Head of Household Zip Code
The Head of Household (HoH) Zip Code information field indicates the zip code of the residence of the HoH for the family receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED).
Where to Find It
On the ELCD-9600, look in Section I Family Identification, or
On the California Department of Education (CDE) Notice of Action (CD-7617 form), “Parent/Caretaker Information”
Note: Check to see if the family has a subsequent Notice of Action on file (not the initial notice) that applies to the report period (i.e., completed on or before the report period, as indicated by the effective date of action). If a Notice of Action is on file and the name is different, enter the updated information.
Rules and Guidelines
This information field is required.
The zip code must contain nine digits. The primary five-digit zip code and the four-digit extension.
Enter numbers only.
The zip code and Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code must be consistent.
Error Messages and Solutions
- The Zip Code is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]
Problem: The Zip Code field is blank. This field must have information.
Solution: Enter the zip code of the HoH’s residence.
- A valid Head of Household Zip Code must have nine numbers. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]
Problem: An incomplete Zip Code or letters instead of numbers is entered.
Solution: Confirm that all nine digits of the zip code are entered. Confirm that only numbers are entered.
- The Zip Code does not exist in the FIPS Code provided. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]
Problem: The zip code entered does not exist in the county indicated by the FIPS code.
Solution: Confirm that the zip code (first five digits) and the FIPS code for the HoH’s residence are entered correctly. Use the “Zip/FIPS Lookup” function available on the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) Main Menu to verify the accuracy of the FIPS code based on the first five digits of the zip code.
Frequently Asked Questions
- The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not provide mail delivery to some of our families residences and there is not a nine-digit zip code associated with their residence. Some families have a Post Office Box and some pick up their mail, General Delivery, at their local Post Office. What Zip Code should I report for these families?
For instances where the USPS does not provide mail delivery to the HoH's residence, use the nine-digit zip code associated with the family’s P.O. Box or the Post Office's five-digit zip code plus "9999" if the family picks up their mail via General Delivery.
- Which zip code do I use--the family's residence or the zip code of the child care provider?
For the HoH Zip Code information field, enter the zip code of the family’s residence.
- I am trying to enter a zip code provided by a family, but the system is giving me the error message “The zip code does not exist in the geographic area for the FIPS Code provided” and I cannot save the information. What do I do?
The CDMIS uses the zip codes provided by the USPS, which are updated once each month. The zip code provided by the family may be incorrect or the zip code may be entered incorrectly. To verify a zip code, visit United States Postal Service Look Up a ZIP Code to obtain the nine-digit zip code.
The FIPS Code may also be entered incorrectly. (See data definition for Head-of-Household Federal Information Processing Standards Code.)
- I do not know/cannot find the four-digit extension of the zip code of the family’s residence. What do I do?
An agency should contact their local post office and request the four-digit extension of the zip code of the family’s residence. To look up the nearest post office, visit United States Postal Service Find Locations .
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