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State Seal of Biliteracy

Information about the California State Seal of Biliteracy program and its requirements for students, parents, and educators.

The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English.

Updates for the 2024–25 School Year

Assembly Bill (AB) 370 was signed by Governor Newsom on October 7, 2023. This web page has been updated to reflect the new requirements beginning with 2023–24 graduates. Please see the SSB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for additional information. There are no changes to the requirements for the 2024–25 school year.

Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions

For more information on the Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions, visit the CDE Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions web page.


The SSB, per AB 815 External link opens in new window or tab. (Brownley, Chapter 618, Statutes of 2011), became effective January 1, 2012, and was amended in 2017 per AB 1142 External link opens in new window or tab. , effective January 1, 2018, and by AB 370 External link opens in new window or tab., effective January 1, 2024. California Education Code sections 51460–51464 External link opens in new window or tab. establish the SSB program and its requirements. This program recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. The SSB will be awarded by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in accordance with specified criteria set forth in the legislation.

Importance of the SSB Letter to the Field
The Importance of the SSB Letter to the Field gives the history of the SSB program and explains the program's purpose and importance as reaffirmed by State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond.

For Students and Families


2024–25 SSB Requirements Flyer (PDF) The SSB Requirements Flyer provides an overview of the SSB requirements. This flyer may be used by students in appointments with their counselors to understand progress towards meeting the SSB requirements. This flyer reflects updated eligibility requirements established in California Education Code (EC) Section 51461.

How to Participate

If you believe that you or your child is eligible for the SSB, please contact a counselor or administrator at your school. You can check to see if your school or district participates in the SSB program by clicking on the “Data” tab above and clicking on the tab for your county. All public schools are eligible to participate in the program.

If the school or district does not yet participate, you can share this web page with a counselor, teacher, or administrator at the school as well as the contact information below. The SSB is an optional program and participation is voluntary.

California Department of Education Resources

SSB Requirements Poster (PDF)
The SSB Requirements Poster may be printed on large paper and hung in classrooms, guidance counselor offices, and other areas where students and parents may see it.

SSB Bookmark (PDF)
The SSB Bookmark may be distributed to students, parents, counselors, teachers, and administrators to spread awareness about the program and its requirements. This bookmark is two-sided and should be printed back to front.

Partner Resources

EdSource Quick Guide: How and Why to Get the SSB External link opens in new window or tab.
This guide, published July 15, 2024, provides a quick overview of what the SSB is, how it benefits students, how to apply, what the requirements are, and more.


Please note, the requirements beginning with the 2023–24 school year have been amended per AB 370 External link opens in new window or tab.. The information and resources below have been updated to reflect the new requirements effective January 1, 2024. These requirements apply to all students seeking the SSB beginning with 2024 graduates.

The FAQs section includes responses to common inquiries about the SSB program and procedures.

California Educators Together SSB Group External link opens in new window or tab. (Account Required)
The California Educators Together SSB Group is a space for educators and education leaders who are involved in coordinating the SSB or Biliteracy Pathway Recognition programs. This group will include the latest news, events, and resources related to the SSB and Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions and includes a space for members to share their own resources. Educators interested in joining will be prompted to create a free California Educators Together account.

Posters, Booklets, and Handouts

2024–25 SSB Requirements Flyer (PDF) The SSB Requirements Flyer provides an overview of the SSB requirements. This flyer may be used by students in appointments with their counselors to understand progress towards meeting the SSB requirements. This flyer reflects updated eligibility requirements established in California Education Code (EC) Section 51461.

SSB Requirements Poster (PDF)
The SSB Requirements Poster may be printed on large paper and hung in classrooms, guidance counselor offices, and other areas where students and parents may see it.

SSB Bookmark (PDF)
The SSB Bookmark may be distributed to students, parents, counselors, teachers, and administrators to spread awareness about the program and its requirements. This bookmark is two-sided and should be printed back to front.

SSB Implementation Guide (DOCX)
The SSB Implementation Guide provides all of the information and resources needed to start an SSB program or strengthen an existing SSB program. The guide includes basic information on the SSB, best practices for building an SSB program, information on creating paths to biliteracy, a self-assessment tool, and other resources.


SSB Webinar External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 59:07)
This webinar was recorded on November 8, 2023. It includes an overview of the SSB program and its purpose, the requirements (as updated by AB 370), logistics for local educational agencies participating in the program, information and resources for equity and raising awareness, and information and resources for creating paths to biliteracy and the SSB. The link document that includes resources referenced throughout the webinar is available below.

SSB Webinar Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

SSB Webinar Slides (PPTX)
The slides above are from the SSB webinar. They provide an overview of the SSB program and its purpose, the requirements (as updated by AB 370), logistics for local educational agencies participating in the program, information and resources for equity and raising awareness, and information and resources for creating paths to biliteracy and the SSB. This presentation can be used to inform district or school site staff, parents, students, and other interested parties about the SSB program.

Participation Data

Participation data for the previous school year is posted annually in the fall. This data is compiled from self-reported data received from local educational agencies via the Insignia Request Form. To correct participation data, please contact the California Department of Education Multilingual Support Division by email at

2023-24 Participation Data

2023–24 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2023–24 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2023–24 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages
This page lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2023–24 school year.

2023–24 Participating Current and Former English Learners (XLSX)
This Excel spreadsheet includes data on the number of current and former English learner (EL) students who earned the SSB in 2023–24 by county and district. This data includes students currently classified as EL students at the time they earned the seal as well as students who reclassified prior to earning the seal (at any time, kindergarten through grade twelve).

