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File Structure: Staff Credential Record

File structure for staff credential data, including associated authorizations, for staff employed on Information Day.

This file contains the credential and authorization for individual teachers. This file is used to reference and match staff RecID to the two other files that have staff information. Files must be from the same year to match staff identification codes (RecID).

Field Name Field Type Width Description
AcademicYear Character

Academic year for the data. This data is collected on the first Wednesday in October. For example '1415' would indicate that the Academic school year is 2014–2015 and the data was collected in October 2014.

RecID Character
This code is a randomly generated number assigned to each staff. The code assigned for one year may not be the same code assigned to the same staff member for another year. Therefore, the code cannot be used to match records over time.
CredentialType Character
The type of credential issued to the staff member by CCTC. The field is coded as follows:
  • 10 - Full credential - Held by a teacher who has completed the teacher preparation program and who holds a preliminary, clear, professional clear, or life credential.
  • 20 - University Intern - A university credential program in which the intern is enrolled in the university and takes course work while teaching.
  • 30 - District Intern - A district credential program in which interns participate in preparation that includes staff development but may or may not include college course work.
  • 40 - Waiver - Requested by an employer on behalf of an individual when the employer is unable to find credentialed teachers or individuals who qualify for an emergency permit.
  • 50 - Provisional Internship Permit - Available when the employing agency knows that there will be a teacher vacancy yet is unable to recruit a suitable candidate. A bachelor’s degree, passage of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST), and specific course work or experience is required. The permit is issued for one year and may be renewed once if the individual takes all the subject matter exams listed on the document and does not pass. Only two provisional internship documents of any kind may be issued to an individual.
  • 60 - Short-term Staff Permit - Requested by an employing agency when there is an acute staffing need. A bachelor’s degree, passage of the CBEST, and specific course work or experience is required. The permit is issued for one year, cannot be renewed, and is available to a candidate only once in a lifetime.
  • 70 - Child Development or Children’s Center Permit - authorizes service in early childhood education programs and settings. There are multiple levels within the structure of the Child Development Permits which authorize the permit holder to perform different levels of services to young children.
  • 80 - Emergency or Long-Term Emergency Permits - A long-term Emergency Permit may be issued at the request of an employing school district, county office of education, charter school, or state agency in order to fill a temporary staffing vacancy or need. The permit is issued for one year only. Emergency permits in the areas of Multiple Subject and Single Subject Teaching were not issued after June 30, 2006. Employing agencies are required to have a current Declaration of Need on file with the Commission. Service is restricted to the employing agency requesting the permit.
  • 85 - Limited Assignment Teaching Permit – may be issued at the request of an employing school district, county office of education, charter school or state agency to fill a staffing vacancy or need. They are issued for a one-year period and can be reissued in any one subject or special education specialization area twice if the holder completes the renewal requirements and the employing agency requests the permit. Employing agencies are required to have a current Declaration of Need on file with the Commission before the permit can be issued. Individuals must hold a valid California general or special education teaching credential based on a baccalaureate degree and professional preparation program, including student teaching, have an assigned experienced educator in the subject or specialization area of the limited assignment if the applicant has not obtained permanent status, and consent to serve on the Limited Assignment Permit.
  • 90 - Certificate of Clearance - is a document issued by the Commission to an individual whose moral and professional fitness has been shown to meet the standards as established by law.
  • 95 - Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate - is issued to non-certificated individuals who complete fingerprint clearance through a criminal background check completed by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to work with pupils in a student activity program sponsored by a school district or county office of education.
AuthorizationType Character

The specific authorization(s) included in the credential issued by the CCTC. The field is coded as follows:

  • 100 - Elementary/Self-Contained Classroom/Multiple Subject

Single Subject, General Secondary, or Standard Secondary

  • 107 - Secondary – any single subject
  • 110 - Agriculture         
  • 120 - Art
  • 130 - Biology
  • 140 - Biology (specialized)
  • 150 - Business
  • 160 - Chemistry
  • 170 -  Chemistry (specialized)
  • 180 - English
  • 190 - Foundational-Level General Science
  • 200 - Foundational-Level Mathematics
  • 210 - Geoscience
  • 220 - Geoscience (specialized)
  • 230 - Health Science
  • 240 - Home Economics
  • 250 - Industrial and Technology
  • 260 - Languages Other Than English
  • 270 - Life Science
  • 280 - Mathematics
  • 290 - Music
  • 300 - Physical Education
  • 310 - Physical Science
  • 320 - Physics
  • 330 - Physics (specialized)
  • 340 - Social Science
  • 350 - Career Technical Education/Vocational
  • 360 - Adult Education
  • 370 - English Language Development (ELD) ONLY
  • 375 - English Language Development (ELD) AND Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)
  • 380 -  Primary Language Instruction (BCLAD or equivalents) and SDAIE and ELD
  • 390 - Reading Specialist/Certificate       
  • 400 - Special Designated Subjects (driver education, driver training, ROTC, basic military drill, Aviation flight, or ground instruction)
  • 410 - Special Education
  • 420 - Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) ONLY
  • 999 – No authorization found for specified credential and time period
FileCreated Date

Date that the file was created.


Questions: Data Reporting Office | | 916-327-0219 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, June 26, 2024