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File Structure: Restraint and Seclusion Data

File structure for the restraint and seclusion data from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and student program group.

Files include state, county, local educational agency (LEA) level data (i.e., county office of education, district, and charter school), and data at the nonpublic school (NPS) level. Please refer to the file structure for details on what data are contained in the file. For more information about these data, please visit the Information about the Restraint and Seclusion Data web page.

Note: To protect student privacy, data in this file are suppressed (*) under the following conditions:

  • When the Reporting Category is NOT equal to TA (Total)
  • When the Aggregate Level is NOT equal to T (State)
  • When the corresponding cell size is 10 or less, including zero.
Field Name Description
Academic Year

The academic year (July 1 – June 30) corresponding to the time period during which the data were collected.

Aggregate Level An indicator of the aggregation level.
  • T = State
  • C = County
  • D = District (non-charter school data only)
  • S = Charter School

Note: One of these values must be chosen to obtain an aggregate count at the selected level. Pursuant to Education Code section 49006, the data in this file are reported at the "local educational agency" level, which includes county offices of education, districts, and charter schools.

County Code A unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
District Code

A unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.

School Code

A unique seven-digit code corresponding to the charter school.

County Name County Name.
District Name District or Administrative Authority Name.
School Name Charter School Name.
Non-Public/Non-Sectarian (NPS) (All/Y/N)

An indicator of whether data at the selected level is for all schools, only non-public/non-sectarian (NPS) schools, or only non-NPS schools are included.

All = Includes data for all schools for the selected Aggregate Level (T, C, or D).

Y = Includes only data for NPS schools for the selected Aggregate Level (T, C, or D).

N = Includes only data for non-NPS schools for the selected Aggregate Level (T, C, or D).

NOTE: One of these values must be chosen to obtain an aggregate count at the selected level. This indicator is only applicable where the Aggregate Level = T (state), C (county), or D (district); it is not applicable where Aggregate Level = S (charter school).

Reporting Category An indicator of the student group reporting category (race/ethnicity, gender, or program subgroup) disaggregation or subset.
  • RB = African American
  • RI = American Indian or Alaska Native
  • RA = Asian
  • RF = Filipino
  • RH = Hispanic or Latino
  • RD = Not Reported
  • RP = Pacific Islander
  • RT = Two or More Races
  • RW = White
  • GM = Male
  • GF = Female
  • GN = Non-Binary
  • GX = Missing
  • SE = English Learners
  • SD = Students with Disabilities
  • SS = Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
  • SM = Migrant
  • SF = Foster
  • SH = Homeless
  • S5 = 504 Accommodation Plan
  • TA = Total (Select Reporting Category= TA for aggregate totals without consideration of a student group)

Note: If LEAs reported and certified that no restraints or seclusions were used during the academic year, then data rows are ONLY included where Reporting Category = TA. Data for students not belonging to one of the student group Reporting Categories can be calculated by subtracting the counts for the student group from the total. For example, the count of students who are not students with disabilities can be calculated by subtracting SD (Students with Disabilities) counts from the TA (Total) counts at the corresponding Aggregate Level for the desired entity.

Count of Mechanical Restraints The number of times that students were mechanically restrained as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.
Unduplicated Count of Students Mechanically Restrained The unduplicated number of students who were mechanically restrained as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.
Count of Physical Restraints The number of times that students were physically restrained as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.
Unduplicated Count of Students Physically Restrained The unduplicated number of students who were physically restrained as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.
Count of Seclusions The number of times that students were secluded as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.
Unduplicated Count of Students Secluded

The unduplicated number of students who were physically restrained as defined by Education Code section 49005.1.

Certification Status (Y/N) A "Y" or "N" value indicating whether data were submitted and certified in CALPADS. No data are provided where the certification status is "N".
Questions: Data Reporting Office | | 916-327-0219 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 3, 2024