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SBE Bylaws

For the California State Board of Education, Amended January 16, 2013.



The California State Board of Education is established in the Constitution of the State of California and empowered by the Legislature through the California Education Code.


Powers and Duties

The Board establishes policy for the governance of the state's kindergarten through grade twelve public school system as prescribed in the Education Code, and performs other duties consistent with statute.




Section 1.

The State Board of Education consists of 11 members who are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate.

CC, Art. IX, Sec. 7
EC 33000 and 33000.5


Section 2.

  1. The term of office of the members of the Board is four years, except for the student member whose term is one year.
  2. Except for the student member, who serves a one-year term, terms expire on January 15 of the fourth year following their commencement. Members, other than the student member, continue to serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors to a maximum of 60 days after the expiration of their terms. If the member is not reappointed and no successor is appointed within that 60-day period, the member may no longer serve and the position is deemed vacant. The term of the student member begins on August 1 and ends on July 31 of the following year.
  3. If the Senate refuses to confirm, the person may continue to serve until 60 days have elapsed since the refusal to confirm or until 365 days have elapsed since the person first began performing the duties of the office, whichever occurs first.
  4. If the Senate fails to confirm within 365 days after the day the person first began performing the duties of the office, the person may not continue to serve in that office following the end of the 365-day period.

EC 33001; 33000.5
GC 1774


Section 3.

Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, subject to confirmation by two-thirds of the Senate. The person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office only for the balance of the unexpired term.

EC 33002


Section 4.

Finalists for the student member position shall be selected and recommended to the Governor as prescribed by law.

EC 33000.5


Section 5.

Members of the Board shall receive their actual and necessary travel expenses while on official business. Each member shall also receive one hundred dollars ($100) for each day he or she is acting in an official capacity.

EC 33006
GC 11564.5


Section 6.

Board members shall file statements of economic interest as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission. The terms of a standard Conflict of Interest Code, adopted by the Commission and as may be amended, are incorporated by reference and constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the Board.

2 CCR 18730
5 CCR 18600


Officers and Duties


Section 1.

Officers of the Board shall be a president and a vice president. No member may serve as both president and vice president at the same time.

Section 2.

  1. The president and vice president shall be elected annually in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section.
  2. At the January meeting, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall ask members to nominate individuals for the office of president. At that same meeting, the president shall ask Board members to nominate individuals for the office of vice president. Any nomination for office must be seconded. No member may nominate or second the nomination for himself or herself for either office.
  3. Six votes are necessary to elect an officer, and each officer elected shall serve for one year or until his or her successor is elected.
  4. If, in the Board's judgment, no nominee for the office of president or vice president can garner sufficient votes for election to that office at the January meeting, a motion to put the election over to a subsequent meeting is in order.
  5. Newly elected officers shall assume office immediately following the election.
  6. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of president or vice president during a calendar year, an election shall be held at the next meeting. Any member interested in completing the one-year term of an office that has become vacant may nominate himself or herself, but each nomination requires a second.
  7. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall preside only during the election proceedings for the office of president and for the conduct of any other business that a majority of the Board members may direct.

Section 3.

The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be secretary and shall act as executive officer of the Board.

EC 33004


Section 4.

The president shall:

  • serve as spokesperson for the Board;
  • represent the position of the Board to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction;
  • appoint members to serve on committees and as liaisons, as prescribed in these Bylaws, and as may be needed in his or her judgment properly to fulfill the Board's responsibilities;
  • serve as an ex officio voting member of the Screening Committee and any ad hoc committees, either by substituting for an appointed member who is not present with no change in an affected committee's quorum requirement, or by serving as an additional member with the affected committee's quorum requirement being increased if necessary;
  • preside at all meetings of the Board and follow-up with the assistance of the executive director to see that agreed upon action is implemented;
  • serve, as necessary, as the Board's liaison to the National Association of State Boards of Education, or designate a member to serve in his or her place;
  • serve, or appoint a designee to serve, on committees or councils that may be created by statute or official order where required or where, in his or her judgment, proper carrying out of the Board's responsibility demands such service;
  • keep abreast of local, state, and national issues through direct involvement in various conferences and programs dealing with such issues, and inform Board members of local, state, and national issues;
  • participate in selected local, state, and national organizations, which have an impact on public education, and provide to other members, the State Superintendent, and the staff of the Department of Education the information gathered and the opinion and perspective developed as the result of such active personal participation;
  • provide direction for the executive director;
  • and, along with the executive director, direct staff in preparing agendas for Board meetings, in consultation with other members as permitted by law, and determine priorities for the expenditure of board travel funds.

