Official Letter
Official Letter
May 1, 2024
Dear Categorical Program Directors, Categorical Program Cooperative Directors, and Consolidated Application Contacts:
2024–25 Consolidated Application for Funding
Categorical Aid Programs, Spring Release
This letter provides information related to the completion of the 2024–25 Consolidated Application (ConApp) for Funding Categorical Aid Programs in the ConApp and its categorical programs.
The data collections in the 2024 Spring Release are as follows:
2022–23 Data Collections
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Expenditure, Carryover Report (24 Months)
Title II, Part A Fiscal Year Expenditure Report, 24 Months
Title III English Learner Year-To-Date (YTD) Expenditure Report, 24 Months
Title III Immigrant YTD Expenditure Report, 24 Months
2023–24 Data Collections
Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Students Served
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Facilities Report
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Students Served
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Outcomes
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Academic Performance
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Expenditure, Carryover Report (12 Months)
Title II, Part A Fiscal Year Expenditure Report, 12 Months
Title III English Learner Nonprofit Private School Reimbursement
Title III English Learner YTD Expenditure Report, 12 Months
Title III Immigrant Nonprofit Private School Students Served
Title III Immigrant YTD Expenditure Report, 12 Months
Homeless Education Policy, Requirements, and Implementation
2024–25 Data Collections
Certification of Assurances
Protected Prayer Certification
Local Control and Accountability (LCAP) Federal Addendum Certification
Application for Funding
Nonprofit Private School Consultation
Title III English Learner Student Program Subgrant Budget
Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant Budget
Substitute System for Time Accounting
Records Retention
Each recipient of federal funds under any applicable program through any grant, subgrant, cooperative agreement, loan, or other arrangement shall keep records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of those funds, the total cost of the activity for which the funds are used, the share of that cost provided from other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective financial or programmatic audit. The recipient shall maintain such records for three years after the completion of the activity for which the funds are used. (United States Code (USC) Title 20, Chapter 31, Subchapter III, Part 4, Section 1232f[a])
The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access, for the purpose of audit examination, to any records maintained by a recipient that may be related, or pertinent to, grants, subgrants, cooperative agreements, loans, or other arrangements to which reference is made in subsection (a) of this section, or which may relate to the compliance of the recipient with any requirement of an applicable program. (USC Title 20, Chapter 31, Subchapter III, Part 4, Section 1232f[b])
Additional information is available on the Office of the Law Revision Counsel USC
web page.
Consolidated Application and Reporting System - Online Submission of the ConApp
The Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) is the online version of the ConApp. In order to obtain access to CARS, you must use the unique username and password you created through the Centralized Authentication System (CAS) system. A link to CAS can be found on the California Department of Education (CDE) CARS web page. Once the username has been created, have the person designated as the local educational agency (LEA) CARS User Administrator assign your CAS username the rights to access an LEA’s data. If you do not know who is the CARS User Administrator or the LEA does not have a CARS User Administrator, contact the ConApp Support Desk by email at conappsupport@cde.ca.gov or by phone at 916-319-0297 for assistance.
All ConApps must be submitted through CARS. No paper copies of the ConApp will be accepted. Any subsequent revisions to the ConApp must also be submitted through CARS. LEAs are required to obtain original signatures on the Certification of Assurances and Protected Prayer Certification to certify compliance with all laws and regulations related to the ConApp programs. These original signatures must be kept on file at the LEA and be available during a compliance review, complaint investigation, or an audit. It is not necessary to mail or fax this page to the CDE, unless requested.
There are two times a year where CARS is open and data collections are required to be submitted. The data collections that display for LEAs may not include all of the data collections listed at the beginning of this letter, because only the data collections for which the LEA applied and received funds for will display. The first submission period is the Spring Release, which typically opens around the beginning of May, with the deadline date approximately six weeks later. The second submission period is the Winter Release, which is typically open from the beginning of December with a deadline date around the middle of January.
Funding Opportunities
The LEAs, including direct-funded charter schools, may review a funding profile for each program on the CDE ConApp Programs web page. Each funding profile contains a brief description of the program, eligibility criteria, funding information, and the CDE contacts for additional program or fiscal information.