Historical Participation Data

2022–23 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2022–23 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2022–23 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages
This page lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2022–23 school year.

2022–23 Participating Current and Former English Learners (XLSX)
This Excel spreadsheet includes data on the number of current and former English learner (EL) students who earned the SSB in 2022–23 by county and district. This data includes students currently classified as EL students at the time they earned the seal as well as students who reclassified prior to earning the seal (at any time, kindergarten through grade twelve).

2021–22 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2021-22 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2021–22 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages
This page lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2021–22 school year.

2021–22 Participating Current and Former English Learners (XLSX)
This Excel spreadsheet includes data on the number of current and former EL students who earned the SSB in 2021–22 by county and district. This data includes students currently classified as EL students at the time they earned the seal as well as students who reclassified prior to earning the seal (at any time, kindergarten through grade twelve).

2020–21 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages
This page lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2020–21 school year.

2020–21 Participating Current and Former English Learners (XLSX)
This Excel spreadsheet includes data on the number of current and former EL students who earned the SSB in 2020–21 by county and district. This data includes students currently classified as EL students at the time they earned the seal as well as students who reclassified prior to earning the seal (at any time, kindergarten through grade twelve).

2020–21 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2020-21 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2019–20 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages (DOCX)
This document lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2019–20 school year.

2019–20 Participating Current and Former English Learners (XLSX)
This Excel spreadsheet includes data on the number of current and former EL students who earned the SSB in 2019–20 by county and district. This data includes students currently classified as EL students at the time they earned the seal as well as students who reclassified prior to earning the seal (at any time kindergarten through grade twelve).

2019–20 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2019–20 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2018–19 Districts Awarding the SSB in Less Commonly Awarded Languages (DOCX)
This document lists the counties and districts that awarded the SSB in less common languages during the 2018–19 school year.

2018–19 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2018–19 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2017–18 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2017–18 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2016–17 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2016–17 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2015–16 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2015–16 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2014–15 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2014–15 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.

2013–14 List of Districts and Schools Participating (XLSX)
Each tab on the Excel spreadsheet represents a different participating county. List includes participating districts and schools by county for the 2013–14 school year and the number of seals awarded by county and district in each language.


Please note, the requirements beginning with the 2023–24 school year have been amended per AB 370 External link opens in new window or tab.. These updated requirements apply to 2025 graduates. The information and resources below have been updated to reflect the new requirements effective January 1, 2024.

Updated Guidance for Awarding the SSB, starting with 2023–24
This letter explains the updated procedures for awarding the SSB, per AB 370, which are in effect starting with the 2023–24 school year. The procedures in this letter apply to the 2024–25 school year.

2024–25 SSB Requirements Flyer (PDF)
The SSB Requirements Flyer is a resource that may be distributed to districts, schools, students, and families to communicate the requirements for earning the SSB. This flyer reflects updated eligibility requirements established in California Education Code (EC) Section 51461.

SSB Eligibility Tracker for Schools and Districts (XLSX)
The SSB Eligibility Tracker is an optional resource for internal school or district use to track eligible students and ensure that they meet the SSB eligibility requirements. This checklist reflects the requirements established in EC Section 51461.

Letter Regarding SSB Data Collection on the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
This letter explains how SSB data is collected on CALPADS and how SSB data will be a component of the College/Career Indicator in the 2018 California School Dashboard.

Assessment List

The assessments statutorily identified for demonstrating proficiency in a language other than English are the Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and ACTFL (AP, IB, and ACTFL).

The assessment list below is provided as an optional resource to identify locally approved assessments where a local educational agency (LEA) does not use one of the statutorily identified assessments (California Education Code [EC] Section 51461[c]).

LEA-Approved World Language Assessments

If you have questions about a locally approved assessment or an LEA’s approval process, please contact that LEA directly. This list is compiled from self-reported data submitted by LEAs through the online Insignia Request Form during the 2022–23 school year.

Certifying Locally Approved Assessments

LEAs must certify that any world language proficiency assessment(s) it uses, other than those specified in EC 51461(a)(3), meet the rigor of a four-year high school course of study and, at a minimum, assess speaking, reading, and writing in the language at the proficient level or higher (EC Section 51461[a][2][C]). LEAs may certify locally approved assessments when submitting the online Insignia Request Form annually.

Insignia Request Process

A school district, county office of education, or direct-funded charter school that participates in the SSB program must maintain appropriate records to identify qualifying students and may complete and submit the online Insignia Request Form (California Education Code Section 51463[a]). The Insignia Request Form may be submitted at any time; however, it is recommended that requests be submitted far enough in advance to allow time for the California Department of Education (CDE) to process the requests and for insignias to be affixed to diplomas or transcripts. Participation is voluntary and no fee may be charged to the student.

The CDE will mail to the requestor one seal per eligible student to be affixed to the diploma or transcript.

Insignia Request Form

SSB Insignia Request Form
Please note, a public school, school district, county office of education, or direct-funded charter school may use this form. Parents, guardians, and students should contact the school or school district to verify eligibility and to find out if the school participates in the SSB program. If the student qualifies, the local educational agency will verify that the student has met the criteria and submit this form on behalf of the student.

The form opens in a new window. Please read the directions and then click the "next" button at the bottom of the screen to begin filling out the form. When the Insignia Request Form is submitted, an automatically generated email is sent to the submitter. If the submitter does not receive an automatically generated email or if the insignias requested do not arrive after two weeks, please contact the CDE Multilingual Support Division by email at

Questions:   Multilingual Support Division | | 916-319-0938
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 03, 2024
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