Section 5.

The vice president shall:

  • preside at Board meetings in the absence of the president;
  • represent the Board at functions as designated by the president; and
  • fulfill all duties of the president when he or she is unable to serve.

Section 6.

The chair of the Screening Committee or any ad hoc committee shall:

  • preside at meetings of the committee he or she chairs, except that he or she shall yield the chair to another committee member in the event he or she will be absent or confronts a conflict regarding any matter coming before the committee, and may yield the chair to another committee member for personal reasons; and
  • in consultation with the president, other committee members, and appropriate staff, assist in the preparation of committee agendas and coordinate and facilitate the work of the committee in furtherance of the Board's goals and objectives.

Section 7.

A Board member appointed as a liaison or representative shall:

  • serve as an informal (non-voting) link between the Board and the advisory body or agency (or function) to which he or she is appointed as liaison or representative; and
  • reflect the position of the Board, if a position is known to him or her, on issues before the advisory body or agency (or within the function) to which he or she is appointed as liaison or representative and keep the Board appropriately informed.

Section 8.

The member shall:

  • to every extent possible, attend the meetings of the agency and meet all responsibilities of membership; and
  • reflect through his or her participation and vote the position of the Board, if a position is known to him or her, and keep the Board informed of the agency's activities and the issues with which it is dealing.




Section 1.

Generally, regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the Wednesday and Thursday preceding the second Friday of each of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, and November. However, in adopting a specific meeting schedule, the Board may deviate from this pattern to accommodate state holidays and special events. Other regularly noticed meetings may be called by the president for any stated purpose.

EC 33007


Section 2.

Special meetings may be called to consider those purposes specified in law if compliance with the 10-day notice would impose a substantial hardship on the board or if immediate action is required to protect the public interest.


Section 3.

  1. All meetings of the Board, except the closed sessions permitted by law, and all meetings of Board committees, to the extent required by law, shall be open and public.
  2. All meetings shall conform to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, including requirements for notices of meetings, preparation and distribution of agendas and written materials, inspection of public records, closed sessions and emergency meetings, maintenance of records, and disruption of a public meeting. Those provisions of law which govern the conduct of meetings of the Board are hereby incorporated by reference into these Bylaws.
  3. Unless otherwise provided by law, meetings of any advisory body, committee or subcommittee thereof, created by statute or by formal action of the Board, which is required to advise or report or recommend to the Board, shall be open to the public.

GC 11120 et seq.


Section 4.

  1. Notice of each regular meeting shall be posted at least 10 days prior to the time of the meeting and shall include the time, date, and place of the meeting and a copy of the meeting agenda.
  2. Notice of any meeting of the Board shall be given to any person so requesting. Upon written request, individuals and organizations wishing to receive notice of meetings of the Board will be included on the mailing list for notice of regular meetings.

Section 5.

  1. Special meetings may be called by the president or by the secretary upon the request of any four members of the board for the purposes specified in law if compliance with the 10-day notice requirements would impose a substantial hardship on the board or if immediate action is required to protect the public interest.
  2. Notice of special meetings shall be delivered in a manner that allows it to be received by the members and by newspapers of general circulation and radio or television stations at least 48 hours before the time of the special meeting. Notice shall also be provided to all national press wire services. Notice to the general public shall be made by placing it on appropriate electronic bulletin boards if possible.
  3. Upon commencement of a special meeting, the board shall make a finding in open session that giving a 10-day notice prior to the meeting would cause a substantial hardship on the board or that immediate action is required to protect the public interest. The finding shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the board or a unanimous vote of those members present if less than two-thirds of the members are present at the meeting.

EC 33008
GC 11125


Section 5.

  1. An emergency meeting may be called by the president or by the secretary upon the request of any four members without providing the notice otherwise required in the case of a situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities and which is properly a subject of an emergency meeting in accordance with law.
  2. The existence of an emergency situation shall be determined by concurrence of six of the members during a meeting prior to an emergency meeting, or at the beginning of an emergency meeting, in accordance with law.
  3. Notice of an emergency meeting shall be provided in accordance with law.

