SB 210 Committee Minutes for March 7, 2017
March 2017 Meeting Minutes for Senate Bill 210 (Galgiani) Committee.SB 210 Committee Meeting
March 7, 2017
NorCal Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Present: Ronda Rufsvold, Ann Dexheimer, Michele Tompkins, Georgette Visco, Ross Adams, Michele Berke, Tony Ronco, Sheri Farinha
Excused: Jane Freutel, Marla Hatrak, Elizabeth Foronda, Kristi Panek
Visitors: Cindy Dickeson, Jill Muhs, Esperanza Ross
Interpreters; Jim, Steve, Karyn, Molly
Staff: Kovina Miller, Nancy Grosz Sager
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 by facilitator Sheri Farinha.
Introductions and housekeeping.
Minutes of January 10 – Ann commented her group removed duplicates and simplified language.
Licia moved (Michele B 2nd) approve minutes as corrected. Motion passed.
Sheri broke the group into workgroups.
- 0-1 Licia and Michele B. (Jill Muhs and Kovina Miller participated)
- 1-2 Georgette and Michele T
- 2-3 Tony and Cindy (participating visitor)
- 3-4 Ann and Ross
- 4-5 Ronda and Sheri
Directions for group tasks:
- Narrow down to 10 milestones for each age leve
- Reduce redundancy
- Ensure parent-friendly wording
- Separate “speech” from language (consonant sounds, classifiers)
- Keep it broad
Working lunch
2:00 p.m.
Each group briefly presented their group work.
What to do if same milestone comes up at different ages eg expresses wants and needs.
Preamble – explain that development is not linear – will see things again and again – might be same milestone but more complex at older ages
Comment – parent friendly – by xxx months child will….
3:00 p.m. NGS presented language assessment tools
Discussion -
What assessment tools?
Use two tools for children learning ASL and English; one tool only for children using only spoken English.
At next meeting, we will look at the following assessment tools:
- Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)
- Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Learning, and Speech (CASLLS)
- Visual Communication and Sign Language (VCSL)
- Batelle
- MacArthur
- Ages and Stages (ASQ)
- Preschool Language Scale (PLS)
New family what to do? Test in one or both?
Idea for parent profile - beautiful map (like a board game) of language milestones.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Nancy will send a doodle for next meeting.