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SB 210 Committee Minutes for September 29, 2016

September 2016 Meeting Minutes for Senate Bill 210 (Galgiani) Committee.


Senate Bill 210
Thursday, September 29, 2016
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1801
Sacramento, CA 95814


Ross Adams, Michele Berke, Ann Dexheimer, Sheri Farinha, Elizabeth Foronda, Jane Freutel, Marla Hatrak, Licia King, Kristi Panek, Tony Ronco, Ronda Rufsvold, Michele Tompkins, Georgette Visco

California Department of Education Staff

Nancy Grosz Sager, Dwight Smiley, Paul Lacy, Andrew Laufer


Cindy Farnham, Cindy Woodrum


Esperanza Ross, Laura Covello, Maryam Salehoumam

Nancy opened the meeting at 10:00 a.m., welcoming those in attendance and going over the ground rules. A brief overview of SB210 was presented and she acknowledged Sheri Farinha and Esperanza Ross for their work on the SB. Nancy presented the group with a Power Point Presentation titled, “Ways We Prefer to Work Together” This Power Point Presentation will be sent to members via e-mail.

Paul Lacy, CDE Legal Counsel gave a Power Point presentation and overview of Open Meeting Requirements. Handouts were distributed to members and the Power Point presentation will go out via e-mail from Nancy. Open Meeting discussion included:

  • Defamation.
  • Documentation of attendance at meeting.
  • E-mails received pertaining to meeting w/3 or more persons; if you need to reply.
    (DO NOT HIT “REPLY ALL”); send individual replies only.
  • Voting rights apply to members only, not the public.

Andy Laufer, Admin I (Assistant to Dr. Ellerbee) welcomed the committee members and is looking forward to working with everyone on SB210.

It was suggested by a committee member that we have a working lunch due to the agenda items needing to be addressed. Nancy stated that was not possible for this meeting, but the Chairperson and her assistant could work out those logistics at the next meeting.

The committee broke for lunch and the meeting resumed back at 12:51 pm.


The Committee selected Sheri Farinha to be the chair of the committee. Ronda Rusvold will be her assistant. Sheri will assume chairperson duties at the next meeting.

Chairperson’s Vision

Set Agenda
Facilitate/run the meetings
Four or less meetings
Support will come from CDE Staff (Nancy, Dwight, Scott Kirby and Dr. Ellerbee)

Power Point Presentation on “Existing Language Developmental Milestones”

(Nancy) from the CDE Infant/Toddler and Preschool Foundations.

Questions/comments during discussion of milestones:

  • Sheri suggested bringing samples of language milestones to the next meeting
  • Bring samples to next meeting, put them on the wall and have breakout sessions
  • What comes first, Assessment tool -vs- Milestones
  • What order do we use? (adapt milestones, develop a parent profile, choose an assessment)
  • Go back to the law- Milestones are to be aligned w/ state foundations
  • DRDP is for all children, not just Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • DRDP is separate from milestones
  • DRDP cannot be done without the parent
  • Sheri suggested holding off on DRDP and focus on language
  • Standardized instruments must be administered in a specific way
  • Use standardized score
  • Select current tools to be used for assessment (SB 210)
  • Adapt milestone to fit the bill

15 minute break

Meeting resumed with questions from prior discussion about “Existing Language Developmental Milestones”.

  • What process should we go through 0-60 months?
  • Do a comparison – tweak language of existing foundations.
  • Adapt and revise the language of existing milestones to include kids learning dual languages.
  • Look at all checklists and try to consolidate.
  • Do we want to have a cognitive domain to compare (agreed).

Discussion regarding Development of Parent Profile:

  • Would it be helpful if it were a checklist or do we want a graphic chart?
  • Change how the chart looks, put 0-5 months on the top.
  • Break down age intervals (include things from the HELP, Children learning visuals, CDE requirements).
Action Items:
  1. Ronda will send Michele many existing lists (ASHA/HELP/VL2/CDE Parent Resource Guide, etc).
  2. Michele Tompkins will revise existing language milestones/benchmarks/foundations to ensure they include children learning spoken English and children learning dual languages of ASL/English. Michele will divide language milestones by age groups.
  3. Ross Adams will proofread and send to Nancy to discuss at next meeting.

Sheri suggested we discuss when the next meeting will be.

Members agreed to meet every other month

Tentative dates have been set for:
Week of November 28-December 2, 2016
Week of December 5-9, 2016

Nancy will send a doodle meeting planner to set a date.

Nancy had each member give a closing statement.


Questions: Clayton Silva | | 916-319-0605 
Last Reviewed: Monday, July 31, 2023
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