GC 11125.5
EC 33008
EC 33010


Section 6.

Closed sessions shall be held only in accordance with law.

GC 11126


Section 7.

  1. The concurrence of six members of the Board shall be necessary to the validity of any of its acts.
    EC 33010
  2. A quorum of any Board committee shall be a majority of its members, and a committee may recommend actions to the Board with the concurrence of a majority of a quorum.

Section 8.

The order of business for all regular meetings of the Board shall generally be:

  • Call to Order
  • Salute to the Flag
  • Communications
  • Announcements
  • Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Special Presentations
  • Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Section 9.

  1. Non-controversial matters and waiver requests meeting established guidelines may be presented to the Board on a consent calendar.
  2. Items may be removed from the consent calendar upon the request of an individual Board member or upon the request of Department staff authorized by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to submit items for consideration by the Board.
  3. Items removed from the consent calendar shall be referred to a standing committee or shall be considered by the full Board at the direction of the president.


Committees and Representatives


Section 1.

  1. The president shall appoint a Screening Committee composed of at least three Board members to screen and interview applicants for appointment to Board advisory bodies and other positions as necessary; participate, as directed by the president, in the selection of candidates for the position of student Board member in accordance with law; and recommend appropriate action to the Board. The president shall designate one Board member as Chair of the Screening Committee.
  2. In consultation with the chair, the president may appoint additional Board members, such as the appointed Board liaison, to serve as voting members of the Screening Committee on a temporary basis. In accordance with Section 4 of these bylaws, the president may also serve as an ex officio member of the Screening Committee. The quorum requirement shall be increased as necessary to include the total number of Board members, including temporary members, appointed to serve on the Committee for that purpose.
  3. As necessary, the chair may create an ad hoc subcommittee of the Screening Committee to assist the Screening Committee with its duties.

Section 2.

From time to time, the president may appoint ad hoc committees for such purposes as he or she deems necessary. Ad hoc committees shall remain in existence until abolished by the president.


Section 3.

From time to time, the president may assign Board members the responsibility of representing the State Board in discussions with staff (as well as with other individuals and agencies) in relation to such topics as assessment and accountability, legislation, and implementation of federal and state programs. The president may also assign Board members the responsibility of representing the Board in ceremonial activities.


Public Hearings: General


Section 1.

  1. The Board may hold a public hearing regarding any matter pending before it after giving notice as required by law.
  2. The Board may direct that a public hearing be held before staff of the Department of Education, an advisory commission to the Board, or a standing or ad hoc committee of the Board regarding any matter which is or is likely to be pending before the Board. If the Board directs that a public hearing be held before staff, then a recording of the public hearing and a staff-prepared summary of comments received at the public hearing shall be made available in advance of the meeting at which action on the pending matter is scheduled in accordance with law.

5 CCR 18460
EC 33031
GC 11125


Section 2.

At or before a public hearing, the presiding individual shall (in keeping with any legal limitation or condition that may pertain) determine the total amount of time that will be devoted to hearing oral comments, and may determine the time to be allotted to each person or to each side of an issue.

5 CCR 18463
EC 33031


Section 3.

At any time, upon a showing of good cause, the presiding individual may waive any time limitation established under Section 3 of this article.

5 CCR 18464
EC 33031


Public Hearings: School District Reorganization


Section 1.

A proposal by a county committee on school district organization or other public agency, or a petition for the formation of a new district or the transfer of territory of one district to another shall be submitted to the executive officer of the Board. The executive officer of the Board shall cause the proposal or petition to be:

  • reviewed and analyzed by the California Department of Education;
  • set for hearing before the Board (or before staff if so directed by the Board) at the earliest practicable date; and
  • transmitted together with the report and recommendation of the Department of Education to the Board (or to the staff who may be directed by the Board to conduct the hearing) and to such other persons as is required by law not later than ten days before the date of the hearing.

CCR 18570


Section 2.

At the time and place of hearing, the Board (or staff if so directed by the Board) will receive oral or written arguments on the proposal or petition. The presiding individual may limit the number of speakers on each side of the issue, limit the time permitted for the presentation of a particular view, and limit the time of the individual speakers. The presiding individual may ask that speakers not repeat arguments previously presented.

