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RDRSSP June 2024 Meeting Minutes

Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (RDRSSP) June 2024 Meeting Draft Minutes will be considered for approval on July 26, 2024.

Draft Minutes of Meeting: June 6, 2024
Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel

(Panel will consider for approval on July 26, 2024)


Preliminary Report of Action
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Panelists Present:
  • Young-Suk Kim, Chair
  • Yesenia Guerrero, Vice Chair
  • Dominic Grasso
  • Carlin Graveline
  • Martha Martinez
  • Jessica Niessen
  • Gisela O’Brien
  • Timothy Odegard
  • Tamara Wilson

Please note that the complete proceedings of the June 6, 2024, Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (Panel or RDRSSP) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the RDRSSP web page.


California Department of Public Health
1500 Capitol Avenue, Auditorium
Sacramento, CA 95814

  • Call to Order

    Chair Kim called the meeting to order at approximately 9:06 a.m.
  • Salute to the Flag

    Panelist Martinez led the salute to the flag.
  • Communications
  • Announcements
  • Special Presentations.
    • Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.
  • Agenda Items
  • Adjournment
Agenda Items
Item 01:

Subject: Opening Remarks of Chair and Vice-Chair

Type of Action: Information

Chair Kim provided opening remarks.

Vice-Chair Guerrero did not provide opening remarks.

ACTION: No action was taken.

Item 02:

Subject: Approve April Meeting Minutes

Type of Action: Action, Information

Recommendation: The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the Panel approve the minutes of the April 19, 2024, RDRSSP meeting.

ACTION: Vice-Chair Guerrero moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.

Panelist Martinez seconded the motion.

Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson

No votes: None

Members Absent: None

Abstentions: None

Recusals: None

The motion passed with nine votes.

Item 03:

Subject: Review of the Statute and Panel Process

Type of Action: Information

State Board of Education (SBE) staff gave a presentation that provided the Panel an opportunity to learn the statute that governs the Panel and their processes.

ACTION: No action was taken.

Item 04:

Subject: Review and Discuss the Invitation to Submit Package

WestEd staff gave a presentation and led a study session on the Invitation to Submit Package.

Type of Action: Information

ACTION: No action was taken.

Item 05:

Subject: Approval of the Invitation to Submit Package

Type of Action: Action, Information

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Panel approve the Invitation to Submit Package with the changes on Slides 3–12 and add whether scoring is done manually or automatically to the table replacing 4–8b on the Cover Sheet, as specified:

Changes to the Invitation to Submit document:

  • Page 4, “Submission Form”: Add new sentence before “The Submission Form must …” that reads: “Any supporting evidentiary materials should be included on the Submission Form.”

  • Pages 5 and 6, “Schedule of Events”: Amend Table I title to read: “Proposed Schedule of Events.”

  • Page 6, “Evaluation Process,” second paragraph, amend to read: “Based solely on the responses and supporting evidentiary materials …”; strike “and evidence”

  • Page 6, “Evaluation Process,” second paragraph: Strike second sentence.

  • Add Appendix G: “California Education Code Section 53008”

Changes to the Submission Form:

  • Page 1, align the content, order, and format of requested information between the Submission Form and the Cover Sheet.

  • Page 1, strike: “Appendices, if any (please list titles)”; replace with: “Supporting evidentiary materials:”

  • Page 1, add under 1: “a. Provide strongest evidence first for each evidence statement.”

  • Page 1, add under 1: “b. Use clear and concise language.”

  • Page 1, move third sentence to “c.,” and amend as follows: “If it is necessary to include additional information relevant to a response, then your response should clearly reference supporting evidentiary materials. Supporting evidentiary materials should be clearly labeled according to the numbering system within the Submission Form (e.g., 1.a.i or 2.d.i)…”; strike “listed under ‘Appendices’ above.”

  • Direct staff to provide examples of the types of supporting evidentiary materials that could be provided for each evidence statement, as applicable.

  • Direct staff to indicate that applicants must provide the following evidence: direct online access or hard copy of the instrument and any supporting evidentiary materials that are noted on the Submission Form.

  • Move instructions for providing Panelists access to the screening instruments from the end of the Cover Sheet to the end of the Submission Form.

Changes to the Cover Sheet:

  • Page 1, align the content, order, and format of requested information between the Submission Form and the Cover Sheet.

  • Amend 2 to read: “In which language(s) is the instrument available?”

  • Amend 3a to read: “Is the instrument digital, hard copy, or both?”

  • Add 3b: “List the technology necessary to administer the instrument.” Include check box options and make “Tablet” a separate option.

  • Make 3b into 3c and strike: “If Other technology is selected above.”

  • Combine 4–8b into a table, organized by grade level, that includes columns for which constructs (from the rubric) are included, administration grouping, average total administration time in minutes (by individual and group), whether scoring is done at the local level or by another entity, and whether scoring is done manually or automatically.

  • Amend 9a to read: “Who may administer the instrument?”

  • Amend 9b to read: “What type of training/professional development is available for those who administer the instrument?”

  • Add 9c: “What is the average amount of training/professional development time required for those who administer the instrument?”

  • Move 9a–9c under “Information About Training, Tools, and Supports.”

  • Amend 10 to read: “Please briefly describe which user interfaces, data management systems, and/or learning management system integration are available…”

  • Strike 11

  • Add 12b: “Describe the basic pricing plan/pricing structure for professional development.”

  • Amend 13a to request that the applicant define the unit.

  • Add 13c: “Please provide information about pricing for bulk instrument purchasing.”

  • Move instructions for providing Panelists access to the screening instruments from the end of the Cover Sheet to the end of the Submission Form.

ACTION: Panelist Niessen moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.

Panelist Grasso seconded the motion.

Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson

No votes: None

Members Absent: None

Abstentions: None

Recusals: None

The motion passed with nine votes.

Item 06:

Subject: General Public Comment.

Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Public comment will be limited to one minute.

Type of Action: Information


Chair Kim adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:40 p.m.

Questions:   Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel | | 916-445-7098
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 12, 2024
Recently Posted in Advisory Bodies, Commissions, Committees & Panels