Williams Data and Accountability Frequently Asked Questions
When will the California Department of Education (CDE) produce a new list of schools eligible for Williams monitoring?
The CDE will produce a new list of schools eligible for Williams monitoring following the publication of the 2024 California School Dashboard.
Will the CDE release the 2023–24 list of schools eligible for Williams monitoring?
Senate Bill 114 (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2023) was signed into law and modifies California Education Code (EC) Section 1240 as it relates to the list of schools eligible for Williams monitoring. With this change in statute, the list of schools eligible for monitoring by county offices of education (COEs) previously issued from the 2021–22 school year will remain in place through the 2023–24 school year.
This list of schools has been renamed to the 2021–24 school year list of schools eligible for monitoring. The renamed list of schools and additional resources related to monitoring are available on the Williams Case – Schools Eligible for Monitoring web page.
What is Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)?
Per the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the CDE is required to determine schools eligible for support. As outlined in California’s ESSA State Plan, the CDE determines CSI and ATSI eligibility using the statewide indicators reported on the California School Dashboard.
For more information on CSI and ATSI eligibility, please refer to the Every Student Succeeds Act School Support (DOCX).
Who is responsible for preparing and publishing the list of school eligible for Williams monitoring?
The CDE is responsible for preparing and publishing the list of Williams schools based on the criteria in AB 599. For any follow up questions, please contact us by email at Dashboard@cde.ca.gov.
Where is the list published?
The list is published on the Schools Eligible for Monitoring (XLSX) document.
How will a school be included on the list of Williams schools based on the teacher credentialing criteria?
Any school with 15 percent or more of the school’s teachers that do not possess a valid and clear or preliminary teaching credential may be eligible for inclusion on the list of schools eligible for Williams monitoring.
How is the teacher credentialing rate calculated?
The formula to calculate the teacher credentialing rate is as follows
Number of teachers that have a teaching assignment and possess a valid and clear or preliminary teaching credential at the school on Census Day (i.e., October 2020)
Divided by
Number of teachers that have a teaching assignment at the school on Census Day (i.e., October 2020)
Multiplied by 100
Will schools that exit from CSI based on no longer being eligible for CSI low-graduation rate or other criteria be allowed to be removed from the Williams list on an annual basis?
AB 599 requires that all schools identified for CSI or ATSI and placed on the Williams list remain on that list. The legislation does not permit exiting schools from the list due to no longer being in the CSI low-graduation category or other criteria.