CNAC Minutes for the September 9, 2019, Meeting
Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC)..Members Present
Colby Bladow, Dena Boortz, Helen Chang, Caroline Danielson, Kim Frinzell, Maria Galleher, Lawrence Herrera, Clell Hoffman, Barbara Rohrer, Patrick Traynor
Representative for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Stephanie Papas
Members Absent
Nori Grossman, Cody Williams
Also Present
Mike Danzik, Lisa Melhouse, Shanine Coats, Alma Barreras, Sean Hardin, Cintya Loreto, Heather Reed, Crystal Young, Jennifer Kuo
Call to Order
Clell Hoffman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There was no public comment
Approval of Agenda
Clell Hoffman, chair, moved to approve the agenda for September 2019.
Approval of Minutes for January and March
Clell Hoffman, chair, moved to approve the minutes for January and March.
Agenda Items
Item 1
Subject: State Superintendent and State and Federal Legislative Updates
From Stephanie Papas, Representative for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
The topic of discussion: Update on Superintendent and the focus of his initiatives (Stephanie provided a handout detailing these)
- Adding a Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Office and an Equity Office
- Thirteen transition workgroups are working on the Superintendent’s initiatives
- The Superintendent indicated an interest in a possible partnership with Edible Schoolyard. Clell asked about Edible Schoolyard, whether it would be linking nutrition to curriculum or bringing products into the cafeteria. Stephanie indicated that it is more focused on linking nutrition to the curriculum.
- Larry brought up chronic absenteeism and how poor nutrition and health ties in to chronic absenteeism. Stephanie indicated that she would bring this up to the workgroup
From Government Affairs Division, Alma Barreras, Legislative Representative
The topic of discussion: Various Senate and Assembly Bills
- A handout was provided detailing various child nutrition bills and other bills of interest, and their status in the state legislature.
- Eight bills introduced this year, only two of which are still moving forward.
- Some are two-year bills and will be considered next year.
- Others do not have enough funding.
- Some are two-year bills and will be considered next year.
From: Shanine Coats, Federal Policy Liaison
The topic of discussion: Various federal updates
- A handout was provided detailing various updates and changes to federal legislation and regulations.
- Proposed changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), combined with public charge regulations, could lead to fewer children being directly certified and an estimated 500,000 families losing automatic eligibility.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has updated their April 2019 memorandum on the crediting of coconut, hominy, corn masa, and corn flour in nutrition programs. There is a link in the handout to this document.
- It is still possible that Congress will put forth a Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization bill.
- The handout provides links to bills that may contribute to this conversation.
- Likely inclusions to the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization bill are promotion of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), some efficiencies around administrative reviews (changing the time-based cycle to a risk-based cycle); and school equipment grants.
- The handout provides links to bills that may contribute to this conversation.
Item 2
Subject: School Food Pantries
From: Heather Reed
The topic of discussion: Overview of project, survey results, and discussion of how CNAC can help
- Handouts provided by Heather Reed and Crystal Young detailing the Why, What, and How of School Food Pantries, as well as results of the Nutrition Services Division’s School Food Pantry Survey released August 2019.
- Request for ideas and assistance from the Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC): What should we be asking school districts who want to help and offer advice?
- How to identify eligible students and families without making individuals feel stigmatized?
- CEP model: If school is eligible, then all individuals are eligible
- No forms or eligibility
- CEP model: If school is eligible, then all individuals are eligible
- How to identify eligible students and families without making individuals feel stigmatized?
- Remove food pantries from the cafeteria. It is a school community program; give it to the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTA/PTO) to organize, instead of the food service director
- Provide staples, plus methods for preparation
- Work it into the curriculum; have kids be involved in some part of the process (business academy, cooking classes, etc.)
Item 3
Subject: CNAC Recruitment Update
From: Mike Danzik
The topic of discussion: Update on recruitment of potential new board members
- Recruitment is for five positions
- Consultant
- School board member
- Curriculum coordinator
- School administrator
- Classroom teacher
- Consultant
- Moving forward to put application out and start the recruitment process.
Item 4
Subject: Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
From: Cintya Loreto
The topic of discussion: 2019 debrief, strategies to increase meal participation, and discussion of how CNAC can help
- Ms. Loreto provided updates on the SFSP with a PowerPoint presentation. A handout of the slides was also provided.
