Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data
System 2023−24 End-of-Year Submissions
The California Department of Education (CDE) would first like to congratulate local educational agencies (LEAs) for certifying their 2023−24 California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Fall 1 and Fall 2 data submissions, particularly those staff involved in these submissions. Notably, this past Fall 1 was the first time that LEAs submitted the four new special education redesign files, and the CDE recognizes and appreciates the dedication of LEA staff to complete these submissions. The CDE also acknowledges the hard work of your staff for completing Fall 2 at the same time as the federal Civil Rights Data Collection, which overlapped our data submission window.
2023−24 End-of-Year Submission Deadlines
The 2023−24 End-of-Year (EOY) submission window opens on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The certification deadline is July 26, 2024. LEAs are strongly recommended to resolve all fatal errors by July 12th so that there is enough time to review and certify accurate data for the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). LEAs are expected to approve their EOY 1 - 4 submissions by the certification deadline, and Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) are strongly encouraged to approve the EOY 3 and 4 submissions by this date. LEAs and SELPAs must approve and certify all EOY submissions by the final amendment deadline of August 16, 2024.
California School Dashboard Deadlines
Senate Bill 114 (2023) established accelerated publication dates for the Dashboard over the next three years. The CDE is required to publish the 2024 Dashboard by December 1, 2024. Therefore, the EOY deadline has been moved up by one week to accommodate the accelerated Dashboard deadlines. It is critical that LEAs plan ahead and that LEA leadership supports staff to ensure that they have the time and resources to do their work. LEAs should start early and should plan for contingencies against disruptions to ensure that adequate time and resources are available to submit, review, and certify the EOY submissions successfully by the July 26, 2024 deadline.
Accordingly, we urge LEAs to be proactive in the certification process, as there will be no extensions to the August 16, 2024 EOY amendment window deadline. LEAs unable to meet the EOY deadline will be identified for support under Differentiated Assistance (DA).
More information will be provided in upcoming communications.
Certified EOY data are used to calculate the state indicators on the Dashboard and to identify schools for recognition by programs like the California Distinguished Schools program.
Available Resources to Support 2023−24 EOY
California School Information Services (CSIS) and the CDE are ready to support LEAs in their EOY submission. We continue to work to ensure a stable system.
Please encourage staff to take advantage of free training provided by CSIS, the regional meetings in May, and the weekly question and answer sessions. Giving staff time to attend these training sessions and meetings will proactively provide staff more efficient use of time when working in CALPADS.
Thank you in advance for the efforts of your LEA in submitting quality and timely data to the CDE. Your ongoing support of staff, particularly Data Coordinators/CALPADS LEA Administrators and their staff, who through their work are playing a key role in so many essential functions, is critical. Should you have any questions about this letter, please contact the CALPADS Office by phone at 916-324-6738 or by email at calpads@cde.ca.gov.
Liberty Van Natten, Director
Educational Data Management Division
LEA CALPADS Administrators
Special Education Local Plan Area Directors