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Validation Tables

Current validation tables for Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software, and as updated in the SACS Web-based Financial Reporting System (SACS Web System).

Note: These validation table updates:

  • Have been applied to the SACS Web-based Financial Reporting System (SACS Web System).
  • Are provided for local educational agencies that opt to use the tables for updating their local accounting systems; and
  • Will download by default into the C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\.

When changes are made to the SACS validation tables, revised tables are posted here. If you would like an e-mail notification of updates, please send a blank message to to subscribe to the sacs-update mailing list. The SACS software update routine is a two-step process that includes downloading the most current tables from the Internet and unzipping that file.

Step 1 -- Downloading the Most Current Tables

Validation Table Files (EXE; Revised 15-Nov-2024)

Depending on your operating system, clicking on the link above will open a "File Download" or "Save As" window. Click "Save," then navigate to your C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\. Click "Save" and the vtables.exe file will be downloaded and saved into the C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\. Close the Download Complete box and close your Internet browser.

Step 2 -- Unzipping the Vtables.exe Files

Once the download is complete, the validation tables will need to be extracted. Use a Windows tool, such as Windows Explorer or My Computer, to locate the C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\ folder. Double-click on the vtables.exe file to open the WinZip Self-Extractor window. The default folder for the unzipped files is the same as for the zipped file, C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\. Ensure that the “Overwrite files without prompting” box is checked and then click on Unzip. After the files are extracted, a message will display indicating that 14 files have been successfully extracted. Click on Close, and the WinZip Self-Extractor window will close. Verify that your Update directory (again, the default is C:\SACS2022ALL\Update\) has 12 updated .txt files and two .docx files, in addition to the vtables.exe file. The .docx files are Microsoft Word documents that explain the validation table changes in detail and summarize the code combinations affected by this table update.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 19, 2024