Parent Involvement and Family Engagement
Information to support the engagement of parents and families in education and in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development process.Importance of Engaging Families
Why is meaningful engagement of parents and families important? For years, research has shown that strong family-school partnerships lead to improved student outcomes, such as:
- Improved identification of needs
- Improved social emotional development
- Improved attendance
- Improved academics
- Lower suspension rates
- Increased graduation rates
- Improved preparation for college/career
Outcomes are best achieved when families and schools work together, collaboratively and in an ongoing partnership that is focused on supporting improved learning and development outcomes.
Overview of Requirements
Each local educational agency (LEA) is required to adopt a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with goals that address all applicable state priorities, one of which is Priority 3 (Parental Involvement and Family Engagement). Priority 3 asks LEAs to address parental involvement and family engagement, including efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each individual school site, and including how the school district will promote parental participation in programs for unduplicated students (low income, foster youth and English learners) and individuals with exceptional needs.
In addition, among other things, the superintendent of a school district or a county office of education is required to:
- Present the LCAP and/or annual update to the LCAP to advisory committees (parent advisory committee, English learner parent advisory committee and student advisory committee, as applicable) for review and comment; and
- Respond, in writing, to comments received from the parent advisory committee.
As part of the local indicator requirements for Priority 3, LEAs are required to:
- Monitor their progress related to parental involvement and family engagement;
- Report to their local board at the same meeting in which they adopt the LCAP; and
- Report to the Dashboard.
Planning and Implementation
When planning, LEAs are encouraged to consider current needs, research and best practices for achieving strong family-school partnerships that promote improved student outcomes, in addition to the requirements for consultation and engagement in the development of the LCAP.
For additional considerations, please refer to slide number 18 and slides 45-53 of the Engaging Educational Partners presentation (PPTX).
The following are some resources which may be helpful to LEAs and educational partners, including parents. These resources are intended to provide a starting point for resources; however, they are not intended to encompass all existing resources.
- First 5 California: Early Childhood Resources for California's Children
Resources for parents related to early childhood learning and development
- National Association for the Education of Young Children: For Families
Resources for parents related to child development, reading, writing, music, math, etc.
- Learning Heroes: Dear Teacher Letter
An example of one letter that helps parents to introduce their child to the teacher, describe their child’s needs and identify goals for the year
- Learning Heroes: Parent-Teacher Planning Tool
An example of a tool to get ready for parent-teacher conferences
- Family Involvement & Partnerships - Special Education
Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities
- Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs
Resources to support the improvement of outcomes for multilingual students with exceptional needs
- Supporting High Quality Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
Resources to support meaningful engagement in the IEP process
- Dual Capacity: The Dual Capacity Building Framework (Version 2)
National framework designed to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs that is based on research and best practice
- Family Engagement Core Competencies (National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement)
One example of core competencies (knowledge and skills) for staff working with families developed through a partnership with researchers, educational practitioners, and staff from the National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement
- Participatory Systems Change for Equity: An Inquiry Guide for Child-, Youth-, and Family-Serving Agencies (WestEd)
Resources for engaging local community members in systems change
- Self-Reflection Tool for Priority 3 (DOCX)
Self-Reflection Tool for Priority 3 (Parental Involvement and Family Engagement) that supports LEAs in monitoring progress, identifying needs, and considering areas to address in LCAP
- LCFF Priority 3 Statement of Model Practices
Example of practices that promoting parental and family engagement
- Family Engagement Toolkit: Continuous Improvement Through an Equity Lens (PDF) and Editable Templates
Toolkit and editable templates to support family engagement through a continuous improvement and equity lens
- System Improvement Leads
Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPA) System Improvement Leads (SIL) Project resources focused on building the capacity of SELPAs and LEAs to improve outcomes for students with disabilities
- Open Access 2.0 | Learning and Participation for All Students
Resources to support students with disabilities including those related to universal design for learning, accessible technology, and augmentative alternative communication
External Organizations Supporting Family and Community Engagement
Following are some external organizations that support family and community engagement:
- Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation
- Community Engagement Intiative
- National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement (NAFSCE)
- Institute for Educational Leadership
- Global Family Research Project
- Carnegie Corporation
- Educational Laboratory West (REL, West)
- California State Family Engagement Network Resources
Legal Requirements
Following are links to some statutes by topic:
- Requirement to address Priority 3 (Parental Involvement and Family Engagement) in the LCAP: California Education Code (EC) Section 52060(d)(3) (California Legislative Information)
- LCAP consultation requirements
- Districts: EC Section 52060(g) (California Legislative Information)
- County offices of education (COEs): EC Section 52068(g) (California Legislative Information)
- Charter schools: EC Section 47606.5(g) (California Legislative Information)
- Single school districts and charter schools using the LCAP as the School Plan for Student Achivement (SPSA): EC Section 64001(j) (California Legislative Information)
- Parent Advisory Committee, English Learner Parent Advisory Committee and Student Advisory Committee Requirements
- Greene Act requirements: EC Section 35147(b) (California Legislative Information)
- Definitions: California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) Section 15495 (Westlaw)
- Legal rights of parents to participate in their children's education: EC sections 51100-51102 (California Legislative Information)