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Expanded Learning Opportunities Program

Funding Description

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs with a focus on local educational agencies (LEAs) with the highest concentration of targeted disadvantaged students (English learners and students categorically eligible for free or reduced-price meals).


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria School districts and charter schools that offer classroom-based instruction for grades TK/K-6 are eligible for funding. County offices of education and charter schools established pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 47605.5 are not eligible for funding.
Other Eligibility Considerations Not applicable
Eligible Grade Level(s) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority EC Section 46120; Budget Item 6100-110-0001
Source / Type State / Apportionment
State Fiscal Year 2021-22
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 2600 / 8590
Total Available $1,754,021,000
Recipient Amount See allocation formula
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula Funding is based on prior year second period (P-2) classroom-based TK/K-6 average daily attendance (ADA) and prior year P-2 unduplicated pupil percentage (UPP). Pursuant to EC Section 43502(b) added by Senate Bill (SB) 98, except for 2020-21 newly operational charter schools and continuing LEAs that were eligible for a growth apportionment calculation pursuant to EC Section 43505(b)(2) added by SB 820, the 2020-21 ADA equals the 2019-20 reported ADA, adjusted pursuant to EC sections 43502(b)(2) through (b)(4). ADA for newly operational charter schools and LEAs eligible to receive a growth apportionment in 2020-21 equals the ADA calculated pursuant to EC Sections 43505(a)(1) and 43505(b)(2), respectively. Nonclassroom-based ADA, including traditional and course based independent study ADA, is excluded. Eligible LEAs with prior year UPP equal to or greater than 80.00 percent receive $1,170 per classroom-based TK/K-6 ADA multiplied by UPP. Eligible LEAs with prior year UPP equal to or less than 79.99 percent receive funding at a rate per classroom-based TK/K-6 ADA multiplied by the UPP that will be calculated based on the remaining funds available in the appropriation.

Important Dates

Date Application Available Unavailable
Due Date Unavailable
Expected Notification Date November 30, 2021

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Unavailable
Fiscal Principal Apportionment []
Funding ResultsFunding Results []
Other Unavailable


Program Expanded Learning Division, 916-319-0923,
Fiscal Principal Apportionment Section, 916-324-4541,
Division School Fiscal Services Division
Last Modified: October 14, 2021
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