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Funding Results

Scaling Up Multi-Tiered System of Support Statewide Funding

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

Funding results for fiscal year 2021-22.

Program Questions: Julia Agostinelli, email:, phone: 916-322-9503

Fiscal Questions: Alice Ng, email:, phone: 916-323-4636

County Name Local Educational Agency Grant Number Amount
Orange Orange County Department of Education 21-25594-10306-00 31,000,000
Orange Orange County Department of Education 21-25594-10306-01 19,000,000*

*Notification of Award

Fiscal year (FY) 2021–22 Notification of Award for the Scaling Up Multi-Tiered System of Support Statewide (SUMS) Partner Entity Funding.

The SUMS Partner Entity funding was established by Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021, Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (AB 130) and appropriates $50 million to the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE). The law requires that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction establish a process, in consultation with the executive director of the State Board of Education, to select a local educational agency to partner with the OCDE to expand the state’s capacity to support LEAs’ implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL), trauma-informed practices, and culturally relevant, affirming, and sustaining practices. Up to $12.5 million of the $50 million was appropriated for this purpose.

The Placer County Office of Education was identified as the partner entity by the California Department of Education, and approved by the Executive Director of the State Board of Education, through a competitive application process. The OCDE will issue the $12.5 million subgrant award to the partner entity.

Last Reviewed: Friday, July 21, 2023
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