Memorandum to County and District Superintendents

Date: December 20, 2004
To: County Superintendents
District Superintendents
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Subject: Notice of settlement in Eliezer Williams, et al. v. State of California, et al.
On December 10, 2004, the San Francisco County Superior Court approved the notice of settlement in Eliezer Williams, et al. v. State of California, et al. The court ordered that CDE make available information regarding the provisions of the settlement and the process by which students on whose behalf the lawsuit was filed may file objections to the settlement. In keeping with the court's order, four documents are included with this memorandum. You will also find them posted and available for downloading on CDE's Web site,
The four documents are:
Notice of Class Action Settlement in the Williams v. State of California Education Lawsuit [] (English language version)
Notice of Class Action Settlement in the Williams v. State of California Education Lawsuit [] (Spanish language version)
Summary of Notice of Class Action Settlement in the Williams v. State of California Education Lawsuit [] (English language version)
Summary of Notice of Class Action Settlement in the Williams v. State of California Education Lawsuit [] (Spanish language version)
The court also directed CDE to request that your district or county office post either the attached notices or the summaries in the main office of each of your schools. As an alternative to this posting, you may distribute the notices or summaries by any other means that you believe will reach your students.
In addition to this posting of the notices or summaries, CDE requests that you publish the notice, or provide a link to the notice on CDE's Web site, if your county or district maintains a Web site.
Finally, CDE requests that you ask each school in your district or county that maintains a Web site to provide a link to the notices on the CDE Web site, or post the toll-free telephone number to a voicemail information line. That number is 1-877-532-2533. The complete notice of settlement may also be obtained by calling the toll-free voicemail information line.
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