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Child Care Reporting--Child is English Learner

Child is English Learner (CDD-801A only)

The Child is English Learner information field indicates if a child is an English learner. English learner students are those students for whom there is a report of a primary language other than English on the state-approved Home Language Survey and who, on the basis of the state approved oral language (grades kindergarten through twelve) assessment procedures and literacy (grades three through twelve only), have been determined to lack the clearly defined English language skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing necessary to succeed in the school's regular instructional programs. (R30-LC).

Note: Children being served in California State Preschool Program (CSPP) must select “Not Applicable” from the dropdown list (Input/Edit) or leave this field blank in the electronic file (Electronic File Transfer). This data will be collected in a portal called the Preschool Language Information System (PLIS). Contractors are required to submit the PLIS report on a quarterly basis, with the first required report containing information on children enrolled between January 1-March 31, 2023. The submission period for the first required report will open on April 1, 2023, and remain open until April 20, 2023.

Where to Find It

On the ELCD-9600, look in the box “Is Child limited English Proficient” in Section IV: Data on Children.

Rules and Guidelines

For agencies using the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function:

  • Indicate “Y” in the electronic file if the child is an English Learner.
  • Indicate “N” in the electronic file if the child is not an English Learner.
  • Leave the field blank in the electronic file if the child is too young to be enrolled in kindergarten or too old to be enrolled in twelfth grade.

For agencies using the CDD-801A Input/Edit function, select one of the following:

  • Select “Yes” if the child is an English Learner.
  • Select “No” if the child is not an English Learner.
  • Select “Not Applicable” if the child is too young to be enrolled in kindergarten or too old to be enrolled in twelfth grade.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • “Child is English Learner” information provided is invalid. [801A Electronic File Transfer]

Problem: The information for Child is English Learner is invalid because it contains information other than “Y”, “N”, or blank.

Solution: Confirm that “Y” or “N” is entered, or that the field is blank for this question.

  • Answer to Child is English Learner is required. [801A File Transfer], [801A Web Input]

Problem: The question “Child is English Learner” is not answered.

Solution: For the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer, confirm the file contains "Y", "N", or is blank for this question. For the CDD-801A Input/Edit, confirm that you've selected "Yes", "No", or "Not Applicable" from the dropdown list.

  • Child is English Learner must be answered “Yes” or “No” because child’s date of birth indicates they are kindergarten through twelfth grade age. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The child’s date of birth indicates this child is of school-age (kindergarten through twelfth grade); however, “Yes” or “No” is not answered for this question.

Solution: Confirm the child’s date of birth. Confirm the answer to the question “Child is English Learner.” Confirm that “Yes” or “No” is answered for this question.

  • Child is English Learner cannot be answered “Yes” or “No” because child’s date of birth indicates they are too young for kindergarten or too old for twelfth grade. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The child’s date of birth indicates this child is not school-age (kindergarten through twelfth grade); however, “Yes” or “No” is answered for this question.

Solution: Confirm the child’s date of birth. Confirm the answer to the question “Child is English Learner.” Confirm that the field is blank in the electronic file (Electronic File Transfer) or that “Not Applicable” is selected from the dropdown list (Input/Edit).

FAQs about Child is English Learner

  • How do I know if the child is an English learner?

The child data section of the ELCD-9600 contains a column labeled “Is child limited English proficient?” If this section contains a “Y” then this indicates the child is an English Learner. If it contains an “N” then this means the child is not an English learner.

  • What if the family files does not contain this information?

This information is required on the ELCD-9600. If this information is missing, contact the family and update the information in the family file.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 15, 2024
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