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Annual Update of the FDP Contract in the CNIPS

Nutrition Services Division Management Bulletin
Purpose: Policy, Action Required

To: Food Distribution Program Recipient Agencies

Number: NSD-FDP-07-2011

Attention: Food Service Director, Business Official, Superintendent

Date: October 2011

Subject: Annual Update of the Food Distribution Program Contract in the Child Nutrition and Information Payment System

Reference: Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations sections 250.14, 250.56, and 250.59 Agreement for Distribution of Donated Food

This Management Bulletin (MB) provides information and guidance regarding the annual participation requirements for the Food Distribution Program (FDP) and is effective beginning July 1, 2012.

According to Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations sections 250.14, 250.56, and 250.59, and in Part Two and Part Five of the Agreement for Distribution of Donated Food, all recipient agencies receiving U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foods are required to maintain an inventory system and annually inspect storage facilities.

Mandatory Certification to Receive USDA Foods

Recipient agencies must certify their compliance with these regulations by updating their FDP Contract Packet in the Child Nutrition Information Payment System (CNIPS) annually by July 31.

Non-compliance with the Mandatory Certification

Recipient agencies that do not complete their FDP Contract Packet by the deadline may have their orders cancelled, foods at processors placed in the State account, and entitlement redistributed to agencies in compliance with this policy. The FDP will closely monitor completion of contracts.

Please note: Membership in a private cooperative does not relieve agencies of these responsibilities.

Additional Information

The following will assist your agency in meeting these requirements:

  • An instructional video, “Completing and Submitting the Contract Packet” is available on the California Department of Education’s CNIPS Web page at[Note, the preceding web address is no longer valid. Information can be found here]
  • Storage Facility Review Form is available on the FDP Annual Inventory Forms Web page at [Note, the preceding web address is no longer valid. This form is no longer required nor available.]
  • Agencies that do not have their own inventory system may download sample inventory forms from the FDP Annual Inventory Forms Web page at [Note, the preceding web address is no longer valid. This form is no longer required nor available.]

If you need further assistance, please contact Amy Bell, Child Nutrition Consultant, by phone at 916-322-5051 or by e-mail at, or Sherry Tam, Child Nutrition Consultant, by phone at 916-324-9875 or by e-mail at

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 05, 2024
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