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Two-Month Average Data Reports

The page displays two-month average Early Education Division (EED) enrollment data for children by Program Length and Statutory Age for October/April in 2020−24.

Two-Month Average Report: October and April CDD-801A Report

This is a two-month average series of statewide reports documenting services provided to children in EED programs. These reports are based on services provided during the month of October and April.

Two-Month Average Number of Children by Program Length and Statutory Age October 2023/April 2024

Program Length1 3-Year-Old2 4-Year-Old3 Older than 4-Year-Old Sub-Total
Part-Day 25,162 43,008 189 68,359
Full-Day 17,709 22,453 147 40,309
Total4 42,871 65,461 336 108,688

Two-Month Average Number of Children by Program Length and Statutory Age October 2022/April 2023

Program Length1 3-Year-Old2 4-Year-Old3 Older than 4-Year-Old Sub-Total
Part-Day 22,519 46,973 289 69,781
Full-Day 15,114 21,782 193 37,089
Total4 37,633 68,755 482 106,870

Two-Month Average Number of Children by Program Length and Statutory Age October 2021/April 2022

Program Length1 Younger than 3-Year-Old 3-Year-Old2 4-Year-Old3 Older than 4-Year-Old Sub-Total




48,081 35 66,068




19,505 336 32,570




67,586 371 98,638

Two-Month Average Number of Children by Program Length and Statutory Age October 2020/April 2021

Program Length1 3-Year-Old2 4-Year-Old3 Older than 4-Year-Old Sub-Total
Part-Day 11,621 38,434 2,474 52,529
Full-Day 9,312 18,039 2,564 29,915
Total4 20,933 56,473 5,038 82,444

Source: Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) − 801A Monthly Child Care Population Report.


1The list below outlines California State Preschool Program (CSPP) program lengths, distinguishing between Part-Day for care up to 4 hours and Full-Day for care exceeding 4 hours.

CSPP - Part-Day: receiving 4 or fewer hours of care per day.

CSPP - Full-Day: receiving more than 4 hours of care per day.

2The Three-year-old children in this column align with the CSPP statutory age definitions for each of the FY (Fiscal Year) report.

3The Four-year-old children in this column align with the CSPP statutory age definitions for each of the FY report.

4Child counts are unduplicated within each length of care. A child may be counted twice if they received services both Full-Day and Part-Day during the year. The total does not equal the sum of the rows. Rather, the total represents the unduplicated number of children served regardless of length of care.

Return to California State Preschool Program Data Reports web page.

Questions:   Early Education | | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 04, 2025