Funding Results
Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Fiscal Year 2024-25
Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.
Title IV, Part A, allocations, apportionments, and letters detailing funding information for fiscal year 2024–25.
Program Questions: Student Achievement and Support Division, email:
Fiscal Questions: Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office, email:
Apportionment Overview
Title IV, Part A, 2024–25 Overview
Information about the program, allocation and apportionments, grant award identification, applicable federal rules and regulations, and the grant award period.
Schedule of the 2024–25 Preliminary Allocations (XLSX; Aug-2024)
First Apportionment
Letter of the First Apportionment (Coming Soon)
Schedule of the First Apportionment (Coming Soon)
More about Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Fiscal Year 2024-25