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Child Care Reporting--Child has an IEP or IFSP

The "Child has an IEP or IFSP" information field indicates if a child has an active Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) on file with the agency. Children with exceptional needs are described in EC Section 8208(l)(2). These children require the special attention of adults in a child care setting. In addition, a child who is otherwise eligible for subsidized child care services (except in CSPP) may be served until age 21 years if he or she has an active IEP or IFSP and is receiving appropriate special education and related services.

Where to Find It

Required exceptional needs documentation should be in the family file. Documentation must include a copy of an active IEP or IFSP.

Please check the IEP or IFSP box or input "Y" in the electronic file if the child's IEP or IFSP was active for at least one day of the report period.

Rules and Guidelines

To indicate whether or not a child meets the description of children with exceptional needs, follow the steps below:

  • For agencies using the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function, answer either "Y" (child meets the description above) or "N" (the child does not meet the description above) in the file for each child.
  • For agencies using the CDD-801A Input/Edit function, check the box for "Child has IEP or IFSP" to indicate the child meets the description above. Do not check the box if there is no IEP or IFSP on file for the child.

Note: The "Child has IEP" question also allows agencies to report children who exceed the upper-age limit of 12 years old for the following programs: C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CCTR, CFCC, CMIG, and CMAP. There is no override of the age limits for children receiving services in CSPP.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • "Child has IEP" is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B] (effective as of the September 2013 CDD-801A)

Problem: The information in for the "Child has IEP" was not provided.

Solution: Confirm that "Y" or "N" is indicated in the electronic file; confirm that "Yes" or "No" is selected from the dropdown list.

  • Invalid Child has IEP information. [801A Electronic File Transfer]

Problem: The information in the electronic file for the Child’s IEP is not acceptable.

Solution: Confirm that “Y” or “N”  is indicated in the electronic file.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know if the child meets the definition of exceptional needs?

    The family file will contain a copy of an active IEP or IFSP.

  • What if the family's file does not contain an active IEP or IFSP?

    If there is no active IEP or IFSP in the family's file, answer "No" to this question. Only answer "Yes" if the child has an active IEP or IFSP on file with the agency.
  • What is considered an active IEP or IFSP?

    The “active IEP or IFSP” period is the initial meeting date through the special education (SPED) exit date.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 04, 2024
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