1 to 4 p.m. Pacific Time ±

American Indian Education Oversight Committee (AIEOC)

  • Erick Alemán (absent)
  • Irma Amaro
  • Amber Bill
  • Staci Block
  • Taihvoochi Colegrove (absent)
  • Pam Coronado
  • April Lea Go Forth (absent)
  • Sheree Lynn Hibler (absent)
  • Kouslaa Kessler-Mata
  • Lori Labrie (absent)
  • Kishan Lara-Cooper
  • Melissa Leal (absent)
  • Rebecca Lewis
  • Manuel Lieras (absent)
  • Nicole Lim
  • Marc Luker (absent)
  • Kathleen Marshall (absent)
  • Rachel McBride-Praetorius
  • Russell “Butch” Murphy
  • Joely Proudfit
  • Yvonne Quintero (absent)
  • Rose Soza War Soldier
  • Rhonda Welch-Scalco
  • Steve Zimmer, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, Student Support Services Branch
  • Mindi Parsons, Administrator, Integrated Student Support and Programs Office
  • Judy Delgado (Maidu), American Indian Education Consultant
  • Carrie Lopes, Interim Director, Student Achievement and Support Division
  • John Cooper, Staff Services Analyst


Item I

Subject: Land Acknowledgement
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item

  • Judy Delgado, American Indian Education Consultant

Item II

Subject: Call to Order and Roll Call (1:08 p.m.)
Type of Action: Information Item

  • Nicole Lim, Chairperson
  • Motion to approve agenda
    • Made by Kouslaa Kessler-Mata
    • Seconded by Pam Bowling-Coronado

VOTE – Yes: 16; No: 0; Abstain: 0

Item III

Subject: Advisories to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Type of Action:  Action Item

  • Nicole Lim, Chairperson


  • Nicole Lim reviewed the template she sent out to get members’ comments
  • Motion to send Advisory to Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction to thank him for his support of Assembly Bill 1703 (Ramos) California Indian Education Act: California Indian Education Task Forces
    • Made by
    • Seconded by

VOTE – Yes: 12; No: 0; Abstain: 0

  • Motion to send Advisory to Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Creation of three Native American Task Force(s) to support Native American students’ success
    • Made by Rose Soza War Soldier
    • Seconded by Joely Proudfit
VOTE – Yes: 12; No: 0; Abstain: 0
Item IV

Subject: Committee Business

  • Minutes review, revision, and approval
  • Announcement of matters of general interest

Type of Action: Action Item

  • All committee
  • Action: action taken
  • Motion to approve February 25, 2022 meeting minutes with the change
    • Made by Rose Soza War Soldier
    • Seconded by Joely Proudfit

VOTE – Yes: 10; No: 0; Abstain: 2

  • Next meeting May 16, 2022

Item V

Subject: Public Comments and Final Remarks

  • No comments

Type of Action: Discussion Item

  • Nicole Lim, Chairperson

Item VI

Subject: Adjournment of the meeting (2:49 p.m.)

  • Motion to Adjourn by Manny Liras
  • Seconded by Staci Block

Approved by consensus

  • Meeting closed at 2:49 p.m.
Questions:   AIEOC Team | | 916-319-0506
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Recently Posted in American Indian