Vision, Mission, and Goals
California State Board of Education vision, mission, and goals statement.VISION
All California students of the 21st century will attain the highest level of academic knowledge, applied learning and performance skills to ensure fulfilling personal lives and careers and contribute to civic and economic progress in our diverse and changing democratic society.
Create strong, effective schools that provide a wholesome learning environment through incentives that cause a high standard of student accomplishment as measured by a valid, reliable accountability system.
- Standards. Adopt and support rigorous academic content and performance standards in the four core subjects for kindergarten and grades 1 through 12.
- Achievement. Ensure that all students are performing at grade level or higher, particularly in reading and math, at the end of each school year, recognizing that a small number of exceptional needs students must be expected, challenged, and assisted to achieve at an individually determined and appropriately high level. Advocate for mandatory intervention for every child not at grade level. Do everything possible to ensure that "the job is done right in the first place".
- Assessment. Maintain policies assuring that all students receive the same nationally normed and standards-based assessments, grades 2 through 11, again recognizing that a small number of exceptional needs students must be separately and individually assessed using appropriate alternative means to determine achievement and progress.
Questions: State Board of Education | 916-319-0827
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 08, 2023
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