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Regional Technical Assistance and Coaching (RTAC)

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The Regional Technical Assistance and Coaching (RTAC) program provides technical assistance and coaching throughout California through regional sub-grants. RTAC sub-grantees disseminate best practices in their regions through the following activities:

  1. Recruit and facilitate charter school participants in Critical Friends Group (CFG) professional learning communities to develop high-quality schools, and
  2. Provide best practices workshops for both charter and non-charter schools in order to improve academic achievement for all students.

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Critical Friends Group Coaching

Each Regional RTAC sub-grantee has certified National School Reform Faculty External link opens in new window or tab. CFG Coaches on staff who will facilitate two cohorts of charter school participants per year in professional learning communities. Each cohort will engage in at least eight, two-hour monthly meetings and conduct school site visits for the purposes of peer-to-peer school improvement activities.

For additional information on CFG Coaching and how to apply to participate for the 202324 school year, please visit your Regional RTAC web page at:

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Best Practices Workshops

Each Regional RTAC sub-grantee will provide three best practices workshops for both charter and non-charter (district) school participants. Participation is completely free of charge. Best practices workshops will be provided in a hybrid format to allow for both in-person and virtual attendance, and will be archived for future reference. Workshop dates and registration information will be posted as it becomes available.

Upcoming Workshops

Navigator Schools

Navigator Schools is excited to host a three-part Best Practices Workshop for educators, administrators, and professionals! Details regarding each session are provided in the table below.

When and Where Workshop Title and Overview Registration Information

March 28, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Session 3: Increasing the Rigor of Instruction

Workshop Objectives:

  • Increase student discourse in the classroom through use of Habits of Discussion
  • Increase students’ cognitive lift through student written work and use of Concrete, Representational, and Abstract teaching (CRA) in math
  • Align vision for your role with students with daily routines and systems (compliance vs. creativity, gatekeeper vs. coach)
Navigator Schools Session 3 Registration External link opens in new window or tab.

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Previous Workshop Recordings and Materials

Regional RTAC and Event Date Training Topic Training Materials and Additional Resources

Central California: Navigator Schools

November 4, 2022

Workshop Title: Road Map to Academic Coaching

Workshop Objectives:

  • Implement academic coaching in order to improve academic achievement for educationally disadvantaged students.
  • Be disaster prepared. Create a plan to support students displaced by an emergency.
Road Map to Academic Coaching External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:22:19) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Central California: Navigator Schools

February 3, 2023

Workshop Title: Leading Adult Professional Learning

Workshop Objectives:

  • Define the vision for successful professional learning at your school.
  • Plan, deliver, and receive feedback on your own professional learning session.
RTAC: Leading Adult Professional Learning External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 3:43:49) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Central California: Navigator Schools

April 14, 2023

Workshop Title: Structures for Continuous Improvement

Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand the three (3) strategies – Circle Annotate Solve Explain (CASE), Restate Answer Cite Explain (RACE), Prove & Disprove – and when students would employ each strategy to attack English Language Arts (ELA) & math problems.
  • Practice each of the three (3) strategies – CASE, RACE, Prove & Disprove.
  • Plan for implementation of the three (3) strategies in participants’ classrooms or schools.
(Video; Not Yet Available)

Central California: Navigator Schools

September 28, 2023

Workshop Title: Building Classroom Culture, Influencing Student Engagement

Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand and plan for foundational routines and procedures to build urgency and set expectations
  • Understand and practice ‘Precise Praise’ and ‘Positive Framing’ techniques to increase student engagement and create a supportive classroom culture
  • Understand and plan for ‘Radar’ and ‘Change the Pace’ to increase student engagement
Best Practices Workshop 1 – Session and Participant Materials External link opens in new window or tab.

Central California: Navigator Schools

November 9, 2023

Workshop Title: Differentiating Instruction

Workshop Objectives:

  • Explore successful models for small group centers instruction to provide differentiation and lower student to teacher ratios
  • Learn how to leverage adaptive software (blended learning) programs to reduce student to teacher instruction ratios and differentiate learning
  • Use the disciplines of execution to engage students in their academic data (scoreboards)
Best Practices Workshop 2 – Session and Participant Materials External link opens in new window or tab.

Southern California: Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

December 2, 2022

Workshop Title: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Workshop Objective:

  • This is the first session, Tier 1 – Universal Approach, in a series of 3-full day workshops focused on SEL and a tiered approach to supporting your students.
RTAC: SEL and UDL External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 2:31:09) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Southern California: Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

February 3, 2023

Workshop Title: SEL and Whole-School Community Development

Workshop Objective:

  • This is the second session, Tier 2 – Targeted Supports, in a series of 3-full day workshops focused on SEL and a tiered approach to supporting your students.
RTAC: SEL and Whole-School Community Development External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:17:12) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Southern California: Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

February 3, 2023

Workshop Title: SEL and Mental Health

Workshop Objective:

  • This is the third session, Tier 3 – Intensive Supports, in a series of 3-full day workshops focused on SEL and a tiered approach to supporting your students.
RTAC: SEL and Mental Health External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 2:48:05) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Southern California: Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

October 6, 2023

Workshop Title: Community Partnership and Collaboration to Support PDP

Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand best practices of PDP to support implementation in various settings
  • Watch a live demonstration of PDP
  • Discuss the importance of community partnerships to the overall effectiveness of transition programming
RTAC: Community Partnership and Collaboration to Support PDP External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 38:40) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

Southern California: Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

February 9, 2024

Workshop Title: PDP to Promote Successful Work-Based Learning and Competitive Integrated Employment

Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand Work-Based Learning and Competitive Integrated Employment programming supported by PDP
  • Explore business partnership resources
  • Plan for post-secondary education and career pathways to support future career opportunities
RTAC: PDP to Promote Successful Work-Based Learning and Competitive Integrated Employment External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 2:56:58) (Note: Portions of the video have been edited for length and content.)

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Regional RTAC Contact Information

To better serve all the geographic regions of the state, sub-grants were awarded on a regional basis: North, Central, and South. The regions are based on the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) geographic regions External link opens in new window or tab.. Regional RTAC activities are managed by the following sub-grantees:

Region Sub-Grantee Contact Information
Central California
(Regions 4-7)
Navigator Schools External link opens in new window or tab.
Project Manager: Marlena Lopez
Phone: 559-361-5151
Southern California
(Regions 8-11)
Chapman University Thompson Policy Institute on Disability
In collaboration with El Dorado Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
Project Manager: Audri Gomez
Phone: 714-628-2858

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Questions:   Regional Technical Assistance and Coaching | | 916-322-6029
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
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