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Funding Results

Educator Workforce Investment Grant: Effective Language Acquisition Programs

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

This page contains the list of the recipients of the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG): Effective Language Acquisition Programs (ELAP) as authorized by the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill of 2022 (Assembly Bill 185), Section 54. The bill appropriated $10,000,000 to be available through the 2024–25 fiscal year to grantees to deliver professional learning for educators across the state on implementing effective language acquisition programs for English learner students.

This award is made contingent upon the availability of funds. If the legislature acts to reduce or defer the funding upon which this award is based, then this award will be amended accordingly.

Program Questions: Language Policy and Leadership Office, email:

Fiscal Questions: Cristina Echols-Gollas, Division Support Office, email:

Name of Recipient Amount
Zone A: Sacramento County Office of Education Consortium $2,500,000
Zone B: San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Consortium $2,500,000
Zone C: Los Angeles County Office of Education Consortium $2,500,000
Zone D: Orange County Department of Education Corsortium $2,500,000
Total $10,000,000

More about Educator Workforce Investment Grant: Effective Language Acquisition Programs

Last Reviewed: Friday, July 28, 2023
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