News Release
News Release
March 19, 2021
$6 Billion in Reopening and Expanded Learning Funding Amounts for TK-12 Schools Now Available
SACRAMENTO—The California Department of Education (CDE) today has posted estimated local education agency (LEA) allocations from the $6.6 billion made available as part of the Assembly Bill (AB) 86
COVID-19 relief package. The funding provided by AB 86 will accelerate the safe return to in-person instruction across California and provide schools the resources to expand academic, mental health and social-emotional supports, including over the summer.
“As more school districts across California announce plans to bring students back into classrooms, we at the CDE are providing the technical support our schools need to access resources in a timely way so educators can focus on providing a safe return to in-person learning, accelerate learning, and begin recovering,” said State Superintendent Tony Thurmond.
A breakdown of how the $2 billion for In-Person Instruction (IPI) Grants and $4.6 billion for Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grants were determined for each LEA are available on the CDE IPI and ELO Grants Funding Results web page.
Funding for the IPI Grants was determined based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The ELO Grants are also determined based on the LCFF with an additional $1,000 for each homeless student.
The $2 billion IPI grants are available to LEAS offering in-person instruction, including hybrid models, by April 1, 2021, and funding will be reduced by one percent for each calendared instructional day that all required groups are not receiving in-person instruction. IPI Grants will be forfeited if a local education agency does not offer in-person instruction for all required student groups by May 15, 2021. IPI Grants can be used for purposes associated with in-person instruction including COVID-19 testing, cleaning and disinfection, personal protective equipment, ventilation, salaries, and social and mental health support services.
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant makes up the remaining $4.6 billion, which can be used for extended instructional learning time, learning supports, health, counseling mental health and social emotional learning, community learning hubs, supports for credit deficient pupils, and training for school staff.
LEAs will need to adopt and submit a plan for the new funding.
In May 2021, LEAs will receive 50 percent of their estimated allocation for both the IPI and ELO Grants. Allocation amounts for both the IPI and ELO Grants will be recalculated based on final data for the fiscal year. In August 2021, LEAs will receive the remainder of their allocation, less any reduction or forfeiture of IPI Grants described above.
LEAs must spend funds by August 31, 2022.
CDE is developing a list of Frequently Asked Questions that will be posted to its website in the near future. Questions may be directed to and
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Tony Thurmond —
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Communications Division, Room 5602, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100