11:59 p.m. Lunch
Reconvened meeting at 1:06 p.m.
Item 5
Subject: National School Breakfast Week (March 2–6, 2020)
From: CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair
Topic of discussion: Marketing strategies for increasing participation in the School Breakfast Program during National School Breakfast Week
- Goal is to provide ideas and objectives as to how to market breakfast or any barriers school may have to providing breakfast
- Staffing issues: Who will watch over kids?
- Logistics issue: Where will students eat?
- Idea: Breakfast in the classroom
- Barriers:
- Objections from teachers
- It infringes on instructional minutes
- How do teachers tie it into learning outcomes?
- It infringes on instructional minutes
- Custodians: More work cleaning up the classrooms
- Who delivers the carts to the classrooms?
- Objections from teachers
- Idea: Breakfast during morning recess (elementary schools)
- Similar to Second Chance Breakfast
- Similar to Second Chance Breakfast
- Education to providers could help them get behind the idea. Consider how serving breakfast affects all stakeholders
- Find out what percentage of students are eating breakfast
- Provide data about breakfast’s importance to kids and learning
- Find out what percentage of students are eating breakfast
- Idea: grab and go breakfast. If kids are allowed to eat their breakfast in first period, it would encourage more kids to eat breakfast.
- Step 1: Inform. Information should go to all stakeholders (custodians, teachers, administrators, etc.)
- Teachers can give ownership to students over handing out food, cleaning up, etc.
- Limit types of foods in classroom to limit possibility of messes
- The principal and superintendent need to be behind the idea in order to enforce it with teachers
- Teachers can give ownership to students over handing out food, cleaning up, etc.
- Step 2: Provide information about different modes of service
- Breakfast in the Classroom
- This is the most difficult mode, with the most variation
- Schools could use Universal Breakfast or CEP to ease the process
- This is the most difficult mode, with the most variation
- Need more people involved in process (administrators, teachers, custodians, students, food service)
- Grab and go
- Have carts in different locations where there is high-traffic
- Have carts in different locations where there is high-traffic
- Breakfast in the Classroom
- Idea: Create a brochure giving schools options about how to serve breakfast
- Barrier: There are resources already available on CDE and USDA websites
- Educating kids on importance of breakfast
- Get resources/information into the hands of people
- An information campaign: informing schools and districts about the need for breakfast, as well as providing them with some of the modes of service
- Wellness Committees are a good place to start
- Find out data on what schools are serving breakfast and share this as part of information campaign
- Data on numbers, number of breakfasts, number of schools serving
- Data on numbers, number of breakfasts, number of schools serving
- A web page that is succinct and provides the following information:
- Why serve breakfast?
- Obstacles to serving breakfast
- How to overcome obstacles
- Getting stakeholder buy-in: How will this affect everybody?
- Tips to promoting breakfast in schools
- Provide links to the USDA breakfast resources
- Why serve breakfast?
- Wellness Committees are a good place to start
- School Breakfast Week could be the launch for this
- Staffing issues: Who will watch over kids?
- Anything that is developed needs to be approved by the November meeting in order for it to happen for National Breakfast Week in March
- Bring ideas and information back for the next meeting on November 18
- Need to develop and agree on content
- Need to develop and agree on content
- Bring ideas and information back for the next meeting on November 18
- This could also be an ongoing project, beyond March, but there needs to be agreement on what will be rolled out in March
Headings and areas to research:
- Why is this important? (Barbara, Patrick)
- Learning outcomes
- Statistics/research (Caroline)
- Interconnection between breakfast, academic success, and health (physical, emotional, mental) (Helen, Colby)
- Learning outcomes
- How to increase participation; styles of serving/programs (Larry)
- Marketing
- Styles of serving/programs (Larry)
- Grab and go
- Second chance carts
- Breakfast after the bell
- Grab and go
- Marketing
- Obstacles/barriers (Clell)
- Stakeholders/stakeholder buy-in
- Reimbursement/financial impact (Clell)
- Menu ideas
- Process to begin SBP
- Assessing program and the need
- CNIPS application
- Assessing program and the need
- Resources—marketing, posters, trainings, recipes
Item 6
Subject: Agenda topics for next meeting
From CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair
The topic of discussion: Brainstorming for agenda items
- Standing items
- Legislative Update
- Use the bulk of the meeting for finalizing Item 5 above
Clell Hoffman, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 2:47 p.m.