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Dashboard Webinars and PowerPoint Presentations

These presentations provide in-depth information on the Dashboard, including changes to the new business rules for the Academic Indicator, calculations for the graduation rate for DASS schools, and a focus on each of the state indicators.

Updates to the 2019 Dashboard

The new business rules for the Academic Indicator and calculations for the graduation rate for Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools

District of Residence and the Academic Indicator (PDF)
This presentation explains the new “district of residence” rules for Students with Disabilities and how they will be applied the Academic Indicator beginning with the 2019 Dashboard.

DASS Graduation Rate (PDF)
This slide-deck explains how the graduation rate for DASS schools is calculated using modified methods.

Webinar Series on the State Indicators

Each year, the California Department of Education hosts a series of webinars on the state indicators. The topics covered in each of the PowerPoints are described below:

Dashboard 101 (PDF)
This webinar is intended for site administrators or new district staff that are unfamiliar with the state's accountability system.

LCFF Criteria for Differentiated Assistance (PDF)
This webinar is intended for districts and charters and presents criteria for how charters are eligible for assistance under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) through the System of Support based on California School Dashboard results.

Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism (PDF)
Covering technical information, such as data sources, calculation methodologies, and rules used to calculate the Suspension Rate and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators.

Graduation Rate and College/Career Indicators (PDF)
Providing an overview of the California School Dashboard and Accountability System Graduation Rate Indicator, New Methodology for Small Student Populations and College/Career Indicator.

Academic and English Learner Progress Indicators (PDF)
An overview of the California School Dashboard and Accountability System Academic and English Learner Progress Indicators.

Questions:   Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 30, 2024