Legal Assurances
Legal assurances for programs funded through the ConApp are located on the CDE Consolidated Application web page under the What’s New heading section. In the event an LEA cannot agree to specific assurances as a condition for receiving funds and operating programs, the issues must be identified and resolved prior to the submission of the ConApp.
Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D; Title II, Part A; Title III English Learner; Title III Immigrant; and Title IV, Part A Participation
The Application for Funding declares that the LEA, authorized by the local governing board, is applying for specified categorical aid funds.
To receive an allocation for 2024–25, the LEA must:
- Select “Yes” for the specified program participation and certify the 2024–25 Application for Funding data collection no later than March 31, 2025;
- Submit their LCAP Federal Addendum for each participating program no later than March 31, 2025.
Once an LEA meets the preceding requirements to receive an allocation for 2024–25, LEAs must do the following to receive payments:
- Submit a Cash Management Data Collection (CMDC) cash balance report during the quarterly reporting window for each participating program. The final CMDC reporting window is October 10-31, 2026.
For questions regarding allocations or apportionments, contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolutions Office by email at CAAR@cde.ca.gov.
Title V, Part B Participation
The Application for Funding declares that the LEA, authorized by the local governing board, is applying for specified categorical aid funds.
To receive an allocation for Title V, Part B, for 2024–25, the LEA must:
- Select “Yes” for Title V, Part B participation and certify the 2024–25 Application for Funding data collection no later than March 31, 2025.
For questions regarding allocations or apportionments, contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolutions Office by email at CAAR@cde.ca.gov.
Local Control Accountability Plan
Within California, LEAs that apply for applicable Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds are required to complete the LCAP, the LCAP Federal Addendum Template (Addendum), and the ConApp. The LCAP, in conjunction with the Addendum and the ConApp, serves as the ESSA LEA Plan.
In order to apply for funds, the LEA must certify that the completed Addendum will be approved by the local governing board or governing body of the LEA and submitted to the CDE, and that the LEA will work with the CDE to ensure that the Addendum addresses all required provisions of the ESSA programs for which they are applying for federal education funds.
Consultation with Private Schools
There are four ConApp data collections pertaining to the federal mandate requiring LEAs to consult with nonprofit private schools and provide equitable services to benefit their students and educational personnel. The first form is open during the CARS Spring Release, and the other three forms are open during the CARS Winter Release.
The first data collection, open during the Spring Release, is the 2024–25 Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection. The Consultation form lists the nonprofit private schools eligible for private school consultation and equitable services under the federal mandate. The CARS data entry instructions for the data collection provide additional information on how a school can be added and the acceptable circumstances for adding schools.
The other three data collections, open during the CARS Winter Release, are the 2024–25 Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Low-Income Student Count; 2024–25 Title II, Part A / Title III Nonprofit Private School Participation; and 2024–25 Title IV, Part A Nonprofit Private School Participation data collections. These data collections will only be visible for LEAs that apply for and receive Title I, Part A; Title II, Part A; Title III; and/or Title IV, Part A funds. Eligible nonprofits are included based on information provided on the LEAs Spring 2024–25 Nonprofit Private School Consultation form. The CARS instructions detail how to add non-attendance area schools on the 2024–25 Nonprofit Private School Consultation form.
Documents Available on the CDE ConApp Request for Applications Web Page
The following documents can be found on the CDE 2024–25 Consolidated Application Spring Release Request for Applications web page:
- CARS web page (which contains the link to the login screen to the system, the user guide and other CARS-related information)
- 2024–25 ConApp Cover Letter
- 2024–25 ConApp Program Guidance
- 2024–25 ConApp Legal Assurances
CARS User Guide
The CARS User Guide should answer your questions on how to access, complete, and submit your ConApp, and is available on the CDE CARS web page. If, after reviewing the guide, you require additional assistance related to the CARS, please contact:
ConApp Support Desk
Please visit the CDE ConApp web page for more information and updates regarding the ConApp. We encourage you to subscribe to the ConApp email list by sending a blank email message to join-consolidated-application@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
Liberty Van Natten, Director
Educational Data Management Division