September 2021 Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2021, meeting minutes for the American Indian Education Oversight Committee.Date and Time
September 16, 2021
1 to 4 p.m. PST±
American Indian Education Oversight Committee (AIEOC)
- Erick Alemán
- Irma Amaro
- Kayla Begay (Not present)
- Amber Bill
- Staci Block
- Taihvoochi Colegrove
- Pam Coronado
- April Lea Go Forth (Not present)
- Sheree Lynn Hibler
- Kouslaa Kessler-Mata
- Lori Labrie
- Kishan Lara-Cooper
- Melissa Leal
- Rebecca Lewis
- Manuel Lieras
- Nicole Lim
- Marc Luker (Not present)
- Kathleen Marshall (Not present)
- Rachel McBride-Praetorius
- Russell “Butch” Murphy
- Joely Proudfit
- Margaret Robbins
- Yvonne Quintero (Not present)
- Rose Soza War Soldier
- Rhonda Welch-Scalco
- Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Daniel Lee, Deputy Superintendent
- Lindsay Tornatore, Director, Student Achievement and Support Division
- Blake Johnson, Legislative Policy Representative
- Cindy Kazanis, Director, Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division
- Mindi Parsons, Administrator, Integrated Student Support and Programs Office
- Anissa Sonnenburg, Administrator, System of Support Office
- Judy Delgado (Maidu), American Indian Education Consultant
- Diana Silvestre, Staff Services Analyst
- John Cooper, Office Technician
Item I
Subject: Land Acknowledgement
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item
- Judy Delgado, American Indian Education Consultant
Item II
Subject: Call to order and roll call (1:08 p.m.)
Type of Action: Information Item
- Nicole Lim, Chairperson
Item III
Subject: Welcome from Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction or Designee
Type of Action: Information Item
- Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Item IV
Subject: Welcome from Assembly Member James C. Ramos
Type of Action: Information Item
- James C. Ramos, Assembly Member
Item V
Subject: California State Board of Education Update
Type of Action: Action Item Information Item
- James J. McQuillen, Yurok tribal citizen, State Board Education
Item VI
Subject: Welcome and Introduction of California Department of Education (CDE) staff, including but not limited to:
- Introduction of CDE staff
- Review of AIEOC materials
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item
- Lindsay Tornatore, Director, Student Achievement and Support Division
Item VII
Subject: Governmental Affairs Division
- Legislative Updates
Type of Action: Information Item
- Blake Johnson, Legislative Policy Representative
Subject: California Department of Education Data Collection
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item
- Cindy Kazanis, Director, Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division
Item IX
Subject: California Statewide System of Support / Developing Relationships with our Native American Partners in Shasta County
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item
- Anissa Sonnenburg, Administrator, System of Support Office
- Rebecca Lewis, Executive Director of Professional Learning and Leadership Support Services, Shasta County Office of Education
Item X
Subject: Tribal Consultation Tool Kit
Type of Action: Information/Discussion Item
- Judy Delgado, American Indian Education Consultant
Item XI
Subject: Committee Business
- Bylaw review, revision, and approval
- Future meeting plans
- Future agenda items
- Announcement of matters of general interest
Type of Action: Action Item
- All Committee
- Action: Action taken
- Motion to approve July 21, 2021 meeting minutes – Joely Proudfit
- Second – Kishan Lara-Cooper
VOTE – Yes: 13; No: 0; Abstain: 0
- Motion to approve Bylaws – Rose Soza War Soldier
- Second – Amber Bill
VOTE – Yes: 13; No: 0; Abstain: 0
- Nicole Lim, Chairperson
Item XII
Subject: Public comments and final remarks
Type of Action: Discussion Item
- Nicole Lim, Chairperson
Subject: Adjournment of the meeting (4:44 p.m.)
- Nicole Lim, Chairperson