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Department offices and links to Web pages where more information is available.

An overview of the entire California Department of Education (CDE) showing branches and divisions.

Executive Office

Branches and Divisions

State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Director of Education -- Tony Thurmond

Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction -- Mary Nicely

Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction -- Nancy Kim Portillo

Government Affairs Division -- Susan Little

Information & Technology Branch -- Mary Nicely

Instruction, Measurement & Administration Branch -- Cheryl Cotton, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Oversees programs promoting improved student achievement. Programs include statewide student assessment, school and district interventions, state and federal accountability, and collection and reporting of educational data.

Legal, Audits and Charters Branch -- Len Garfinkel, General Counsel

Opportunities for All Branch -- Sarah Neville-Morgan, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Helps all students—from infant and toddlers to adults—to fulfill their goals by supporting teachers, educators, and school and district leaders while celebrating diversity and embracing inclusion before, during, and after school.

Operations & Administration Branch -- Abel Guillen, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Oversees the CDE budget, accounting, information systems, and personnel services; apportionment of state and federal resources to local educational agencies (LEAs); and assistance to LEAs for fiscal and business aspects of public schools.

Student Achievement Branch -- Nancy Kim Portillo

Student Support Services Branch -- Vacant
Formerly known as the Equity Branch, this branch focuses on college and career transition.

Superintendent's Initiatives Branch -- Vacant, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
Oversees the State Superintendent's initiatives and scheduling as well as communications and government affairs.

Strategy, Policy & Special Projects Branch -- Dr. Erika Torres, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction

Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 6, 2024