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Program Summary

Information on program purpose, services, outcomes, students served, and results for Countywide Plans for Expelled Students.


California Education Code (EC) Section 48916.1(a) provides that, at the time an expulsion of a pupil is ordered, the governing board of the school district shall ensure that an education program is provided to the pupil during the expulsion period. EC Section 48926 requires county superintendents, in conjunction with district superintendents within the county, to develop a plan for providing education services to all expelled pupils within that county. The plan was to be adopted by both the governing board of each school district within the county and by the county board of education, and then submitted to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1997. EC Section 48926 further requires that each county superintendent of schools, in conjunction with district superintendents in the county, submit a triennial update to that plan to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.


EC Section 48926 provides specifically that:

The plan shall enumerate existing educational alternatives for expelled pupils, identify gaps in educational services to expelled pupils, and strategies for filling those service gaps. The plan shall also identify alternative placements for pupils who are expelled and placed in district community day school programs, but who fail to meet the terms and conditions of their rehabilitation plan or who pose a danger to other district pupils, as determined by the governing board.

The State School Attendance Review Board (Board) provides statewide policy coordination to divert students with serious attendance and behavior problems from the juvenile justice system and to reduce the number of dropouts in the state public education system. The Board strongly recommends that the plans address progress being made in providing educational placement options and services to high-risk youth since the last plans were submitted, as well as looking forward.

The plans should address the following components:

  1. For each of the gaps in educational services to expelled pupils that were identified in the plan submitted, discuss the implementation of the strategies outlined for filling those service gaps.
  • Were the strategies successful? If not, what were the obstacles?
  • What additional strategies were implemented? Were they successful?
  1. Enumerate the educational services that are currently available and outline strategies for improvement during the next three years.
  • What are the current educational alternatives for expelled pupils?
  • Identify gaps in educational services to expelled pupils.
  • Outline strategies for filling those service gaps.
  1. Specifically, identify alternative placements for pupils who are expelled and placed in district community day school programs but who fail to meet the terms and conditions of their rehabilitation plan or who pose a danger to other district pupils, as determined by the governing board.

  2. The countywide plans require a regional perspective. Discuss the articulation and coordination between school districts and the county office of education in providing educational placements for expelled pupils.


The desired outcome is to ensure that appropriate educational placement options are available for students who have been expelled and as well as other at-risk/at-promise students. This will also result in:

  • Closing the achievement gap
  • Decreasing the dropout rate
  • Increasing the graduation rate

Students Served

Students enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade who have been expelled pursuant to EC sections 48900 et seq and 48915 et seq.


The countywide plans that have been submitted to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction are available at Countywide Plans.

Questions: Dan Sackheim | | 916-445-5595 
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Recently Posted in Educational Options