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K-12 Toilet Requirement Summary

A summary of K-12 toilet requirements by grade level and male/female.

The California Building Standards Codes (California Code of Regulations, Title 24), of which the California Plumbing Code is one part, is revised on a triennial calendar. The California Building Standards Codes become effective on January 1 of the following year that it is published (the 2019 became effective January 1, 2020).

Schools are considered an Educational (E) occupancy for determining the number of toilets, urinals, lavatories, and drinking fountains within the California Plumbing Code.

2013 - present (includes 2013, 2016 and 2019 editions)
All Grades and Staff Toilets and Urinals Lavatories Drinking Fountains

1 toilet per 50

1 urinal per 100

1 per 40 1 per 150
Female 1 toilet per 30 1 per 40 1 per 150

The figures shown are based upon one fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction thereof.

The total number of required toilets for females shall not be less than the total number of required toilets and urinals for males. This requirement shall not apply when single occupancy toilet facilities are provided for each gender in an E occupancy with an occupant load of less than 50. Either:

  1. The required urinal shall be permitted to be omitted or
  2. If installed, the urinal shall not require a second toilet be provided for the female.

California Department of Education (CDE) Notes:

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 14030, requires that toilets for kindergarten students be provided in the kindergarten classroom or in the kindergarten complex. These fixtures should be mounted at a height appropriate for student use.

The California Plumbing Code does not require specific toilets for staff and students. However, for safety and liability concerns CDE recommends that separate toilets be provided for staff.

CDE recommends that the location of toilets and water fountains be distributed throughout the campus to ensure access.

The entrance to toilet rooms must be able to be supervised.

2013 California Plumbing Code - Chapter 4 Plumbing Fixtures and Fixture Fittings External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

2010 (between 1994 and the 2010 code)
Grade/Staff Water Closets
(Fixtures per person) 14
(Fixtures per person) 5, 10
(Fixtures per person)
Drinking Fountains
(Fixtures per person) 3, 13, 18
(toilets to be within kindergarten complex)

1 toilet serves 1-20

2 toilets serve 21-50

Over 50, add 1 toilet for every 50 people


1 serves 1-25

2 serves 26-50

Over 50, add 1 fixture for each additional 50 persons

1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet per 30

1 per 75

1 per 35 1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet per 40

1 per 35

1 per 40 1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet serves 1-15

2 toilets serve 16-35

3 toilets serve 36-55

Over 55, add 1 fixture for each additional 40 persons

1 per 50

1 per 40 No reference
Grade/Staff Water Closets
(Fixtures per person) 14
(Fixtures per person)
Drinking Fountains
(Fixtures per person) 3, 13, 18
(toilets to be within kindergarten complex)

1 toilet serves 1-20

2 toilets serve 21-50

Over 50, add 1 toilet for every 50 people

1 serves 1-25

2 serves 26-50

Over 50, add 1 fixture for each additional 50 persons

1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet per 25

1 per 35 1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet per 30

1 per 40 1 per 150 (12)

1 toilet serves 1-15

2 toilets serve 16-35

3 toilets serve 36-55

Over 55, add 1 fixture for each additional 40 persons

1 per 40 No reference

3 Drinking fountains shall not be installed in toilet rooms.

5 For each urinal added in excess of the minimum required, one water closet may be deducted. The number of water closets shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds (2/3) of the minimum requirement.

10 General. In applying this schedule of facilities, consideration shall be given to the accessibility of the fixtures. Conformity purely on a numerical basis may not result in an installation suited to the needs of the individual establishment. For example, schools should be provided with toilet facilities on each floor having classrooms.

  1. Surrounding materials, wall and floor space to a point two feet in front of urinal lip and four feet above the floor, and at least two feet to each side of the urinal shall be lined with non-absorbent materials.
  2. Trough urinals shall be prohibited.

12 Where food is consumed indoors, water stations may be substituted for drinking fountains. Offices or public buildings for use by more than six persons shall have one drinking fountain for the first 150 persons and one additional fountain for each 300 persons thereafter.

13 There shall be a minimum of one drinking fountain per occupied floor in schools, theaters, auditoriums, dormitories, offices, or public buildings.

14 The total number of water closets for females shall be at least equal to the total number of water closets and urinals required for males. This requirement shall not apply to retail or wholesale stores.

18 A drinking fountain shall be required in occupancies of 30 or less. When a drinking fountain is not required, then footnotes 3, 12, and 13 are not applicable.


Please be aware these are minimum requirements; more fixtures or toilet rooms may be required to adequately serve students and staff in some facility layouts.

Toilets are to be provided based on the population of each gender at each school site. As new facilities (with additional students and staff) are added, including portables, additional toilet facilities should be added to meet building code requirements.

Prior to 1994
Grade/Staff Male Female
Kindergarten No reference No reference

1 urinal per 30

1 toilet per 100

1 toilet per 35

1 urinal per 30

1 toilet per 100

1 toilet per 45
Staff No reference No reference
Questions:   School Facilities & Transportation Services Division | | 916-322-2470
Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 13, 2023