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CNIPS SNP Site Claim Report

The Child Nutrition Information and Payment System has reports that can be used to validate student enrollment and poverty.

The Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) is the California Department of Education's (CDE) Web-based system for administering the federal and state nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch and Breakfast, Food Distribution, Special Milk, Child and Adult Care Food, Summer Food Service, and Seamless Summer Feeding Option programs.

The School Nutrition Program (SNP) Site Claim Report is generated through CNIPS. This report includes the total number of students enrolled as well as the number of students that qualify for free meals or reduced price meals. If your school uses the CNIPS program, the SNP Site Claim Report is a viable option to validate both enrollment and poverty.

This is a screen shot of the 2016-17 SNP Site Claim report, which is available from Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS). This report can be used to validate student enrollment and poverty level.  Please see the information below detailed description of the information provided in this image.

The SNP Site Claim Report is divided into two sections. The top section displays general information about the report including the ‘Month/Year Claimed’, ‘Adjustment Number’, ‘Date Received’, ‘Date Accepted’, ‘Date Processed’, and ‘Reason Code’. The second section lists information in three categories ‘Student Eligibility and Enrollment’, ‘Number of Operating Days’, and ‘Reimbursable Lunches Served’. The information needed for the E-rate application is in the category titled ‘Student Eligibility and Enrollment’. The total enrollment is provided in the sub-category titled, ‘Number of Enrolled Children at this Site’. The number of students qualifying for free or reduced meals can be found by adding up the values from the following two sub-categories of ‘Student Eligibility and Enrollment’:

  1. Number of Children Approved for Free Meals
  2. Number of Children Approved for Reduced Price Meals
Questions:   E-rate |
Last Reviewed: Friday, April 19, 2024
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