California School Dashboard Flyers for 2018
Dashboard flyers for 2018 providing a summary for parents.2018 Dashboard Flyers (1 and 2 page summaries)
Data Used for the 2018 Dashboard (PDF)
A one page document explaining what Data will be used for the 2018 Dashboard.
College/Career Indicator for 2018 Dashboard (PDF)
A quick overview of the state indicator that measures the preparedness of students after high school graduation.
2018 Dashboard Flyers for Parents
The Dashboard has a New Look (PDF)
The 2018 Dashboard has a new look! Dashboard 2.0 is friendlier, simpler to use, and easier to understand.
Getting to Know the 2018 California School Dashboard (PDF)
A one page document to help communicate the California School Dashboard to Stakeholders.
Getting to Know the Measures (PDF)
A two page document
that explains the six state measures that provide important information on how schools are serving their students.
How Dashboard Colors are Determined (PDF)
This document explains how the performance colors are determined on the Dashboard.