This page contains information entered to a STD. 399, Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement form. To obtain a scanned copy of the submitted form, contact the California State Board of Education Office at or at 916-319-0827.
Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement
(Regulations and Orders)
User entries from STD. 399 (REV. 12/2013) form of the State of California Department of Finance.
Department Name: California Department of Education
Contact Person: Amy Tang-Paterno
E-mail Address:
Telephone Number: 916-322-6630
Descriptive Title From Notice Register Or From 400: School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
Notice File Number: Z
Economic Impact Statement
Section A. ESTIMATED PRIVATE SECTOR COST IMPACTS (Include calculations and assumptions in the rulemaking record.)
Section A.1.Check the appropriate box(es) below to indicate whether this regulation:
- Selected option is H: None of the above (Explain below)
- Option H explanation: The regulations align to statute and would not impose additional private sector costs.
Fiscal Impact Statement
Section A. FISCAL EFFECT ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Indicate appropriate boxes1 through 6 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is 6: Other. Explain. The regulations do not impose any additional costs; they would implement changes consistent with the objectives of Education Code sections 49531 and 49531.1 and with the nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
Section B. FISCAL EFFECT ON STATE GOVERNMENT (Indicate appropriate boxes 1 through 4 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is 4: Other. Explain. The regulations do not impose any additional costs; they would implement changes consistent with the objectives of education Code sections 49531 and 49531.1 and with the nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
Section C. FISCAL EFFECT ON FEDERAL FUNDING OF STATE PROGRAMS (Indicate appropriate boxes1 through 4 and attach calculations and assumptions of fiscal impact for the current year and two subsequent Fiscal Years.)
- Selected option is 3: No fiscal impact exists. This regulation does not affect any federally funded State agency or program.
- Selected option is 4: Other. Explain. Any potential costs would be absorbed within existing federal Nutrition Program Funding.
Fiscal Officer Signature: Signed by Amy Tang-Paterno dated August 6, 2018
The signature attests that the agency has completed the STD.399 according to the instructions in the State Administrative Manual (SAM) sections 6601-6616, and understands the impacts of the proposed rulemaking. State boards, offices, or department not under an Agency Secretary must have the form signed by the highest ranking official in the organization.
Agency Secretary: Contains signature dated August 14, 2018
Finance approval and signature is required when SAM sections 6601-6616 require completion of Fiscal Impact Statement in the STD. 399.
Department of Finance Program Budget Manager: No signature.