CCR 18571


Section 3.

If the same or an essentially identical proposal or petition has been previously considered by the Board, the documents constituting such a resubmission shall be accompanied by a written summary of any new factual situations or facts not previously presented. In this case, any hearing shall focus on arguments not theretofore presented and hear expositions of new factual situations and of facts not previously entered into the public record.

CCR 18572


Public Records

Public records of the Board shall be available for inspection and duplication in accordance with law, including the collection of any permissible fees for research and duplication.

GC 6250 et seq.


Parliamentary Authority


Section 1.

Debate and proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) when not in conflict with rules of the Board and other statutory requirements.

Section 2.

Members of the public or California Department of Education staff may be recognized by the president of the Board or other presiding individual, as appropriate, to speak at any meeting. Those comments shall be limited to the time determined by the president or other presiding individual. All remarks made shall be addressed to the president or other presiding individual. In order to maintain appropriate control of the meeting, the president or other presiding individual shall determine the person having the floor at any given time and, if discussion is in progress or to commence, who may participate in the discussion.

Section 3.

All speakers shall confine their remarks to the pending matter as recognized by the president or other presiding individual.

Section 4.

Public speakers shall not directly question members of the Board, the State Superintendent, or staff without express permission of the president or other presiding individual, nor shall Board members, the State Superintendent, or staff address questions directly to speakers without permission of the president or other presiding individual.

Section 5.

The Chief Counsel to the Board or the General Counsel of the California Department of Education, or a member of the Department's legal staff in the absence of the Board’s Chief Counsel, will serve as parliamentarian. In the absence of legal staff, the president or other presiding individual will name a temporary replacement if necessary.


Board Appointments


Section 1.

Upon recommendation of the Screening Committee as may be necessary, the Board appoints members to the following advisory bodies for the terms indicated:

  1. Advisory Commission on Special Education. The Board appoints five of 17 members to serve four-year terms.
    EC 33590
  2. Instructional Quality Commission. The Board appoints 13 of 18 members to serve four-year terms.
    EC 33530
  3. Child Nutrition Advisory Council. The Board appoints 13 members, 12 to three-year terms and one student representative to a one-year term. By its own action, the Council may provide for the participation in its meetings of non-voting representatives of interest groups not otherwise represented among its members, such as school business officials and experts in the area of physical education and activity.
    EC 49533
  4. Advisory Commission on Charter Schools. The Board appoints eight members to two-year terms.
    EC 47634.2(b)(1)
    State Board of Education Policy 01-04

Section 2.

On the Board’s behalf, the president shall make all other appointments that are required of the Board or require Board representation, including, but not limited to: WestEd (Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development), Trustees of the California State Summer School for the Arts and the California Subject Matter Projects.


Section 3.

Opportunities for appointment shall be announced and advertised as appropriate, and application materials shall be made available to those requesting them. The Screening Committee shall paper-screen all applicants, interview candidates as the Committee determines necessary, and recommend appropriate action to the Board.


Presidential Appointments


Section 1.

The president shall appoint one Board member, or more where needed, to serve as liaison(s) to:

  1. The Advisory Commission on Special Education.
  2. The Instructional Quality Commission.
  3. The Advisory Commission on Charter Schools.
  4. The National Association of State Boards of Education, if the Board participates in that organization.
  5. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Section 2.

The president shall make all other appointments that may be required of the Board or that require Board representation.


Amendment to the Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the Board and members of the public with the meeting notice.


Abbreviations used in these Bylaws, citing Board authority, are:

Abbreviation Description
CC Constitution of the State of California
CCR California Code of Regulations
EC California Education Code
GC California Government Code
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
JPA-FWL Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, originally entered into by the State Board of Education on February 11, 1966, and subsequently amended

Dates of Adoption and Amendment

Status Date
Adopted April 12, 1985
Amended February 11, 1987
Amended December 11, 1987
Amended November 11, 1988
Amended December 8, 1989
Amended December 13, 1991
Amended November 13, 1992
Amended February 11, 1993
Amended June 11, 1993
Amended May 12, 1995
Amended January 8, 1998
Amended April 11, 2001
Amended July 9, 2003
Amended January 16, 2013
Questions: State Board of Education | | 916-319-0827 
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 23, 2024
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