Request for Applications
Golden State Pathways Program: Lead and Regional Technical Assistance Centers
Note: The due date for the request for applications has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.
The California Golden State Pathways Program Technical Assistance Center (GSPP TAC): Lead Technical Assistance Center (LTAC) and Regional Technical Assistance Centers (RTACs) funds are intended for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) wishing to apply to be the LTAC, or a RTAC for the GSPP TAC.
Program Questions: Maria Burright, email:
Downloading Questions: Michelle Triplett, email:
Document | Description |
Request for Applications and Guidance (DOCX) |
Instructions for completing the California Golden State Pathways Program Lead Technical Assistance Center Contract and Regional Technical Assistance Center Contracts request for applications. |
Name: Budget Categories and Descriptions Description: Describes the budget category for each object code. |
Appendix B (PDF) | Name: Program Requirements and Legislation, Goals of Golden State Pathways Program, California Education Code Sections 53021–53023 Description: Provides California Education Code that outlines the goals of the Golden State Pathways Program. |
Appendix C (PDF) | Name: Technical Assistance Contract Regions Description: Contains the program regions of California including the counties in each region. |
Appendix D (PDF) | Name: Application Cover Page Description: Contains required local education agency (LEA) and contact information. Includes required signatures. |
Appendix E (PDF) | Name: Application Description: Provides descriptions of the expected outcomes of the contract. |
Appendix F (PDF) | Name: Mandatory Meetings with the California Department of Education Description: Provides tentative dates for mandatory meetings with the California Department of Education. |
Appendix G (PDF) | Name: Budget and Budget Narrative Forms Instructions Description: Contains instructions to complete Appendix H budget forms A and B. |
Appendix H-1 (XLSX) | Name: Budget Form A Description: Description of proposed expenditures by category. |
Appendix H-2 (DOCX) | Name: Budget Form B Description: Provides explanation of all expenditures under each category within the budget. |
Appendix I (PDF) | Name: Quarterly Report Form Description: Provides quarterly expenditures organized by tasks within each object code. |
Appendix J (PDF) | Name: Annual (End of Year) Report Form Description: Provides narrative of annual contract services provided by contracted regional technical assistance center. |
Appendix K (PDF) | Name: Scoring Rubric Description: Contains explanations of scoring categories. |
Appendix L (PDF) | Name: Application Checklist Description: Contains list of items required for complete application. |
Certifications and Assurances
Document | Description |
General Assurances & Certifications |
Required as a condition of receiving funds. Applicants do not need to sign and return them with the application; they must be downloaded and kept on file for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits. Applicants that participate in the Consolidated Application - ConApp - should have a copy on file and do not need another copy. Program-specific assurances are not included here and should be listed separately on the Request for Application (RFA). |
More about Golden State Pathways Program: Lead and Regional Technical Assistance Centers