Title IV, Part A Authorized Use of Funds Samples
Sample Title IV, Part A authorized use of federal funds to address the educational needs of students in California.The California Department of Education recommends that local educational agencies (LEAs) consider general criteria when approving activities or expenditures supported with Title IV, Part A funds. To locate information on Title IV, Part A authorized use of funds, please visit the Title IV, Part A Authorized Use of Funds web page.
To assist LEAs with common uses of Title IV, Part A funds, possible allowable activities include, but is not limited to, the following:
Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities:
- College and career guidance and counseling programs;
- Programs and activities that use music and the arts as tools to support student success;
- Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, including computer science (STEM) programs;
- Accelerated learning programs, such as reimbursing low-income students to cover the costs of accelerated learning examination fees;
- Programs to teach traditional American history, civics, economics, geography, or government education;
- Foreign language instruction;
- Environmental education;
- Volunteerism and community involvement programs;
- Integrate multiple discipline programs, such as programs that combine arts and mathematics
Safe and Healthy Students:
- Drug and violence prevention activities;
- School-based mental health services;
- Integrate health and safety practices into school or athletic programs;
- Professional development for suicide prevention, trauma-informed practices, crisis management, conflict resolution techniques, human trafficking, drug abuse, bullying prevention, and violence prevention;
- Child sexual abuse awareness and prevention programs or activities;
- Programs to reduce exclusionary discipline practices;
- Schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports programs
Effective Use of Technology
- Professional development for use of technology, computer-based assessments, and use of technology for instruction;
- Building capacity and infrastructure for technology;
- Purchasing devices, equipment and software;
- Providing rural students with access to online courses
Title IV, Part A: SSAE
Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Program
Title IV, Part A Program | TitleIV@cde.ca.gov
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
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