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File Modifications

File modifications for the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS), and the Public Schools downloadable data files.
Date Modified and Posted Files Description of Change
21-Jul-2014 cohort13.txt 2012–13 cohort outcome data were updated.
13-Mar-2013 enr09.txt Minor updates were made to the 2009–10 enrollment data.
12-Mar-2103 cohort10.txt 2010–11 cohort outcome data were updated.


Removed extra columns (KGDN1 and KGDN2), renamed the column headings to match the file layout, added a county column, and updated the District column to include the district name for some charter schools, which previously listed the charter's name. The total counts did not change.
12-Dec-2012 elsch02.txt Combined data for a duplicate row of data for one school. Totals did not change. Also posted as a text file rather than an executable file.
04-Oct-2012 cbedsora11b.txt File was modified to roll up the counts of Estimated Teacher Hires to the district level. Originally the file contained one row for the district and one row for independently reporting charter schools (if applicable).


Data were modified after certification.
16-Mar-2012 assign10.txt File was updated to include the distance learning, special education, independent study, and itinerant teacher fields.
13-Mar-2012 cohort09.txt Original file did not include district level summaries by gender for all subgroups.
18-Jan-2012 elsch11.txt Data were revised to remove some uncertified independently reporting charter school's data from state totals.
18-Mar-2011 grad06.txt
Data were modified after certification.
15-Mar-2011 grad05.txt
The original files contained the 2004–05 data, rather than the 2005–06 data. Also, data were modified after certification.
5-Nov-2010 paif09.txt In the original file, records that did not indicate a race were included in the race category "Code 8 - Two or More Races, Not Hispanic." Now these records are reported separately under the category "Code 0 - Not Reported."


These files were modified significantly. Many elements have been removed or changed, and new elements have been added. For details on specific changes, please refer to the Changes to the Public Schools File web page.
25-Feb-2010 elsch09.dbf Due to a processing error with one district, data were corrected and re-posted.
25-Feb-2010 fepsch09.dbf Due to a processing error with one district, data were corrected and re-posted.
25-Feb-2010 lc09p2_4.dbf Due to a processing error with one district, data were corrected and re-posted.
5-Feb-2010 prcert08.txt Corrections were made to the credential information.
5-Feb-2010 tchcrd08.txt Corrections were made to the credential information.
2-Feb-2010 assign08.dbf Corrections were made to the credential information.
2-Feb-2010 paif08.dbf Corrections were made to the credential information.
3-Dec-2009 cbedsopus08a.txt The original file was generated incorrectly and missing records.
11-May-2009 lc07p2_4.dbf The original file was generated incorrectly and missing records.
6-May-2009 lcstf07s.dbf This file was originally generated incorrectly. In regenerating the file, it was also discovered that data for nonpublic nonsectarian schools were reported for three districts and should not have been. As a result of removing this data, the statewide count of English learner teachers was reduced by two and the count of bilingual paraprofessionals was reduced by nine.
2-Mar-2009 paif06.dbf The "TEACH" field was originally posted as a logical type field, when it should have been posted as a character type field.
27-Jan-2009 assign07.dbf The original file was posted with some limited number of records having invalid values in the "NCLB_CORE" and "NCLB_HQT" fields. These values were adjusted to reflect valid values.

18-Nov-2008 and subsequent postings


The following data were removed from the downloadable public schools files:

  • ASM_DIST - Number of the California Assembly district in which this school is located.
  • ASM_MEM - Name of the California Assembly member for the district in which this school is located.
  • ASM_PRTY - Political party affiliation of this Assembly member.
  • SEN_DIST - Number of the California Senate district in which this school is located.
  • SEN_MEM - Name of the California Senate member for the district in which this school is located.
  • SEN_PRTY - Political party affiliation of this Senate member.
  • CON_DIST - Number of the U.S. congressional district in which this school is located.
  • CON_MEM - Name of the U.S. congressional member for the district in which this school is located.
  • CON_PRTY - Political party affiliation of this U. S. congressional member.

These fields will be replaced with a filler, so the file length will not change.

18-Jul-2008 elsch07.dbf The 2007 Language Census certified file was updated due to a California Department of Education (CDE) data processing error for data reported by San Francisco County Office of Education. The 2007 Language Census data files were also incorrectly generated.
18-Jul-2008 fepsch07.dbf The 2007 Language Census certified file was updated due to a CDE data processing error for data reported by San Francisco County Office of Education. The 2007 Language Census data files were also incorrectly generated.
Resolved Rec_Id duplication issue. This file modification has resulted in five fewer teachers (statewide).
Resolved Rec_Id duplication issue. Only the Rec_Id field was modified from the prior release of this file.



One hundred and nine records were added as a result of the records being identified as teaching assignments of staff that were reported in the Professional Assignment Information Form (they were initially mislabeled as distance learning courses).



(12/31/02) Missing records were added to file.
(08/02/02) The "Rec_Id" field was renumbered to rid duplicate numbers.



(12/31/02) Missing records were added to file.
(08/02/02) The "ctype" field was removed. All records are teaching assignments.



(12/31/02) Missing records were added to file.
(09/27/02) Data in the ethnic designations fields were updated. The update reduced the number of individuals who reported multiple ethnicities in the following school districts (identified by County-District Code): 1563529; 1964840; 1973445; 3066522; 3367249; 3768338; 4369369; and 4369666.
(08/02/02) The "rec_id" field was renumbered to rid duplicate numbers. "FTE_T", "FTE_A", and "FTE_P" were corrected as well.


All 2001 Language Census Files

The 2001 Language Census Data files have been updated. Unedited data from some of California Youth Authority (CYA) schools were inadvertently included in the 2001 data. According to legal advice, we are not collecting language census data from CYA schools. Therefore, we have removed the partial data for these schools and have reposted the Language Census data.



The number of English Learners (EL) redesignated as Fluent-English Proficient (FEP) students has been updated.



"7" has been replaced with " " (empty string) in the ED_LEVEL field. An unpopulated cell (formerly "7" in the ED_LEVEL) represents unreported data.

1-June-2001 and subsequent postings


The grade span field no longer represents the range of grades that each school supports. The grade span field is now the lowest grade and the highest grade in which student enrollment was reported in the most recent certified CBEDS data. The grade span field name has changed from "gr_span" to "grd_span."



Added two columns of data for each school - school-based health center and school-linked health center.  These two columns of data represent Section K of the School Information Form (SIF).  Accordingly, the file name was changed from "sifg_j99.exe" to "sifg_k99.exe."



Changed schools that did not indicate type of calendar year to "traditional calendar year."  This is consistent with instructions for completing the form that indicate "If your school does not complete this section, we will assume that your school is on a traditional calendar."

Questions:   Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 02, 2025
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